This specification defines the features and syntax of Swipe, a mark-up language for non-developers to create media-rich and animated documents for touch-enabled devices.
This specification describes the current snapshot of the Swipe 0.1, which is still under development and may change drastically.
Swipe is a domain-specific, declarative language for non-developers (such as designers, animators, illustrators, musicians, videographers and comic writers) to create media-rich documents (books and presentations) that contains photos, videos, vector graphics, animations, voices, music and sound effects, which will be consumed on touch-enabled devices (such as smartphones, tablets and touch-enabled set-top-boxes).
Since the introduction of iPhone, the capability of those mobile devices advanced significantly with faster CPU/GPU, a large amount memory and various sensors, but taking a full advantage of those capability is not easy.
While the "native programming" (such as in Objective-C, Swift, Java, and etc.) gives the best possible performance and the user experience, the development cost is very expensive, and supporting multiple devices is a nightmare.
Using a "cross-platform development environment", such as Unity, Coco3D, Corona and Flash has some advantages over native programming, but it still requires a "procedural programming", which only skilled developers are able to do.
Building interactive applications on top of HTML browsers became possible because of HTML5, but it still has many issues. Providing a good user experience is very difficult (this is why Facebook gave up this approach), and the development cost is as expensive as native or cross-platform development, requiring skilled developers.
People often debate over those three approaches, but they often overlook one important disadvantage of those three approaches. All those approaches require "procedural programming", which can be done only by skilled developers and are very expensive, error-prone and time-consuming.
This disadvantage makes it very difficult for those creative people to make quick prototypes and experimental works, just like an artist makes sketches with pencils and erasers. It is economically impossible for individual creators to create interactive, media-rich books and publish them.
Swipe was born to fill this gap. It allows non-developers to create interactive and media-rich documents without any help from developers. The declarative nature of Swipe language (and the lack of "procedural programming environment") makes very easy to learn, write and read. It also makes it easy to auto-generate documents (from data) and create authoring environments.
Swipe was designed for a specific set of applications and contents.
- Animated Comics
- Animated Children Books
- Sound Novels (Story book with pictures, BGM and sound-effects)
- Graphical Audio Books
- Photo & Video Books
- Graphical Music Albums
- Media-rich Presentations
- Video Instructions & Tutorials
Swipe is NOT
- A replacement of ePub, which is designed for text-centric books and supports flow layout
- A general-purpose programming environment where programmers write procedural code
- A game engine
- Domain-specific (not general purpose)
- Declarative (not a programming environment)
- JSON instead of XML
- Lightweight
- Designer friendly
- String: Regular string
- Color: One of RBG(A) styles ("#RRGGBB", "#RGB", "#RRGGBBAA", "#RGBA") or, one of standard color names ("red", "black", "blue", "white", "green", "yellow", "purple", "gray", "darkGray", "lightGray", "brown", "orange", "cyan", "magenta")
- Percent: "NN%" relative to the parent
- Path: SVG-style Path String
- URL: relative or absolute URL
- StringId: Regular string used as an identifier
- LangId: Language identifier, such as "*", "en", "ja", "de", etc., where "*" represents the default
A Document is a UTF8 JSON file, which consists of a collection of Pages. The order of Pages in the collection is significant, and they will be presented to the user in the specified order.
Here is a sample Document which consists of two pages:
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!" }
"elements": [
{ "text":"Good Bye!" }
When the user opens this document with a Swipe viewer, the user will see only the first page with text "Hello World!" in the middle of screen. The user needs to swipe up (since the vertical scrolling is the default) to see the second page.
