Basic publishing on IPFS is dead simple! But many traditional workflows on the centralized web are not at all straightforward.
Additionally, traditional search engines will not work the same, either in a technology nor a business sense.
If a website is published in a merkle forest and no one is around to read it, is its information truly free?
Let's dive deeply into understanding the challenges for traditional web developers and publishers in moving to IPFS. Let's define some best-practices, helpful workflows, tools and resources for Busy Web Developers.
Some possible goals...
- We'll have identified a set of primary use-cases for publishing websites with IPFS
- We'll have a set of recommended workflows and tools for meeting those use-cases
- We'll understand and be able to describe the trade-offs (pros and cons)
- We'll know what the biggest roadblocks are, so we can know what to work on next
- We'll know what the biggest misconceptions are, so we can educate people about them
- We'll know what higher-level workflows and patterns are needed to bridge the gap with traditional web development
- We'll identify where we can integrate into existing tools, IDEs, servers for easing adoption
Some possible requirements...
- Websites need to stay up
- People need names not hashes
- A vibrant web has dynamic content
- Search is the most powerful content discovery tool in the history of the internet
- @agentofuser's tools and posts for easing publication of static sites to IPFS
- Tom Macwright's post about challenges in publishing a website on IPFS
- End-to-end tutorial for publishing an update-able static website with human-readable name with IPFS and IPNS
- (Add yours with a PR!)
🎤 Slides
- Explain the problem
- Design solutions
- Send PR to camp repo
- Design slide for report back
- search
- dynamic vs static content
- publishing
- developer workflow
- what privacy problems in search?
- moral divisions?
- can search by executed client side?
- lots of surveillance and tracking go away
- is possible?
- common knowledge
- your local dataset is a knowledge subset
- can you extend dht to support client side search
- search is sniffing dht?
- what if you wanted to ask though?
- where is the connection? as a block?
- ipld graph? who builds it?
- layer on top of network layer
- right now google picks what shows first
- economic incentives, political
- is it your responsibility to make your stuff indexable?
- if your name is not easily google-able, is already your responsible
- weighted pagerank
- how do you build it?
- blockchain network - nodes recalculate in a window the knowledge graph
- for client node, you have your own subset
- everyone has their own knowledge graph
- is it part of global knowledge graph?
- local kgraph can respond to requests
- and merge requests into local
- if i have token, i can submit links
- name -> cid
- cid -> content
- name (cid) -> content (cid)
- hard to find
- hard to discover
- hard to index
- disambiguation
can have a bot?
push a bunch to elastic search?
expensive slow and stupid
browsing web, your agent is collecting data
start assembling graph
establish relationships with friends
if can't find in local graph, ask friends
and ask their friends
slow, error prone, kinda works
(over time)
local maximum - good restaurants in Barcelona
might return some things for different reasons
deliberate tagging by user decisions
vs crawling social graph
is how index is assembled
active vs passive
if someone wants to find something, some index is made and somehow you return the result
we have an index
we have book library
many sources, one place to look
another approach, phone your friends to see who has the book
commons increases probability
how to build index?
what difference between index and knowledge graph?
kg is richer than index?
index is a list
The Underlay
making kg on ipfs
claim "city x is in country y"
show probability of whether the claim is true
google collects what's clicked on and time spent
browser also knows that
can you collect all public content?
what about social graph?
what about echo chamber? filter bubble
let's make layers
value comes from what people link to
content + linkout + linkin
trust - social graph, barcelona restaurant
ambient index - vaccination
might pay for medical info
marketplace of information?
bounty for search
people in barcelona will have cheaper source of info on restaurants beacuse it's real
social path - current bias is against human collaboration
instead of social graph, use local history?
we choose echo chambers for good reasons
eg, we chose to be at this event, not NRA meetup
our real life choices dictate our local search
bidding - offer $100, and get 5 answers back
but no rewards?
what if no economic interest?
we cannot measure value
hard to trust economic incentive
denies opportunity who don't have the money to play
equal outcome and equal opportunity
searchers don't pay - providers have separate economic incentive
ipfs is freemium model, extended with filecoin
both is best
if you remove the economic incentive does it still work?
Active Indexing
- deliberately crafted indexes
- tagging/labeling
- knowledge graph playlists
- by creater or by viewer
Passive Indexing
- lazy index of browser experience over time
- then sharing index
- can be anonymized or attributed
- metadata: when you looked, how long, etc
- what other criteria?
Dystopian Indexing
- location based passive index
- social graph passive index
- breakup playlist index
- robots
- marketplace
- may be economic or not
- free store, free box
- ego marketplace - my index is better than yours
- store it
- surface it
- close the loop -> feed back good answers into the index
- passive does that over time
- happy/sad
- distributed computing of data
- blockchain dapps
- broadly synonomous to dweb
- web1 -> webpages on internet, navigate between
- web2 -> change those webpages you visit
- web3 -> layer of trust for those webpages
- fire off a message
- each node looks into their local store
- makes local index
- they decide a local rank
- more entries, more priority
- opt-in response
- put your own peer id in the request
- schema?
- all datasets have same schema
- can't merge schema types
- results coming in async, which is funky ux
- wait for first 3 msgs for low # of peers
- bigger problem than schemas is indexing
- what do you index
what about snakes
index plain text search
more powerful than you think
push search to the edges
massive advantage there
multiple loops to refine results
on fast connection?
trust problem
asking remote nodes to do computation is trust/risk
ask for snakes, get porn
big unsolved problem
comparing search strategies
mixing: active local, passive local, active remote, passive remote
speed vs quality
bit by snake, poisonous? speed and quality
accuracy is relative