diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 154ba1c..7859339 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Actually only following attributes are supported: ### **WORK IN PROGRESS** --> ## Changelog -### **WORK IN PROGRESS** +### 2.0.0 (2022-12-22) * (bluefox) Refactoring * (bluefox) Corrected some GitHub issues * (bluefox) Added JSON config @@ -173,4 +173,3 @@ AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. - diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json index 547d6df..800de0b 100644 --- a/io-package.json +++ b/io-package.json @@ -1,310 +1,191 @@ { - "common": { - "name": "fhem", - "version": "1.6.3", - "title": "FHEM connection", - "titleLang": { - "en": "FHEM connection", - "de": "FHEM-Verbindung", - "ru": "Подключение FHEM", - "pt": "Conexão FHEM", - "nl": "FHEM-verbinding", - "fr": "Connexion FHEM", - "it": "Connessione FHEM", - "es": "Conexión FHEM", - "pl": "Połączenie FHEM", - "zh-cn": "FHEM 连接" - }, - "desc": { - "en": "FHEM", - "de": "FHEM", - "ru": "FHEM", - "pt": "FHEM", - "nl": "FHEM", - "fr": "FHEM", - "it": "FHEM", - "es": "FHEM", - "pl": "FHEM", - "zh-cn": "FHEM" - }, - "news": { - "1.6.3": { - "en": "fix crash case", - "de": "Crashfall beheben", - "ru": "исправить случай аварии", - "pt": "consertar caso de acidente", - "nl": "crashgeval repareren", - "fr": "réparer le cas de crash", - "it": "risolvere il caso di incidente", - "es": "arreglar caso de accidente", - "pl": "napraw przypadek awarii", - "zh-cn": "修复崩溃案例" - }, - "1.6.2": { - "en": "fix crash case", - "de": "Crashfall beheben", - "ru": "исправить случай аварии", - "pt": "consertar caso de acidente", - "nl": "crashgeval repareren", - "fr": "réparer le cas de crash", - "it": "risolvere il caso di incidente", - "es": "arreglar caso de accidente", - "pl": "napraw przypadek awarii", - "zh-cn": "修复崩溃案例" - }, - "1.6.1": { - "en": "fix use Controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimizations\nAdd Sentry crash reporting", - "de": "Fix verwenden Controller 3.3.x\njs-Controller 3.3 Optimierungen\nSentry-Absturzberichte hinzufügen", - "ru": "исправить использование контроллера 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 оптимизации\nДобавить отчет о сбоях Sentry", - "pt": "corrigir usar o controlador 3.3.x\nOtimizações do js-controller 3.3\nAdicionar relatório de falha do Sentry", - "nl": "fix gebruik Controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimalisaties\nSentry-crashrapportage toevoegen", - "fr": "correction d'utilisation du contrôleur 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimisations\nAjouter un rapport de plantage Sentry", - "it": "correggere l'uso del controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 ottimizzazioni\nAggiungi segnalazione di arresto anomalo di Sentry", - "es": "arreglar el uso del controlador 3.3.x\nOptimizaciones de js-controller 3.3\nAgregar informe de fallas de Sentry", - "pl": "napraw użyj Kontrolera 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optymalizacje\nDodaj raport o awariach Sentry", - "zh-cn": "修复使用控制器 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 优化\n添加哨兵崩溃报告" - }, - "1.6.0": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Diverse fixes en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs correctifs et modifications", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "若干修复和变更" - }, - "1.5.3": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.5.2": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.5.0": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.4.3": { - "en": "fix compact mode", - "de": "Kompaktmodus korrigieren", - "ru": "исправить компактный режим", - "pt": "corrigir modo compacto", - "nl": "fix compacte modus", - "fr": "correction du mode compact", - "it": "correzione della modalità compatta", - "es": "arreglar el modo compacto", - "pl": "napraw tryb kompaktowy", - "zh-cn": "修正压缩模式" - }, - "1.4.2": { - "en": "Running timers will be stopped by unload", - "de": "Laufende Timer werden durch Entladen gestoppt", - "ru": "Таймеры запуска будут остановлены при выгрузке", - "pt": "Os temporizadores em execução serão interrompidos por descarregamento", - "nl": "Lopende timers worden gestopt door lossen", - "fr": "Les minuteries en cours d'exécution seront arrêtées par déchargement", - "it": "I timer in esecuzione verranno arrestati allo scaricamento", - "es": "Los temporizadores en ejecución se detendrán al descargar", - "pl": "Uruchomione stopery zostaną zatrzymane przez rozładowanie", - "zh-cn": "正在运行的计时器将通过卸载停止" - }, - "1.4.1": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.4.0": { - "en": "adapter optimized", - "de": "Adapter