Compile-time initialized map from string to any trivial constexpr type with linear time lookup (implementation - trie)
Time complexity: O(min(|S|, |S'|))
, where |S| is the length of the string and |S'| is the max length amongst the strings added to the data structure
Required language standard: C++20 (tested with g++ 13.2.0 and clang++ 16.0.5)
Example of usage as mapper from N
strings to integers 0
in the switch statement:
static constexpr auto sw = StringMatch<" foo" , " bar" , " baz" , " qux" >();
switch (sw (my_string)) {
case sw (" foo" ):
// my_string == "foo"
break ;
case sw (" bar" ):
// my_string == "bar"
break ;
case sw (" baz" ):
// my_string == "baz"
break ;
case sw (" qux" ):
// my_string == "qux"
break ;
case sw.kDefaultValue :
default :
break ;
static_assert (sw (" foo" ) == 0 );
static_assert (sw (" bar" ) == 1 );
static_assert (sw (" baz" ) == 2 );
static_assert (sw (" qux" ) == 3 );
static_assert (sw (" not_in" ) == sw.kDefaultValue );
static_assert (sw.kDefaultValue == 4 );
Example of usage as mapper from strings to enum values:
enum class SomeEnum {
kText1 ,
kText2 ,
kText3 ,
kText4 ,
kNone ,
using enum SomeEnum;
// First, pass N values in the std::array
// Then, pass default value
// Then, pass N string literals
static constexpr auto map = StringMap<
std::array{kText1 , kText2 , kText3 , kText4 , kText1 , kText3 },
/* DefaultMapValue = */ kNone ,
" text1" , " text2" , " text3" , " text4" , " Text1" , " Text3" >();
static_assert (map (" text1" ) == kText1 );
static_assert (map (" text2" ) == kText2 );
static_assert (map (" text3" ) == kText3 );
static_assert (map (" text4" ) == kText4 );
static_assert (map (" Text1" ) == kText1 );
static_assert (map (" Text3" ) == kText3 );
static_assert (map (" something else" ) == kNone );
static_assert (map.kDefaultValue == kNone );
Example of usage as mapper from strings to struct instances:
constexpr std::string_view kMyConstants [] = {" abc" , " def" , " ghi" , " sneaky input" };
struct MyTrivialType {
std::array<int , 2 > field1{};
int field2{};
constexpr MyTrivialType (int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) noexcept
: field1{arg1, arg2}, field2(arg3) {}
constexpr bool operator ==(const MyTrivialType&) const noexcept = default ;
static constexpr auto map = StringMap<
std::array{MyTrivialType (1 , 2 , 3 ), MyTrivialType (4 , 5 , 6 ), MyTrivialType (7 , 8 , 9 )},
/* DefaultMapValue = */ MyTrivialType (0 , 0 , 0 ),
kMyConstants [0 ], kMyConstants [1 ], kMyConstants [2 ]>();
static_assert (map (kMyConstants [0 ]) == MyTrivialType (1 , 2 , 3 ));
static_assert (map (kMyConstants [1 ]) == MyTrivialType (4 , 5 , 6 ));
static_assert (map (kMyConstants [2 ]) == MyTrivialType (7 , 8 , 9 ));
static_assert (map (kMyConstants [3 ]) == MyTrivialType (0 , 0 , 0 ));
static_assert (map.kDefaultValue == MyTrivialType (0 , 0 , 0 ));