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Iterators dialect for MLIR

This folder contains an MLIR dialect based on the concepts of database-style iterators, which allow to express computations on streams of data.


Database systems (both relational and non-relational) often implement domain-specific compilers for high-level optimizations of their user programs (or "queries") and, increasingly so, use JIT-compilers to reduce runtime overheads. While this seems to make MLIR a good framework for implementing the compilers of these systems, computations of their domains have some properties that MLIR is currently unprepared for. This dialect is a first step to bridge that gap: its goal is to implement database-style "iterators," which database systems typically use in their execution layer.


Analogy to Iterators in Python

Python's concept of iterators is very similar to that of the database-style iterators that this project is targeting. The subsequent explains Python iterators in order to establish fundamental concepts and terminology in a context that is familiar to many readers.


Python's iterators allow to work with sequences of values without materializing these sequences. This allows to (1) save memory for storing the entire sequence, which may allow to do computations that would otherwise exceed the main memory, (2) avoid computing values in the sequence that are never used, (3) as a consequence, work with infinite sequences, and (4) improve cache efficiency because the consumer of the values of a sequence is interleaved with the producer of that sequence.

Consider the following example:

from itertools import *
for x in islice(count(10, 2), 3):
# Output:
# 10
# 12
# 14

Note that count produces an infinite sequence -- it starts counting at the number given by first argument (and the increment given as the second) -- but islice only consumes the first 3 values of it (as instructed to by its second argument).

Definition of iterator

Formally, an iterator in Python is simply an object with a __next__() function, which, when called repeatedly, return the values of the sequence defined by the iterator (and an __iter__() function, which allows to use the iterator wherever an iterable is needed). Consider the following class, which fulfills this requirement:

class CountToThree:
  def __init__(self):
    self.i = 0
  def __next__(self):
    if self.i == 3:
      raise StopIteration
    self.i += 1
    return self.i
  def __iter__(self):
    return self

for i in CountToThree():

# Output:
# 1
# 2
# 3

What is happening behind the scenes is that the for loop takes an instances of the class CountToThree, calls __iter__() on that instance (which is required to be an iterable) in order to obtain an iterator, and then calls __next__() on that iterator until a StopIteration exceptions indicates the end of the sequence, binding each resulting value to the loop variable. This roughly corresponds to:

iterable = CountToThree()
iterator = iterable.__iter__()
print(iterator.__next__()) # Outputs: 1
print(iterator.__next__()) # Outputs: 2
print(iterator.__next__()) # Outputs: 3
print(iterator.__next__()) # Raises: StopIteration

Note that there is only one iteration per iterator: if the iterator object is passed around and __next__() is called on that object in different places, each of them advances the same iteration. Doing so is, thus, most often a bad idea; it is rather useful to limit each iterator to one consumer.


One property that makes iterators in Python so powerful is that they are composable. Many built-in functions (such as enumerate, filter, map, etc.) and standard library functions (most notably those defined in itertools) accept arguments of type iterable and produce again results that are iterable. I/O is also often done with iterable objects (for example, via IOBase).

Consider the following example, which computes the maximum length of a line with an even number of characters of all lines in a given text file:

  filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0,
         map(lambda x: len(x),

Each of the functions max, filter, map, and open either accepts or produces an iterator object (or both). The result of the three inner-most functions is an iterator object that has two more iterator objects recursively nested inside of it. That object is given to max, which drives the computation by calling __next__() repeatably on that object, which, in turn, causes a cascade of calls to __next__() of the nested iterator objects. Since the state in each iterator object and the number of values passed between them is constant, the above example essentially works on arbitrarily large files.

Distinction to Related Concepts in Python

A few related but distinct concepts deserve a short discussion:

  • iterable: As mentioned before, iterables in Python are things than can be iterated over (such as containers like lists, tuples, etc) while iterators are objects that help with that iteration. iterables provide iterators via their __iter__() function. The for loop uses that function to get an iterator, and uses that in turn to iterate. Confusion may arise because iterators are also iterable (in order to make iterators usable in for loops).
  • generator: This term is actually ambiguous; it may refer to generator function (which seems to be the more common usage of simply generator) or generator iterator. In short, the former is a function that returns the latter. In more detail, a generator function is a function with a yield statement, which, therefore, returns an object of the built-in type generator -- a class that implements the iterator interface. Similarly, a generator expression (such as i*i for i in range(10)) is a language construct that, like generator functions, returns an object of the built-in type generator (which is an iterator).

Iterators in Database Systems

Database systems (both relational and non-relational) typically express their computations as transformations of streams of data in order to reduce data movement between slow and fast memory (e.g., between DRAM and CPU cache). They typically do so with "iterators" that are quite similar to those in Python, and pretty much for the same reasons. First, having all transformations implement some iterator interface makes them composable: Each iterator produces a stream of data that can be consumed "downstream" one element at a time, and, in turn, consumes the streams from its zero or more "upstream" iterators to do so -- without knowing anything about its upstream and downstream iterators. This helps isolating the control flow of each iterator, which may be complex, as well as its state. Like in Python, the iterator interface also allows for interleaved execution of many different computation steps by passing data and control: when one iterator asks its upstream iterator for the next element, it passes control to that iterator, which returns the control together with the next element. By limiting the number of in-flight elements to essentially one, this minimizes the overall state and thus data movement.

