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Eric Schleicher edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 12 revisions

Unanswered Questions:

  • When opening a db file, I'm asked to select a download option. what do the different choices mean and how are they different?

  • Once a database is open, i noticed that pressing the number keys changes the colors of the cloud(s) in the 3D graph window. what do these different coloring patterns signify?

  • When exporting 3D Clouds, What is the difference between exporting an 'Organized Point Cloud' and a 'Dense Point Cloud'.

  • In the 'Detection' menu, what is the difference between mapping and localization modes? How does this affect the way the applications works?

  • In the 'Edit' Menu, what exactly do the 'Download All Clouds (Update cache)' and 'Download graph only' options do? When might I use these, and might I pick one over the other for some specific reason?

  • Is it possible to perform certain actions against a RTAB-MAP database file from the command line? Specifically, Is it possible to export 3D Cloud(s), RGB Images & bundle file(s)?