- type (String): This must be "net.swipe.swipe" for a Swipe document (need)
- version (String): Version of the Swipe language specification used in the document
- title (String): Title of the document, optional(supported)
- bc (Color): Background color, default is darkGray (supported)
- dimension ([Int, Int]): Dimension of the document, default is [320, 568] (supported)
- paging (String): Paging direction, vertical (default), or leftToRight (supported)
- orientation (String): Document orientation, portrait (default) or landscape (not support)
- templates ({"elements":ElementTemplates, "pages":PageTemplates}) (as scene) (supported)
- pages ({Name:PageTemplate}): PageTemplate dictionary (supported)
- elements ({Name:ElementTemplate}): ElementTemplate dictionary (supported)
- paths ({Name:Path}): Named Paths dictionary
- markdown ({Name:Style}): Named Markdown style (supported)
- voices ({Name:VoiceInfo}): Named Voice style
- pages ([Page,...]): Collection of Pages (supported)
- resources ([String,...]): Resource keys for on-demand resources
- viewstate (Bool): Indicate if we need to save&restore view state. The default is true.
- languages ({"id":LangId, "title":String},...): Languages to display via the "Lang." button in the Swipe viewer.
Page consists of a collection of Elements. The order of Elements in the collection is significant, those elements will be rendered in the specified order (from bottom to top).
Here is a Document with a Page, which has two Elements.
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "x":50, "y":100, "w":100, "h":100, "bc":"red" },
{ "x":100, "y":150, "w":100, "h":100, "bc":"blue" },
- bc (Color): Background color, the default is white (supported)
- fpt (Int): Frame per second, the default is 60
- transition (String): Inter-page transition style, scroll (default), fadeIn or replace (supported)
- play (String): Play(animation) control, auto (default), pause, always or scroll
- duration (Float): Duration of the animation in seconds, the default is 0.2 seconds
- repeat (Boolean): Repeat rule of the animation, default is false
- rewind (Boolean): Rewind rule of the animation when the user leaves the page, default is false
- template (String): Name of the PageTemplate, default is "*"
- audio (URL): Specifies the sound effect to be played in sync with the animation
- speech (SpeechInfo): Specifies the text-to-speech to be played in sync with the animation
- vibrate (Bool): Specifies the vibration in sync with the animation, the default is false
- elements ([Element+]): Collection of Elements (supported)
- eyePosition (Float): Eye position (z-height) for the perspective relative to width, default is 1.0 (not supported)
- strings ([StringId:[LangId:String]]): String resources
The paging direction is defined by the "paging" property of the Document. It must be either vertical, leftToRight or rightToLeft, and the default is vertical.
The inter-page transition is defined by the "transition" property of the preceding Page. It should be either scroll, fadeIn or replace. The default is scroll unless the "play" property is scroll. If the "play" property is scroll, the default is replace.
- scroll: regular scrolling behavior (default)
- fadeIn: The preceding Page will fade-in while the user drags it in.
- replace: The preceding Page will replace when the user start dragging.
The "play" property defines the timing of play/animation defined on the Page, and it must be either auto, pause, always or scroll. If "auto" is specified, the animation will start automatically after the completion of the forward paging action. If "always" is specified, the animation will start after the completion of the backward paging action as well. If scroll is specified, the animation will be played while the user is scrolling the page.
- auto: The animation on the page will be played after forward scrolling to this page (default)
- pause: The animation on the Page will not automatically start
- always: The animation on the Page will be played after scrolling to this page
- scroll: The animation on the Page will be performed while the user scrolls the page
A PageTemplate defines a set of properties and Elements to be shared among multiple Pages. It also defines a background music to be played when one of those Pages is active.
A Page is always associated with a PageTemplate, either explicitly with the "template" property or implicitly with the default PageTemplate with name "*".
The Page inherits all the properties from the associated PageTemplate, including Elements. When the same property is specified both in the Page and the PageTemplate, the value specified in the Page will be used. The only exception to this rule is Elements, which will be deep-merged (deep-inheritance). Elements with the id property will be merged, and other Elements will be appended (Elements defined in the PageTemplate are always placed below Elements specified in the page).
Here is a Document with two Pages, where the first Page is associated with the default PageTemplate, and the second Page is associated with the "alternative" PageTemplate. Because each PageTemplate specifies the background color, those Pages inherit those background colors.
"templates": {
"pages": {
"*": { "bc":"blue" },
"alternative": { "bc":"green" },
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!" }
"elements": [
{ "text":"Good Bye!" }
The following example uses the "id" to identify a particular Element in the PageTemplate and modify its "textColor" property.
