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Releases: iotaledger/goshimmer


10 Dec 23:01
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v0.3.3 - 2020-12-10

  • Fix sync issue.
  • Fix pkger issue.
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


09 Dec 12:48
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  • Switch from BadgerDB to Pebble.
  • Add FPC statements.
  • Add clock based time to message metadata.
  • Improve dashboard message live feed.
  • Improve spammer to evenly distribute issued messages within a minute.
  • Fix panic when writing on a closed channel in the dashboard web socket.
  • Upgrade Go to 1.15.5
  • Upgrade to latest hive.go
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


13 Nov 14:25
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v0.3.1 - 2020-11-13

  • Refactor message structure according to the new Tangle RFC:
    • add support for multiple parents
    • update local dashboard
    • new unit tests
    • max payload size changed to 65157 bytes
  • Add community-based entry node.
  • Add commit tag to version.
  • Add package for common sentinel errors.
  • Improve dashboard websocket management.
  • Integrate NTP-based clock to the network delay app.
  • Switch from packer to pkger to pack dashboard.
  • Switch from Viper to koanf as core library for configuration.
  • Fix Value Tangle tip selection management.
  • Fix mps query label in grafana.
  • Fix potential race condition within the clock package.
  • Upgrade to latest hive.go
  • Upgrade NodeJS dependencies of the dashboard.
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


12 Oct 14:16
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  • Added multiple dRNG committees support: Pollen, X-Team and Custom.
  • Added clock synchronization plugin via NTP.
  • Added basic codeQL analysis pipeline for common vulnerability scanning.
  • Added basic HTTP authentication.
  • Changed payload layout to be more similar to the one specified for Chrysalis phase 2.
  • Improved rand-seed tool by writing its output to a file.
  • Improved the Docker network by making MongoDB, Grafana and Prometheus optional so that startup/shutdown times are low when not needed.
  • Upgraded to the latest hive.go.
  • Upgraded NodeJS dependencies of the dashboard.
  • Fixed several security issues.
  • Refactored the entire code base to make its package structure flat and more consistent with Hornet.
  • Moved data structures to hive.go
  • Removed JWT authentication due to security issues of the package dgrijalva/jwt-go
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


03 Sep 14:31
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v0.2.4 - 2020-09-03

  • Fixes race condition that was preventing the deletion of some entries from missing messages.
  • Improves the Tangle-BadgerDB interaction.
  • Improved APIs for debug with the addition of the value-tips endpoint.
  • Improved autopeering management by adding the ability to specify a given network version.
  • Integrates initial support for the dRNG module.
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


11 Aug 11:11
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v0.2.3 - 2020-08-11

  • Fixes synchronization issue where missing messages were not requested more than once
  • Fixes node's dashboard explorer crashing or not properly visualizing the payload of a given message
  • Improves Grafana local dashboard:
    • Adds support for the sync-beacon payload type
    • Displaying uptime and nodeID
  • Fixes all linter issues to improve code quality
  • Breaking: Bumps network and database versions


27 Jul 12:35
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v0.2.2 - 2020-07-27

  • Improves message and transaction validation:
    • Adjust max transaction inputs count;
    • Adds signature validation before issuance;
    • Enforce max message size in message factory.
  • Improves API:
    • Changes granularity of spammer API to accept messages per minute;
    • Adds API middleware and set CORS to allow from every origin;
    • Adds sendTransactionByJSON to allow a client to issue transactions by providing them in a JSON format;
    • Adds tool API endpoint to facilitate debugging of the solidification status;
    • Removes old API documentation;
  • Improves synchronization process:
    • Refactors message requester to be more reliable;
    • Improves solidification process;
    • Refactors worker pool management;
    • Replaces bootstrap plugin with the more secure and reliable beacon plugin.
  • Improves analysis-server dashboard:
    • Adds the ability to distinguish between different GoShimmer node versions;
    • Refactors the interaction between server side and dashboard;
    • Improves consensus visualization;
    • Improves dashboard tooling.
  • Adds a new electron-based wallet.
  • Increases max gossip packet size.
  • Adds command to the CLI to override database dirty flag.
  • Grafana local dashboard
    • Adds messages in database chart (solid, not solid, total)
    • Adds average solidification time chart
    • Adds Message Request Queue Size chart
  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions


01 Jul 15:32
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  • Breaking: bumps network and database versions
  • Adds PoW requirement to faucet payloads
  • Adds tips broadcaster to ensure that all chains are getting solidified
  • Fixes being able to send a double-spend via one node


30 Jun 13:30
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  • Adds the value transfer dApp:
    • New binary transaction layout
    • UTXO model
    • Support for transactions with Ed25519 and BLS signatures
    • Parallel reality based ledger state
    • Support for colored tokens
    • Conflict resolution via FPC
    • Applied FCoB rules
  • Adds the network delay dApp which is used to gather the avg. network delay occurring in the network
  • Adds the faucet dApp giving the ability to request funds for testing via the dashboard or web API
  • Adds the DRNG dApp which is used to propagate random numbers produced by a dRand committee (this dApp is inactive)
  • Adds the base communication layer
  • Adds improved analysis server:
    • Splits it into 3 separate plugins analysis-client/analysis-dashboard/analysis-server
    • Applies heartbeat pattern for robustness on both client and server side
    • Uses TLV denoted messages for communication
    • Complete new dashboard with live visualisations of the network graph and ongoing conflicts
    • Use short node IDs throughout the analysis dashboard
    • Prometheus exporter to expose global network metrics
    • Storage for conflicts inside a MongoDB for further processing
    • Complete rewritten autopeering data retention
  • Adds additional HTTP API routes:
    • "healtz" route to query the health of the node (for LBs)
    • Query transaction attachment locations
    • Query transactions by IDs
    • Send transactions
    • Get UTXOs on addresses
    • Query info about the node
    • Issue a faucet funding request
    • Query dRNG committee
    • Query dRNG random number
    • Issue data payloads
  • Adds dashboard improvements:
    • Tips chart
    • Communication layer visualizer
    • Address and UTXOs view
    • Message payload view
    • DRNG live feed
    • Faucet page to request funds
    • Support different payload views (data, value, faucet, unknown)
  • Adds integration test framework and corresponding tests:
    • Autopeering/Network Split
    • Message propagation
    • FPC 50/50 network split voting
    • Faucet funding
    • Value transfers
    • Synchronization
  • Adds refactored communication layer code
  • Adds BLAKE2-based PoW for rate control
  • Adds rewritten FPC package
  • Adds possibility to change config options with environment variables
  • Adds sample Grafana dashboard for local node instances
  • Adds snapshot-file import
  • Adds "dirty-flag" to the Database plugin to check for corrupted databases
  • Adds BadgerDB gargbage collection on startup/shutdown and removes periodic GC
  • Adds review-dog linter and automatic integration tests execution to continuous integration pipeline
  • Adds Prometheus exporter plugin with exposure for following metrics
  • Adds Sync plugin keeping track of the node's synchronization state
  • Adds Issuer plugin which takes care of issuing messages (and blocking any issuance when the node is desynced)
  • Adds Profiling plugin which exposes the pprof endpoints and is now configurable
  • Adds Bootstrap plugin which continuously issues messages to keep the comm. layer graph growing
  • Adds proper metrics collection in the Metrics plugin
  • Adds support for the new HTTP API routes to the Go client library
  • Adds tools/docker-network to run an isolated GoShimmer network with a chosen amount of nodes. Predefined local and global grafana dashboards are spinned up as well for the network
  • Upgrades hive.go with various improvements and fixes
  • Fixes bind address prints to not be normalized
  • Fixes usage of WebSocket message rate limiter
  • Fixes disabled/enabled plugins list in info response
  • Fixes the Graceful Shutdown plugin not showing the actual background workers during shutdown. The node operator is now
    able to see pending background workers in the order in which they are supposed to be terminated
  • Refactors display of IDs to use Base58 throughout the entire codebase
  • Increases network and database versions
  • Removes usage of non std errors package
  • Removes Graph plugin
  • Renames SPA plugin to Dashboard
  • Makes running GoShimmer with a config file mandatory if not explicitly bypassed


16 Mar 19:26
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v0.1.3 - 2020-03-16

  • Upgrade SPA plugin's JS dependencies
  • Upgrade to v2.8.0
  • Resolves a security issue in the packr dependency, which would allow an unauthenticated attacker to read any file from the application's filesystem