optimiert", - "ru": "адаптер оптимизирован", - "pt": "adaptador otimizado", - "nl": "adapter geoptimaliseerd", - "fr": "adaptateur optimisé", - "it": "adattatore ottimizzato", - "es": "adaptador optimizado", - "pl": "adapter zoptymalizowany", - "zh-cn": "适配器优化" - }, - "1.3.0": { - "en": "Compact mode was added", - "de": "Kompaktmodus wurde hinzugefügt", - "ru": "Компактный режим был добавлен", - "pt": "Modo compacto foi adicionado", - "nl": "Compact-modus is toegevoegd", - "fr": "Le mode compact a été ajouté", - "it": "È stata aggiunta la modalità compatta", - "es": "Se agregó el modo compacto", - "pl": "Dodano tryb kompaktowy", - "zh-cn": "紧凑模式已添加" - }, - "1.2.2": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.2.1": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et modifications", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.2.0": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et modifications", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.1.1": { - "en": "Several fixes and changes", - "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", - "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", - "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", - "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", - "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et modifications", - "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", - "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios", - "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", - "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" - }, - "1.1.0": { - "en": "Big changes", - "de": "Große veränderungen", - "ru": "Большие изменения", - "pt": "Grandes mudanças", - "nl": "Grote veranderingen", - "fr": "Grands changements", - "it": "Grandi cambiamenti", - "es": "Grandes cambios", - "pl": "Duże zmiany", - "zh-cn": "大变化" - } - }, - "license": "MIT", - "localLink": "http://%host%:8083", - "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", - "mode": "daemon", - "icon": "fhem.png", - "enabled": true, - "materialize": true, - "compact": true, - "extIcon": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fhem/master/admin/fhem.png", - "keywords": [ - "FHEM" - ], - "readme": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fhem/blob/master/README.md", - "loglevel": "info", - "type": "iot-systems", - "authors": [ - "bluefox " - ], - "adminUI": { - "config": "json" - }, - "connectionType": "local", - "dataSource": "push", - "tier": 2, - "plugins": { - "sentry": { - "dsn": "https://96a190f43c434389ac4e8d291c67f18e@sentry.iobroker.net/136" - } - } + "common": { + "name": "fhem", + "version": "2.0.0", + "title": "FHEM connection", + "titleLang": { + "en": "FHEM connection", + "de": "FHEM-Verbindung", + "ru": "Подключение FHEM", + "pt": "Conexão FHEM", + "nl": "FHEM-verbinding", + "fr": "Connexion FHEM", + "it": "Connessione FHEM", + "es": "Conexión FHEM", + "pl": "Połączenie FHEM", + "zh-cn": "FHEM 连接" }, - "native": { - "port": 7072, - "host": "", - "reconnectTimeout": 30000, - "password": "", - "prompt": "fhem>" + "desc": { + "en": "FHEM", + "de": "FHEM", + "ru": "FHEM", + "pt": "FHEM", + "nl": "FHEM", + "fr": "FHEM", + "it": "FHEM", + "es": "FHEM", + "pl": "FHEM", + "zh-cn": "FHEM" }, - "objects": [], - "instanceObjects": [ - { - "_id": "info", - "type": "channel", - "common": { - "name": "Information" - }, - "native": {} - }, - { - "_id": "info.connection", - "type": "state", - "common": { - "role": "indicator.connected", - "name": "If connected to FHEM server", - "type": "boolean", - "read": true, - "write": false, - "def": false - }, - "native": {} - }, - { - "_id": "info.resync", - "type": "state", - "common": { - "role": "state", - "name": "read all states from FHEM anew", - "type": "boolean", - "read": true, - "write": true, - "def": false - }, - "native": {} - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file + "news": { + "2.0.0": { + "en": "Refactoring\nCorrected some GitHub issues\nAdded JSON config", + "de": "Herstellung\nEinige Probleme mit GitHub behoben\nJSON config", + "ru": "Рефакторинг\nИсправлены некоторые проблемы GitHub\nДобавлено JSON config", + "pt": "Refactoring\nCorrigido alguns problemas do GitHub\nAdicionado JSON config", + "nl": "Refactor\nVertaling:\n_", + "fr": "Refactoring\nCorrection de quelques problèmes GitHub\nAjouté JSON config", + "it": "Refactoring\nCorretto alcuni problemi GitHub\nAggiunto JSON config", + "es": "Refactoring\nCorregido algunos problemas de GitHub\nConfiguración JSON", + "pl": "Refaktor\nZalecane są niektóre GitHub\nStrona internetowa JSON", + "uk": "Рефакторинг\nВиправлено