A work-in-progress wrapper module around dialog to create text user interfaces in Fortran 2008, similar to pythondialog for Python.
Packages of dialog(1) are available for most Unix-like operating systems. On
FreeBSD, an older version of dialog is already part of the base system. Install
the package devel/cdialog
for an enhanced port:
# pkg install devel/cdialog
Add an alias to your global profile
, or set the backend to cdialog
calling any dialog routines from Fortran:
call dialog_backend('cdialog')
The basic widgets are compatible to Xdialog as well.
Just set the backend to Xdialog
Widget | Supported |
buildlist |
✓ |
calendar |
✓ |
checklist |
✓ |
dselect |
✓ |
editbox |
✓ |
form |
✓ |
fselect |
✓ |
gauge |
✓ |
infobox |
✓ |
inputbox |
✓ |
inputmenu |
✓ |
menu |
✓ |
mixedform |
✓ |
mixedgauge |
✓ |
msgbox |
✓ |
pause |
✓ |
passwordbox |
✓ |
passwordform |
✓ |
prgbox |
✓ |
programbox |
✓ |
progressbox |
✓ |
radiolist |
✓ |
rangebox |
✓ |
tailbox |
✓ |
tailboxbg |
textbox |
✓ |
timebox |
✓ |
treeview |
✓ |
yesno |
✓ |
Download the fortran-dialog repository, and execute the Makefile:
$ git clone https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-dialog
$ cd fortran-dialog/
$ make
If you prefer the Fortran Package Manager, run:
$ fpm build --profile=release
You can add fortran-dialog as a dependency to your fpm.toml
fortran-dialog = { git = "https://github.com/interkosmos/fortran-dialog.git" }
The following example just shows a message box in terminal:
! example.f90
program main
use :: dialog
call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 10, 30)
end program main
Link the example against libfortran-dialog.a
$ gfortran -o example example.f90 libfortran-dialog.a
$ ./example
To create a graphical message box with Xdialog(1), write instead:
! example.f90
program main
use :: dialog
call dialog_backend('Xdialog')
call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 10, 30)
end program main
More examples can be found in examples/
- hamurabi is a port of the simulation game Hamurabi.
- showcase demonstrates all supported widget types.
- wumpus is a port of the game Hunt the Wumpus.
Build the programs with make:
$ make examples
This section lists code snippets in Fortran for the supported dialog(1) widgets. See the official website for screen shots.
character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type) :: list(3)
list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')
call dialog_buildlist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
title='Build List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected items: ", a)', trim(selected)
character(len=12) :: date
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_calendar(dialog, 'Enter date:', 3, 42, day=1, month=1, year=2025, &
call dialog_read(dialog, date)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Date: ", a)', date
character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type) :: list(3)
list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')
call dialog_checklist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
title='Check List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected items: ", a)', trim(selected)
character(len=512) :: path
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_dselect(dialog, '/', 18, 72, title='Select Directory')
call dialog_read(dialog, path)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Directory: ", a)', trim(path)
character(len=512) :: line
logical :: eof
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_editbox(dialog, './examples/wumpus.f90', 18, 72, title='Edit Box')
call dialog_read(dialog, line, eof)
if (eof) exit
print '(a)', trim(line)
end do
call dialog_close(dialog)
character(len=32) :: user, shell, group
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type) :: form(3)
form(1) = form_type('User:', 1, 1, 'user', 1, 10, 10, 0)
form(2) = form_type('Shell:', 2, 1, '/bin/sh', 2, 10, 10, 0)
form(3) = form_type('Group:', 3, 1, 'wheel', 3, 10, 10, 0)
call dialog_form(dialog, 'Set user data:', 16, 40, 5, form, &
ok_label='Submit', title='Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, user)
call dialog_read(dialog, shell)
call dialog_read(dialog, group)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("User: ", a)', trim(user)
print '("Shell: ", a)', trim(shell)
print '("Group: ", a)', trim(group)
character(len=512) :: path
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_fselect(dialog, '/', 18, 72, title='Select File')
call dialog_read(dialog, path)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("File: ", a)', trim(path)
character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')
character(len=3) :: a
integer :: i
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_gauge(dialog, 'Progress:', 12, 32, 0, title='Gauge')
do i = 1, 100
select case (i)
case (:20)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'Validating ...' // NL)
case (21:40)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'Updating ...' // NL)
case (41:60)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'Doing more work ...' // NL)
case (61:80)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'Just a few seconds ...' // NL)
case (81:)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'Almost done ...' // NL)
end select
write (a, '(i0)') i
call dialog_write(dialog, 'XXX' // NL // a // NL)
end do
call dialog_close(dialog)
call dialog_infobox(new_line('a') // 'This is the info box widget.', &
8, 36, title='Information', sleep=2)
character(len=32) :: input
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_inputbox(dialog, 'Enter your name:', 7, 32, 'Alice', title='Name')
call dialog_read(dialog, input)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Input: ", a)', trim(input)
character(len=32) :: renamed
logical :: eof
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(menu_type) :: menu(3)
menu(1) = menu_type('item1', 'Item 1')
menu(2) = menu_type('item2', 'Item 2')
