for kubernetes implementation
- traefik - ingress with Lets Encrypt support
- phant - IoT datalogging (node.js)
- lighttpd - Static webserving
- webstatic
- (offline) partytime
- miniflux - feed reader
- external postgresql
- (offline) freshrss - feed reader
- external postgresql
- (offline) wikijs - markdown writing and sharing
- external postgresql
- (offline) BirdNET Pi - record and analyze bird song
# install role=master without the traefik
curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=v1.31 INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik" sh -
# get info for other nodes
K3S_TOKEN=$(sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token)
IP_ADDR=$(ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')
# run the command OUTPUT HERE on other nodes
echo curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io \| INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=v1.31 K3S_URL="${K3S_URL}" K3S_TOKEN="${K3S_TOKEN}" sh -
# once cluster up, may taint the control node so things don't get scheduled onto it
kubectl taint node rpif4 node-role.kubernetes.io/master=effect:NoSchedule
ssh to rpif2
(which will be our ingress)
# traefik lets encrypt storage
sudo mkdir -p /srv/configs/acme/
sudo touch /srv/configs/acme/acme.json
sudo chmod 600 /srv/configs/acme/acme.json
sudo touch /srv/configs/acme/acme-wc.json
sudo chmod 600 /srv/configs/acme/acme-wc.json
run on control plane node (via kubectl
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
# customize the DNS provider credentials (stored as secrets and passed as envariables)
# cp -i conf/traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.example.yaml \
# conf/traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.yaml
# $EDITOR conf/traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.yaml
kubectl create -f conf/traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.yaml
# inspect
kubectl get secret | grep traefik
kubectl get secret traefik-envariable-secrets -o yaml
kubectl get secret traefik-envariable-secrets -o json |\
jq -r '.data.NAMECHEAP_API_USER' | base64 --decode
kubectl apply -f conf/traefik/traefik-crd-rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/traefik/traefik-middleware.yaml
kubectl create configmap traefik-config \
kubectl get cm
kubectl apply -f conf/traefik/traefik-service.yaml
grep v2 conf/traefik/traefik-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/traefik/traefik-deployment-raspi.yaml
in-place update configmap
kubectl create configmap traefik-config \
--from-file=conf/traefik/traefik.toml -o yaml --dry-run=client \
| kubectl replace -f -
kubectl get cm traefik-config -o yaml
kubectl get pods | grep traefik
kubectl describe pod traefik
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get services
# IP_ADDR=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')
# LAN IP for nodeSelector kubernetes.io/hostname in conf/traefik/traefik-deployment-raspi.yaml
curl -i ${IP_ADDR}:80
# 404 page not found
kubectl describe pods \
kubectl logs \
# update config file after changing (see above for "in-place")
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl delete configmaps traefik-config
kubectl create configmap traefik-config \
kubectl get pods | grep traefik
kubectl logs traefik-
Delete deployment and restart
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun/
kubectl delete -f conf/traefik/traefik-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/traefik/traefik-deployment-raspi.yaml
# kubectl delete -f conf/traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.yaml
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun/
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/phant/phantserver-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/phant/phantserver-pvc.yaml
kubectl get pv phantserver-persistent-volume
kubectl get pvc phantserver-persistent-claim
grep 0.1 conf/phant/phantserver-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/phant/phantserver-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/phant/phantserver-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/phant/phantserver-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl get po,svc,ep,ingressroutes -o wide
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe pod phantserver-
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl get po,svc,ep,ingressroutes
# if NFS server changes
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-pvc.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/phant/phantserver-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/phant/phantserver-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/phant/phantserver-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/phant/phantserver-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pvc.yaml
kubectl get pv,pvc -o wide
grep image conf/webstatic/lighttpd-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl get po,svc,ep,ingressroutes -o wide
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe pod lighttpd-
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl get po,svc,ep,ingressroutes -o wide
# if NFS server changes
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pvc.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pv.yaml
kubectl get pv,pvc -o wide
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/webstatic/lighttpd-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/partytime/partytime-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/partytime/partytime-pvc.yaml
kubectl get pv,pvc -o wide
grep 0.1 conf/partytime/partytime-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/partytime/partytime-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/partytime/partytime-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/partytime/partytime-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl get po,svc,ep,ingressroutes -o wide