Iterators in database systems are often implemented with some variant of the so-called "Volcano" iterator model (named after the system that first proposed this model, see Graefe'90). Conceptually, the model is the same as those of Python's iterators; however, the communication protocol between iterators is slightly different. Concretely, it defines that each iterator class should have the functions open, next, and close (and is therefore sometimes called "open/next/close" interface). Computations are expressed as a tree of such iterators. (The reason why it has to be a tree is that, like in Python, open/next/close iterators only provide one iteration, i.e., they can only be consumed in one place. In a tree, this place is their parent iterator.) The computation is initialized by calling open on the root iterator, which typically calls open on its child iterators, such that the whole tree is initialized recursively. The computation is then driven by calling next repeatedly on the root, each call producing one element of the result until all of them have been produced. Each call to next on the root typically triggers a cascade of next calls in the tree (but how many calls are required in each of the iterators depends on those iterators, their current state, and the input they are consuming). After a call to next has signaled the end of the result stream, or when the system or user wants to abort the computation, the close function of the root iterator is called, which recursively calls close on its children, all of which clean up any state they may have.

The examples/database-iterators-standalone folder contains a standalone project that implements the open/next/close interface using C++ templates for illustration purposes.

Originally, the open/next/close interface was implemented with (virtual) function calls in order to achieve the desired composability but this has changed over time. In the times when almost all data managed by the database system was stored on disk, the overhead of virtual function calls in the inner loop was negligible. However, DRAM sizes have increased faster than typical dataset sizes, so most data today is processed from main memory, in which case virtual functions are not practical anymore. Several solutions have been proposed over time, two of which are related variants of the Volcano model: (1) Rather than passing one element at a time, it is possible to pass batches of them in each call to next, and then express the computations as virtual functions on the whole batch. This amortizes the virtual function calls with the batch size but keeps the benefits of being cache-efficient. See the seminal work on MonetDB/X100 for details. (2) Alternatively, JIT compilation (of the entire computation or parts of it) has become widespread for eliminating the function call overhead, as popularized by HyPer. To some degree, the C++ template project mentioned above achieves this by relying on the C++ compiler to inline templated function calls; another widespread technique is to produce LLVM IR one way or the other.

The Relational Data Model

We briefly review the data model of relational database systems. To a large degree, iterators seem orthogonal to the elements they iterate over but whether or not and how we should achieve this orthogonality may require some discussion, so reviewing the data model here may be useful.

Relational database systems manage relations. A relation is a bag (i.e., multiset) of tuples (or records). (Textbooks often define relations as sets but practical systems use bag-based relational algebra, or even sequence-based or mixed algebras in order to support order-sensitive operations such as window functions.) A record is a collection of named and typed attributes (or fields or, depending on the context, columns). Attributes may be nullable (read: optional), i.e., they may contain a value of a particular type or the special value null indicating the absence of a value. In the plain relational model, attributes are atomic values (numbers, strings, etc); in nested relational algebra, an attribute may be of a relation type or a tuple type.

The closest equivalent to a relation in Python is arguably a List[TupleType], where TupleType is some type based on NamedTuple, e.g., NamedTuple('Employee', [('name', Optional[str]), ('id', int)]). One inaccuracy in this analogy is the fact that (bag-based) relations do not specify an order of their tuples while List does. Another inaccuracy is the fact that NamedTuple specifies a name for the tuple type whereas this isn't (always) the case in the relational model. Also, NamedTuple allows ordered access to the fields whereas the field order does not play any role in the relational model (though it does play a role in SQL, most notably for UNION and similar).

Another way to look at relations is to think of them as tables: each tuple represents one row of the table and the corresponding attribute values of different rows represent a column. The values in each column have the same type. Again, this analogy is inaccurate in that it implies an order of the rows and columns.

Relations, thus, have a certain similarity to matrices: they are also two-dimensional and can be thought of in terms of rows and columns. However, (1) only columns have values of the same type, whereas the values of one row generally don't, (2) at least on the highest-level of abstraction (and modulo the sequence-based relational model), neither the order of the rows nor that of the columns matter, (3) the elements of relations may be strings or similar variable-length data types, and (4) nested relational algebra also allows for structured element types (which may have variable length).

Basic Concepts

This section defines the central concepts of this dialect and relates them to those introduced in the Background section.

  • Stream: A collection of elements of a particular type that (1) is ordered and (2) can only be iterated over in that order one element at the time.

    Stream is the main data type that iterator ops consume and produce.

    Ideally, there should be no restriction on the type of the elements and it seems like it is possible to achieve that ideal (since Python achieves it).

    We currently assume that streams are finite but most concepts will probably remain unchanged if that restriction were lifted (see Python supporting infinite iterators).

  • Iterator Op: An operation producing a stream and consuming zero or more other streams (plus zero or more non-stream operands) identified by a name.

    An iterator op only specifies that streams are handled in a particular way but how that is happening is only specified in its documentation, not in the form of code.

    The equivalent to iterator ops in Python are functions returning iterators (like map and similar built-in functions as well as those from itertools), which are really "iterator factories" -- not iterators. We choose, say, map by name, which produces an iterator that behaves according to the documentation of map. We do not write down ourselves the imperative or comprehension-based logic of the iterator, nor do we see or need to understand the iterator interface.

    Iterator ops can be lowered to an implementation based on the Volcano iterator model but other lowerings are conceivable. (For example, this project lowers ops that are approximately equivalent to iterator ops to FPGAs.) Lowering materializes the semantics specified by the name of the iterator op in a lower-level form; similarly, the call to map materializes its semantics as an iterator object that behaves according its specification.

  • Iterator Body: The function bodies of the functions open, next, and close.

    This is the equivalent of Python's iterators, though with a different protocol. It contains the implementation of the logic of the iterator exposed through the open/next/close iterator interface.

    At this level, the identity of the originating iterator op does not matter anymore and is lost. Iterator bodies may, in fact, not correspond to any particular iterator op, for example, after one iterator body has been inlined into another one.