In this project, Covid-19 detection plays an important role in pandemic control. Different methods for the detection of covid-19 were presented, including, for example, the analysis of X-ray images of the lungs [1]. But is it possible to detect covid-19 from a patient's breath sounds alone? Analyze the available spectrograms of breath sounds [2] and try to detect Covid-19.
It is highly recommended to run notebooks in Google Colab, and change runtime to "GPU" support to accelerate computations.
Summary Metrics Classifier & Experimentation --> Google Spreadsheet
- Viitalia Marina - TU Ilmenau (Germany) & KNRTU (Russia).
- email: [email protected]
- Ralina Safina - TU Ilmenau (Germany) & KNRTU (Russia).
- email: [email protected]
- Ye Yun Khor - TU Ilmenau (Germany).
- email: [email protected]
- Edwin G. Carreño - TU Ilmenau (Germany) & KNRTU (Russia).
- email: [email protected]
- M. Sc. Dominik Walther (TU Ilmenau)
Repository: Github
Year: 2021/2022