An airdrop cli helper tool.
Usage: airdropper [OPTIONS] --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH> <COMMAND>
snapshot Take a token snapshot of given mint and generate wallet list for the airdrop
check Given wallet list, check associated token accounts
send Send airdrop transactions
confirm Confirm unconfirmed entries
display Display wallet list content
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-c, --config <CONFIG>
Path to solana CLI config. Defaults to solana cli default if not provided [default: ]
-w, --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH>
Path to wallet_list csv file in the format of "wallet_pubkey,amount_to_airdrop"
-d, --dry-run
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
Take a token snapshot of given mint and generate wallet list for the airdrop
Usage: airdropper --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH> snapshot [OPTIONS] --snapshot-token-mint-pubkey <SNAPSHOT_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY> --amount-to-airdrop <AMOUNT_TO_AIRDROP> --payer-path <PAYER_PATH>
-s, --snapshot-token-mint-pubkey <SNAPSHOT_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY>
Mint pubkey of the token to be snapshotted
-a, --amount-to-airdrop <AMOUNT_TO_AIRDROP>
The total amount (in token atomic) to air drop
-m, --minimum-balance <MINIMUM_BALANCE>
The required minimum balance (in token atomic) for snapshot
[default: 1]
-p, --payer-path <PAYER_PATH>
Path to payer keypair who holds the token to be airdropped (to be excluded from snapshot)
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Given wallet list, check associated token accounts
Usage: airdropper --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH> check --airdrop-token-mint-pubkey <AIRDROP_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY>
-a, --airdrop-token-mint-pubkey <AIRDROP_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY>
Mint pubkey of the token to be airdropped
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Send airdrop transactions
Usage: airdropper --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH> send [OPTIONS] --airdrop-token-mint-pubkey <AIRDROP_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY> --payer-path <PAYER_PATH>
-a, --airdrop-token-mint-pubkey <AIRDROP_TOKEN_MINT_PUBKEY>
Mint pubkey of the token to be airdropped
-p, --payer-path <PAYER_PATH>
Path to payer keypair who holds the token to be airdropped
-l, --compute-unit-limit <COMPUTE_UNIT_LIMIT>
Compute unit limit
[default: 1000000]
-p, --compute-unit-price <COMPUTE_UNIT_PRICE>
Compute unit price in micro lamports
[default: 1]
-s, --should-confirm
After sending transaction, wait for confirmation before proceeding
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Confirm unconfirmed entries
Usage: airdropper --wallet-list-path <WALLET_LIST_PATH> confirm
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')