Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions Data Center Attestation Primitives (Intel(R) SGX DCAP) Quote Verification Enclave Quick Start Guide
Build QvE and dcap_quoteverify libraries, non-production only (for debug purposes). For production you must use Intel(R) signed QvE.
Supported operating systems:
- Ubuntu* 18.04 LTS Desktop 64bits
- Ubuntu* 18.04 LTS Server 64bits
- Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS Server 64bits
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 8.2 64bits
- CentOS 8.2 64bits
- make
- gcc
- g++
- bash shell
- Intel(R) SGX SDK
- Intel(R) SgxSSL: Follow instructions in (By default SgxSSL will automatically be downloaded and built if not in SGX Docker container). You should use latest OpenSSL to build SgxSSL.
$ cd QuoteVerification/
$ make
Generate a key and sign generated QvE enclave:
$ /opt/intel/sgxsdk/bin/x64/sgx_sign sign -key Enclave/<GENERATED_KEY>.pem -enclave -out -config Enclave/qve.config.xml
Use the script to download SgxSSL outside SGX Docker container firstly: Note: You may need set https proxy for the wget tool used by the script (such as export https_proxy=http://test-proxy:test-port)
$ cd QuoteVerification/
Outside SGX Docker container, download SgxSSL to ./sgxssl folder
$ ./ nobuild
Inside SGX Docker container, build QvE enclave
$ make -C QvE
Supported operating systems:
- Windows* Server 2016 (Long-Term Servicing Channel)
- Windows* Server 2019 (Long-Term Servicing Channel)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 or newer.
- 7-Zip
- Perl #for OpenSSL build
- NASM (Netwide Assembler)
- Intel(R) SGX SDK.
- Intel(R) SgxSSL: Follow instructions in (By default SgxSSL will automatically be downloaded and built). You should use latest OpenSSL to build SgxSSL.
> Prepare SgxSSL by running script "prepare_sgxssl.cmd" in dcap_source\QuoteVerification
> prepare_sgxssl.cmd x64 Debug
> prepare_sgxssl.cmd x64 Release
> In dcap_source directory, use Visual Studio to open ``SGX_DCAP.sln`` and build