menu(3) = menu_type('item3', 'Item 3')
call dialog_inputmenu(dialog, 'Input:', 16, 40, size(menu), menu, &
no_tags=.true., title='Input Menu')
call dialog_read(dialog, renamed, eof)
if (eof) exit
print '(a)', trim(renamed)
end do
call dialog_close(dialog)
character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(menu_type) :: menu(3)
menu(1) = menu_type('item1', 'Item 1')
menu(2) = menu_type('item2', 'Item 2')
menu(3) = menu_type('item3', 'Item 3')
call dialog_menu(dialog, 'Select an item:', 16, 40, size(menu), menu, &
no_tags=.true., title='Menu Demo')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected item: ", a)', trim(selected)
character(len=32) :: user, shell, group
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type) :: form(3)
form(1) = form_type('User:', 1, 1, 'user', 1, 10, 10, 0, 2)
form(2) = form_type('Shell:', 2, 1, '/bin/sh', 2, 10, 10, 0, 0)
form(3) = form_type('Group:', 3, 1, 'wheel', 3, 10, 10, 0, 0)
call dialog_mixedform(dialog, 'Set user data:', 16, 40, 5, form, &
ok_label='Submit', title='Mixed Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, user)
call dialog_read(dialog, shell)
call dialog_read(dialog, group)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("User: ", a)', trim(user)
print '("Shell: ", a)', trim(shell)
print '("Group: ", a)', trim(group)
character(len=4) :: a
integer :: i
type(gauge_type) :: gauge(10)
gauge(1) = gauge_type('Process one', '0')
gauge(2) = gauge_type('Process two', '1')
gauge(3) = gauge_type('Process three', '2')
gauge(4) = gauge_type('Process four', '3')
gauge(5) = gauge_type('', '8')
gauge(6) = gauge_type('Process five', '5')
gauge(7) = gauge_type('Process six', '6')
gauge(8) = gauge_type('Process seven', '7')
gauge(9) = gauge_type('Process eight', '4')
do i = 0, 100, 20
write (a, '("-", i0)') i
gauge(10) = gauge_type('Process nine', a)
call dialog_mixedgauge('Progress:', 20, 64, 33, gauge, title='Mixed Gauge')
call sleep(1)
end do
call dialog_msgbox('This is the message box widget.', 8, 36, &
backtitle='msgbox', title='Message')
character(len=32) :: password
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_passwordbox(dialog, 'Enter password:', 7, 32, &
insecure=.true., title='Password')
call dialog_read(dialog, password)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Password: ", a)', trim(password)
character(len=32) :: uuid, password
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(form_type) :: form(2)
form(1) = form_type('UUID:', 1, 1, '12345', 1, 10, 10, 0)
form(2) = form_type('Password:', 2, 1, 'secret', 2, 10, 10, 0)
call dialog_passwordform(dialog, 'Set values:', 12, 40, 3, form, insecure=.true., &
ok_label='Submit', title='Password Form')
call dialog_read(dialog, uuid)
call dialog_read(dialog, password)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("UUID: ", a)', trim(uuid)
print '("Password: ", a)', trim(password)
integer :: stat
call dialog_pause('System reboots in 30 seconds.', 8, 36, 30, &
title='Pause', exit_stat=stat)
select case (stat)
print '("You pressed OK.")'
case (DIALOG_NO)
print '("You pressed Cancel.")'
case default
print '("You pressed Escape.")'
end select
call dialog_prgbox('Uptime:', 'uptime', 8, 64, title='Prg Box')
character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')
call dialog_programbox(dialog, 'Output:', 12, 32, title='Program Box')
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_close(dialog)
character, parameter :: NL = new_line('a')
call dialog_progressbox(dialog, 'Output:', 12, 32, title='Progress Box')
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_write(dialog, 'zzz ...' // NL)
call dialog_close(dialog)
character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(list_type) :: list(3)
list(1) = list_type('item1', 'List Item 1', 'on')
list(2) = list_type('item2', 'List Item 2')
list(3) = list_type('item3', 'List Item 3')
call dialog_radiolist(dialog, 'Select items:', 16, 40, 5, list, &
title='Radio List')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected item: ", a)', trim(selected)
character(len=3) :: range
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_rangebox(dialog, 'Select range with PGUP/PGDOWN:', 7, 32, min_value=0, &
max_value=42, default_value=21, title='Range Box')
call dialog_read(dialog, range)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected range: ", a)', range
call dialog_tailbox('/var/log/messages', 18, 72, title='Tail Box')
call dialog_textbox('./examples/wumpus.f90', 18, 72, title='Text Box')
character(len=8) :: time
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
call dialog_inputbox(dialog, 'Enter time:', 7, 32, hour=12, minute=0, second=0, &
call dialog_read(dialog, time)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Time: ", a)', time
character(len=32) :: selected
type(dialog_type) :: dialog
type(tree_type) :: tree(4)
tree(1) = tree_type('tag1', 'one', 'off', 0)
tree(2) = tree_type('tag2', 'two', 'off', 1)
tree(3) = tree_type('tag3', 'three', 'on', 2)
tree(4) = tree_type('tag4', 'four', 'off', 1)
call dialog_treeview(dialog, 'Select item:', 0, 0, 0, tree, title='Tree View')
call dialog_read(dialog, selected)
call dialog_close(dialog)
print '("Selected: ", a)', trim(selected)
integer :: answer
answer = dialog_yesno('Please press Yes or No!', 6, 30, title='Example')
select case (answer)
print '("You pressed Yes.")'
case (DIALOG_NO)
print '("You pressed No.")'
case default
print '("You pressed Escape.")'
end select
You can create a new dialog(1) theme via:
$ dialog --create-rc ~/.dialogrc
Alter the settings to your liking. In /usr/local/share/examples/dialog/
you find several pre-defined themes:
Copy one of the widget styles to ~/.dialogrc
- Single quotes should be avoided, as they have to be escaped as
in any text passed to dialog(1) from Fortran. - Only the wrapper function
and subroutines with optional dummy argumentexit_stat
return the exit status of dialog(1). The routinedialog_close()
returns an optional exit status. - Dialog proceeding (
) is not supported.