"templates": {
"pages": {
"*": {
"elements": [
{ "id":"hello", "text":"Hello World" },
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "id":"hello", "textColor":"red" }
"elements": [
{ "id":"hello", "textColor":"green" }
- bgm (URL): Specifies the background music to play.
An Element is a visible entity on a Page. It occupies a specified rectangle area within a Page. An Element may contain child Elements.
- id (String): the element identifier in the associated ElementTemplate at the same nesting level (supported)
- template (String): the name of the ElementTemplate to inherit properties from
- x (Float or Percent): x-position of the left-top corner of element, default is 0 (supported)
- y (Float or Percent): y-position of the left-top corner of the element, default is 0 (supported)
- pos ([Float/Percent, Float/Percent]): alternative way to specify the position by the location of the anchor point (supported)
- anchor ([Float/Percent, Float/Percent]): anchor point, default is ["50%", "50%"]
- w (Float, Percent or "fill"): width of the element, default is "100%". (supported)
- h (Float, Percent or "fill"): height of the element, default is "100%" (supported)
- bc (Color): background color, default is clear, animatable (supported)
- clip (Boolean): Specifies clipping behavior, default is false ( not yet)
- borderWidth (Float): Width of the border, default is 0, animatable
- borderColor (Color): Color of the border, animatable
- cornerRadius (Float): Size of the corner radius, animatable
- opacity (Float): Opacity of the element, between 0 to 1, animatable (maybe)
- rotate (Float or Float[3]): Rotation in degree around the anchor point, clockwise, default is 0, animatable. (supported)
- scale (Float or [Float, Float]): Scaling factor around the anchor point, default is [1, 1], animatable (support)
- translate ([Float, Float]): Translation, default is [0, 0], animatable (supported)
- text (String, [langId:String] or ["ref":StringId]): Text to display (supported)
- textAlign (String): Text alignment, center (default), left or right (supported)
- fontSize (Float or Percent): Font size (supported)
- fontName (String or [String]): Font name or names (the first name existing in the system is used) (supported)
- textColor (Color): Color of the text, animatable (supported)
- img (URL): Image to display, animatable (support)
- mask (URL): Image mask (PNG with the alpha channel)
- sprite (URL): Sprite to display
- slice ([Int, Int]): Dimension of the sprite
- slot ([Int, Int]): Slot to display, animatable
- path (Path): Path to display (SVG style), animatable
- lineWidth (Float): Width of stroke, default is 0
- strokeColor (Color): Color of the stroke, default is black, animatable
- fillColor (Color): Fill color, default is clear, animatable
- strokeStart (Float): Starting offset, default is 0, animatable
- strokeEnd (Float): Ending offset, default is 1, animatable
- video or radio (URL): Video/Radio to play
- videoStart (Float): Starting point of the video in seconds, default is 0
- videoDuration (Float): Ending point of the video in seconds
- stream (Bool): Specifies if the resource specified with the video tag is stream or not, default is false
- to (Transition Animation): Specifies the Transitional Animation (support)
- loop (Loop Animation): Specifies the Loop Animation (support)
- tiling (Bool): Specifies the tiling (to be used with shift loop animation)
- action (String): Specifies the Action
- repeat (Bool): Repeat rule for the element. The default is false. (supported)
ElementTemplates are a set of Elements defined in "elements" property of the Document. Any Element can inherit properties from one of those ElementTemplates by specifying its name in the "template" property.
The sample below uses a ElementTemplate, "smile" as a template for five different Elements in a page.
"templates": {
"elements": {
"smile": {
"path":"M0,0 C10,50 90,50 100,0",
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "template":"smile", "pos":["50%", 100] },
{ "template":"smile", "pos":["50%", 200], "rotate":30 },
{ "template":"smile", "pos":["50%", 300], "lineWidth":10 },
{ "template":"smile", "pos":["50%", 400], "strokeColor":"#37F" },
{ "template":"smile", "pos":["50%", 500], "scale":[2,1] },
Just like a regular Element, ElementTemplate may have child Elements, and they will be deep-merged just like Elements in PageTemplate.
