Type_ |
string |
type of operation, one has to set it to 'restore' in case he wants this request to be considered as a backup one |
[default to null] |
StorageLocation |
string |
similar to field in backup request but used for telling from where files should be downloaded, not uploaded, in case globalRequest field is set to true, it does not matter what dc and node id is used, these components in storageLocation path will be automatically changed. |
[default to null] |
ConcurrentConnections |
int32 |
similar to field in backup request but used for downloading files, not uploading them |
[optional] [default to null] |
CassandraDirectory |
string |
similar to field in backup request |
[optional] [default to null] |
CassandraConfigDirectory |
string |
directory where one expects to find 'conf/cassandra.yaml' file in case we need to update it with initial tokens in case restoration strategy is IN_PLACE. |
[optional] [default to null] |
RestoreSystemKeyspace |
bool |
a flag saying if we should restore system keyspaces as well, relevant only for IN_PLACE restoration |
[optional] [default to null] |
SnapshotTag |
string |
name of snapshot to restore |
[default to null] |
Entities |
string |
similar to field in backup request, when empty, all entities in given snapshot will be restored |
[optional] [default to null] |
UpdateCassandraYaml |
bool |
flag telling if cassandra.yaml should be updated with initial_tokens, relevant only in case of IN_PLACE strategy |
[optional] [default to null] |
RestorationStrategyType |
string |
strategy telling how we should go about restoration, please refer to details in backup and sidecar documentation |
[default to null] |
RestorationPhase |
string |
phase telling what should we do, this field has to be set just once as DOWNLOAD if globalRequest if true and coordinator of that request will take care of all other phases automatically on its own |
[optional] [default to null] |
NoDeleteTruncates |
bool |
flag saying if we should not delete truncated SSTables after they are imported, as part of CLEANUP phase, defaults to false |
[optional] [default to null] |
NoDeleteDownloads |
bool |
flag saying if we should not delete downloaded SSTables from remote location, as part of CLEANUP phase, defaults to false |
[optional] [default to null] |
NoDownloadData |
bool |
flag saying if we should not download data from remote location as we expect them to be there already, defaults to false, setting this to true has sense only in case noDeleteDownloads was set to true in previous restoration requests |
[optional] [default to null] |
SchemaVersion |
string |
version of schema we want to restore from, upon backup, a schema version is automatically appended to snapshot name and its manifest is uploaded under that name (plus timestamp at the end). In case we have two snapshots having same name, we might distinguish between them by this schema version. If schema version is not specified, we expect that there will be one and only one backup taken with respective snapshot name. This schema version has to match the version of a Cassandra node we are doing restore for (hence, by proxy, when global request mode is used, all nodes have to be on exact same schema version). |
[optional] [default to null] |
ExactSchemaVersion |
bool |
flag saying if we indeed want a schema version of a running node match with schema version a snapshot is taken on. there might be cases when we want to restore a table for which its CQL schema has not changed but it has changed for other table / keyspace but a schema for that node has changed by doing that. |
[optional] [default to null] |
Import_ |
*AllOfRestoreOperationRequestImport_ |
[optional] [default to null] |
GlobalRequest |
bool |
flag saying that this request is a global one, meaning that a Sidecar this request is sent to will act as a restoration coordinator sending all other requests to each node in a cluster, for each phase. |
[optional] [default to null] |
K8sNamespace |
string |
name of Kubernetes namespace to fetch Kubernetes secret for restores from, when not specified, it defaults to 'default' |
[optional] [default to null] |
K8sSecretName |
string |
name of Kubernetes secret from which credentials used for the communication to cloud storage providers are read, if not specified, secret name to be read will be automatically derived in form 'cassandra-backup-restore-secret-cluster-{name-of-cluster}'. These secrets are used only in case protocol in storageLocation is gcp, azure or s3. |
[optional] [default to null] |
Timeout |
int32 |
number of hours to wait until restore is considered failed if not finished already |
[optional] [default to null] |
ResolveHostIdFromTopology |
bool |
if set to true, host id of node to restore will be resolved from remote topology file located in a bucket by translating it from provided nodeId of storageLocation field |
[optional] [default to null] |
Insecure |
bool |
Relevant during upload to S3-like bucket only. If true, communication is done via HTTP instead of HTTPS. Defaults to false. |
[optional] [default to null] |
SkipBucketVerification |
bool |
Do not check the existence of a bucket. Some storage providers (e.g. S3) requires a special permissions to be able to list buckets or query their existence which might not be allowed. This flag will skip that check. Keep in mind that if that bucket does not exist, the whole backup operation will fail. |
[optional] [default to null] |
ProxySettings |
*ProxySettings |
[optional] [default to null] |
Retry |
*Retry |
[optional] [default to null] |
Rename |
map[string]string |
Map of key and values where keys and values are in format "keyspace.table", if key is "ks1.tb1" and value is "ks1.tb2", it means that upon restore, table ks1.tb1 will be restored into table ks1.tb2. This in practice means that table ks1.tb2 will be truncated and populated with data from ks1.tb1. The source table, ks1.tb1, will not be touched. It is expected that user knows that schema of both tables is compatible. There is not any check done in this regard. |
[optional] [default to null] |
SinglePhase |
bool |
If set to true, when a request is global request, it will execute globally just that one phase and it will not advance the restoration execution to other phases. By doing this, an operator might, for example, execute just a cluster-wide download phase but no other phases. |
[optional] [default to null] |
Dc |
string |
Name of datacenter(s) against which restore will be done. It means that nodes in a different DC will not receive restore requests. Multiple dcs are separated by comma. |
[optional] [default to null] |