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Install k3s

k3s doc:

curl -sfL | sh

Install kubectl:

Configure kubectl credential.

mkdir ~/.kube
sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml ~/.kube/config
sudo chmod 644 ~/.kube/config
sudo chown USER:GROUP ~/.kube/config

Then you see system pods.

kubectl get pods -A

Setup Cloudflare Tunnel

First, install cloudflared. c.f. Then log in.

cloudflared tunnel login

Create a tunnel.

cloudflared tunnel create --credentials-file ./credentials.json k3s-tunnel

Create a secret to hold the credentials.

kubectl create secret generic cloudflare-tunnel-credentials -n cloudflare --from-file=credentials.json=credentials.json

Add a DNS record: CNAME from subdomain to the

Argo CD

Follow Argo CD Getting Started document.

Install Argo CD CLI. If you have Homebrew, run

brew install argocd

Install Argo CD via helm.

helm dependency build ./helm/argocd
helm install -f helm/argocd/values.yaml argocd ./helm/argocd/

Then complete access to Argo CD with this command.

argocd login --core

I adopt app of apps pattern for deploy convinience. Just apply the root application manifest.

kubectl apply -f argocd/apps.yaml

Grafana Setup

Extract the initial password for "admin" user.

kubectl get secrets -n monitoring kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode

Nextcloud Setup

Create a secret for PostgreSQL.

kubectl create secret generic nextcloud-postgresql-creds -n nextcloud --from-literal=admin-password='' --from-literal=user-password=''