Changelog v2.0.5 Library is now compatible with React 15.x.x. fixes #26 Now using an internal state. Various small changes based on React's suggestions. v2.0.4 Fixed issue with garbage collection during form/input removal. Thank you @tkandr. fixes #24 v2.0.3 Implemented componentWillReceiveProps() to update the state's value if it's dirty. v2.0.2 Added handy attrs() method which takes care of hard-setting a value prop on an input. (fixes #22) v2.0.1 Remove componentWillReceiveProps() Forced false error state on change. v2.0.0 Chnaged validate() to be async. Input component is now required to be a child of a Form component. Removed Qs library in favor of a custom serialization library. Removed immutable.js