деякі проблеми GitHub\nДодано налаштування JSON", + "zh-cn": "评 注\n处理一些吉特·海布问题\n增 编" + }, + "1.6.3": { + "en": "fix crash case", + "de": "Crashfall beheben", + "ru": "исправить случай аварии", + "pt": "consertar caso de acidente", + "nl": "crashgeval repareren", + "fr": "réparer le cas de crash", + "it": "risolvere il caso di incidente", + "es": "arreglar caso de accidente", + "pl": "napraw przypadek awarii", + "zh-cn": "修复崩溃案例" + }, + "1.6.2": { + "en": "fix crash case", + "de": "Crashfall beheben", + "ru": "исправить случай аварии", + "pt": "consertar caso de acidente", + "nl": "crashgeval repareren", + "fr": "réparer le cas de crash", + "it": "risolvere il caso di incidente", + "es": "arreglar caso de accidente", + "pl": "napraw przypadek awarii", + "zh-cn": "修复崩溃案例" + }, + "1.6.1": { + "en": "fix use Controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimizations\nAdd Sentry crash reporting", + "de": "Fix verwenden Controller 3.3.x\njs-Controller 3.3 Optimierungen\nSentry-Absturzberichte hinzufügen", + "ru": "исправить использование контроллера 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 оптимизации\nДобавить отчет о сбоях Sentry", + "pt": "corrigir usar o controlador 3.3.x\nOtimizações do js-controller 3.3\nAdicionar relatório de falha do Sentry", + "nl": "fix gebruik Controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimalisaties\nSentry-crashrapportage toevoegen", + "fr": "correction d'utilisation du contrôleur 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optimisations\nAjouter un rapport de plantage Sentry", + "it": "correggere l'uso del controller 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 ottimizzazioni\nAggiungi segnalazione di arresto anomalo di Sentry", + "es": "arreglar el uso del controlador 3.3.x\nOptimizaciones de js-controller 3.3\nAgregar informe de fallas de Sentry", + "pl": "napraw użyj Kontrolera 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 optymalizacje\nDodaj raport o awariach Sentry", + "zh-cn": "修复使用控制器 3.3.x\njs-controller 3.3 优化\n添加哨兵崩溃报告" + }, + "1.6.0": { + "en": "Several fixes and changes", + "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", + "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", + "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", + "nl": "Diverse fixes en wijzigingen", + "fr": "Plusieurs correctifs et modifications", + "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", + "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios", + "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", + "zh-cn": "若干修复和变更" + }, + "1.5.3": { + "en": "Several fixes and changes", + "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", + "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", + "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", + "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", + "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", + "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", + "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", + "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", + "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" + }, + "1.5.2": { + "en": "Several fixes and changes", + "de": "Mehrere Korrekturen und Änderungen", + "ru": "Несколько исправлений и изменений", + "pt": "Várias correções e mudanças", + "nl": "Verschillende oplossingen en wijzigingen", + "fr": "Plusieurs corrections et changements", + "it": "Diverse correzioni e modifiche", + "es": "Varias correcciones y cambios.", + "pl": "Kilka poprawek i zmian", + "zh-cn": "几个修复和更改" + } + }, + "license": "MIT", + "localLink": "http://%host%:8083", + "platform": "Javascript/Node.js", + "mode": 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"name": "If connected to FHEM server", + "type": "boolean", + "read": true, + "write": false, + "def": false + }, + "native": {} + }, + { + "_id": "info.resync", + "type": "state", + "common": { + "role": "state", + "name": "read all states from FHEM anew", + "type": "boolean", + "read": true, + "write": true, + "def": false + }, + "native": {} + } + ] +} diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 586d09d..a559b5b 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "iobroker.fhem", - "version": "1.6.3", + "version": "2.0.0", "description": "ioBroker FHEM Adapter", "author": { "name": "bluefox", @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ "release-patch": "release-script patch --yes", "release-minor": "release-script minor --yes", "release-major": "release-script major --yes" - }, "bugs": { "url": "https://github.com/iobroker-community-adapters/ioBroker.fhem/issues"