Use GsonSerializer to serialize Gson JsonElement or Gson compatible Pojo class to Candid. Full documentation here
JsonElement jsonValue;
IDLType idlType;
IDLValue idlValue = IDLValue.create(jsonValue, GsonSerializer.create(idlType));
List<IDLValue> args = new ArrayList<IDLValue>();
IDLArgs idlArgs = IDLArgs.create(args);
byte[] buf = idlArgs.toBytes();
Use GsonDeserializer to deserialize Candid to Gson JsonElement or Gson compatible Pojo class
JsonElement jsonResult = IDLArgs.fromBytes(buf).getArgs().get(0)
.getValue(GsonDeserializer.create(idlValue.getIDLType()), JsonElement.class);
To add Java IC4J Candid library to your Java project use Maven or Gradle import from Maven Central.<dependency>
implementation 'org.ic4j:ic4j-candid-gson:'
This this is using these open source libraries
To manage Gson objects.
You need JDK 8+ to build IC4J Candid Gson.