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl describe pod partytime-
# if NFS server changes, e.g.
kubectl delete -f conf/partytime/partytime-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/partytime/partytime-pvc.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/partytime/partytime-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/partytime/partytime-pv.yaml
kubectl create --save-config -f conf/partytime/partytime-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/partytime/partytime-deployment-raspi.yaml
Get a bash shell and look at logs
kubectl exec lighttpd- -it -- /bin/sh -i
cat /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
tail -f /var/log/lighttpd/access.log
# <Ctrl-C>
below is run on control node (via kubectl
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/postgresql-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/postgresql-endpoint.yaml
kubectl get svc,ep
kubectl get svc,ep | grep postgres
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/postgresql-endpoint.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/postgresql-service.yaml
below is run on control node (via kubectl
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-endpoint.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl get svc,ep
kubectl get svc,ep,ingressroute | grep birdnetpi
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-endpoint.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/birdnetpi-ingress-tls.yaml
below is run on control node (via kubectl
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-endpoint.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl get svc,ep
kubectl get svc,ep,ingressroute | grep homeassistant
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-endpoint.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-service.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/external-services/homeassistant-ingress-tls.yaml
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
# cp -i conf/miniflux/miniflux-secrets.example.yaml \
# conf/miniflux/miniflux-secrets.yaml
# $EDITOR conf/miniflux/miniflux-secrets.yaml
kubectl create -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-deployment-raspi.yaml
grep image conf/miniflux/miniflux-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-ingress-tls.yaml
# debugging
kubectl describe pod miniflux-
kubectl logs miniflux-
kubectl logs traefik-
# inspect
kubectl get secret | grep miniflux
kubectl get secret miniflux-secret -o yaml
kubectl get secret miniflux-secret -o json |\
jq -r '.data.DATABASE_URL' | base64 --decode
kubectl get svc,ep,ingressroutes
kubectl get po,svc,deploy,ingressroutes,ep,secret
break down miniflux
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
kubectl delete -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-service.yaml
# kubectl delete -f conf/miniflux/miniflux-secrets.yaml
kubectl get svc,ep
kubectl get po,svc,deploy,ing,ep,secret
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
# cp -i conf/wikijs/wikijs-example.yaml \
# conf/wikijs/wikijs-secrets.yaml
# $EDITOR conf/wikijs/wikijs-secrets.yaml
kubectl create -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-ingress-tls.yaml
# debugging
kubectl describe pod wikijs-
kubectl logs wikijs-
kubectl logs traefik-
# inspect
kubectl get secret | grep wikijs
kubectl get secret wikijs-secret -o json |\
jq -r '.data.DB_PASS' | base64 --decode
kubectl get svc,ep,ingressroutes
kubectl get po,svc,deploy,ingressroutes,ep,secret
kubectl exec wikijs- -it -- /bin/sh -i
# <Ctrl-C>
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun
kubectl delete -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-deployment-raspi.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-ingress-tls.yaml
kubectl delete -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-service.yaml
# kubectl delete -f conf/wikijs/wikijs-secrets.yaml
kubectl get svc,ep
kubectl get po,svc,deploy,ing,ep,secret
on donor
cd ~/projects/kubernetes-homespun/conf
scp traefik/traefik-envariable-secrets.yaml r64-01:projects/kubernetes-homespun/conf/traefik/
scp miniflux/miniflux-secrets.yaml r64-01:projects/kubernetes-homespun/conf/miniflux/
scp wikijs/wikijs-secrets.yaml r64-01:projects/kubernetes-homespun/conf/wikijs/