The main change is that the withStyles
was removed. So you have to replace all withStyles
with sx
or style
You can read more about sx here.
- Remove at start of the file
import { withStyles } from '@mui/styles';
- Replace it at the very end of the file
export default withStyles(styles)(MyComponent);
withexport default MyComponent;
- Modify
const styles
: Before:
const styles: Record<string, any> = (theme: IobTheme) => ({
dialog: {
height: `calc(100% - ${theme.mixins.toolbar.minHeight}px)`,
padding: theme.spacing(1),
margin: theme.spacing(2),
gap: 5,
borderRadius: 5,
marginLeft: 10, // marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom
paddingLeft: 10, // paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom
const styles: Record<string, any> = {
dialog: (theme: IobTheme) => ({
height: `calc(100% - ${theme => theme.mixins.toolbar.minHeight}px)`,
p: 1, // or 8px, padding is OK too
m: '16px', // or 2, margin is OK too
gap: '5px',
borderRadius: '5px',
ml: '10px', // mt, mr, mb, but marginLeft, marginRight, marginBottom is OK too
pl: '10px', // pt, pr, pb, but paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom is OK too
- Modify
: Before:<div className={}>
After: <Box sx={}>
Before: <span className={Utils.clsx(this.props.classes.box1, condition && this.props.classes.box2)}>
After: <Box component="span" sx={Utils.getStyle(this.props.theme, this.props.classes.box1, condition && this.props.classes.box2)}>
Or if no one style is a function: <Box component="div" sx={{ ...this.props.classes.box1, ...(condition ? this.props.classes.box2 : undefined) }}>
Do not use sx
if the style is not dynamic (not a function). Use style
Be aware, that all paddings and margins are now in theme.spacing(1)
So you have to replace all padding: 8
with padding: 1
or with padding: '8px'
The best practice is to replace padding
with p
and margin
with m
, so you will see immediately that it is a padding or margin for sx
: Before:<Dialog classes={{ scrollPaper: this.props.classes.dialog, paper: this.props.classes.paper }}>
After:<Dialog sx={{ '&.MuiDialog-scrollPaper': styles.dialog, '& .MuiDialog-paper': styles.paper }}>
<Dialog classes={{ scrollPaper: this.props.classes.dialog, paper: this.props.classes.paper }}>
After:<Dialog sx={{ '&.MuiDialog-scrollPaper': styles.dialog, '& .MuiDialog-paper': styles.paper }}>
<ListItem classes={{ root: this.props.classes.listItem }} >
, After:<ListItem sx={{ '&.MuiListItem-root': styles.listItem }} >
<Typography component="h2" variant="h6" classes={{ root: this.props.classes.typography }}>
, After:<Typography component="h2" variant="h6" sx={{ '&.MuiTypography-root': styles.typography }}>
<Badge classes={{ 'badge': this.props.classes.expertBadge }}>
, After:<Badge sx={{ '& .MuiBadge-badge': styles.expertBadge }}>
<Tab classes={{ selected: this.props.classes..selected }} />
, After:<Tab sx={{ '&.Mui-selected': styles.selected }} />
<Tabs classes={{ indicator: this.props.classes.indicator }} />
, After:<Tabs sx={{ '& .MuiTabs-indicator': styles.indicator }} />
<Tooltip title={this.props.t('ra_Refresh tree')} classes={{ popper: this.props.classes.tooltip }}>
, After:<Tooltip title={this.props.t('ra_Refresh tree')} componentsProps={{ popper: { sx: { pointerEvents: 'none' } } }}>
, Or:<Tooltip title={this.props.t('ra_Refresh tree')} componentsProps={{ popper: { sx: styles.tooltip } }}>
<AccordionSummary classes={{ root: this.props.classes.rootStyle, content: this.props.classes.content }}>
, After.<AccordionSummary sx={{ '&.MuiAccordionSummary-root': styles.rootStyle, '& .MuiAccordionSummary-content': styles.content }}>
<Drawer classes={{ paper: this.props.classes.paperStyle }}>
, After.<Drawer sx={{ '& .MuiDrawer-paper': styles.paperStyle }}>