The following example shows how to use a ElementTemplate with child Elements, and override their properties using the "id" property.
"templates": {
"elements": {
"helloWorld": {
"w":160, "h":100,
{ "id":"hello", "text":"Hello", "textAlign":"left" },
{ "id":"world", "text":"World", "textAlign":"left", "x":80 },
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "template":"helloWorld", "pos":[160, 100] },
{ "template":"helloWorld", "pos":[160, 200],
{ "id":"hello", "textColor":"red", },
{ "id":"world", "textColor":"blue", },
{ "template":"helloWorld", "pos":[160, 300],
{ "id":"world", "text":"Swipe!" },
The Transition Animation specifies a set of animations to play right after or during the page transition (depending on the "transition" property of the page).
The "to" property of each element specifies the animation to be performed on the element, by specifying a new value for animatable properties (such as "opacity", "rotate", "translate", "bc", "path", "pos", "mode").
The "timing" property specifies the timing of animation with two floating values, start and end (must be between 0.0 and 1.0). The default is [0.0, 1.0].
Following example animates the text "I'm animatable!" down when the second page appears on the screen.
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!" }
"elements": [
{ "text":"I'm animatable!", "to":{ "translate":[0, 200] } }
If the "play" property of the page is "auto" (which is default) like the sample above, the animation happens after the page scrolling, and the duration of the animation is determined by the "duration" property of the page (the default is 0.2 seconds).
If the "play" property of the page is "scroll" like the example below, the animation takes place while the user swipes the previous page up to see this page, and the "duration" property of the page will be ignored (since the user's swipe action determines the duration).
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!" }
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!", "to":{ "translate":[0, 200] } }
The "loop" property of the element specifies the Loop Animation associated with the element. Unlike Transition Animation, it repeats the same animation multiple times specified by the count property (the default is 1).
The Loop Animation must have a "style" property, and the value of this property must be one of following.
- vibrate: The Element vibrates left to right, where the "delta" property specifies the distance (the default is 10)
- blink: The Element blinks changing its opacity from 1 to 0.
- wiggle: The Element rotates left and right, where the "delta" property specifies the angle in degree (the default is 15)
- spin: The Element spins, where the "clockwise" property (boolean) specifies the direction, the default is true.
- shift: The Element shift to the specified direction where the "direction" property specifies the direction ("n", "s", "e" or "w", the default is "s"). Use it with the "tiling" property.
- path: The Element performs path animation, where the "path" property specifies a collection of Paths.
- sprite: The Element performs a sprite animation.
Following example wiggles the text "I'm wiggling!" three times when the second page appears on the screen.
"pages": [
"elements": [
{ "text":"Hello World!" }
"elements": [
{ "text":"I'm wiggling!", "loop":{ "style":"wiggle", "count":3 } }
The "strings" property of the page specifies strings in multiple languages. The format is:
"strings": {StringId: {LangId:String, ...}}
"text" elements on the page can specify the string via the "ref" property which has the format:
Following example displays "good day" and "good evening" unless the locale is "de"; then "Guten Tag" and "guten Abend" are displayed.
"strings": {
"good day": {"*":"good day", "de": "Guten Tag"},
"good evening": {"*":"good evening", "de": "guten Abend"},
{ "text":{"ref":"good day"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "12%"]},
{ "text":{"ref":"good evening"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "34%"]},
Alternatively, the "text" element can directly specify the strings for each language directly using the following format:
"text":{ LangId:String, ...}
Following example displays "good morning" and "good afternoon" unless the locale is "de"; then "guten Morgen" and "guten Nachmittag" are displayed.
{ "text":{"*":"good morning", "de": "guten Morgen"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "12%"]},
{ "text":{"*":"good afternoon", "de": "guten Nachmittag"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "34%"]},
To enable language selection in the Swipe viewer via the "Lang." button, use the Document property languages to list the available languages using the following format:
"languages":[{"id":LangId, "title":String},...]
{"id": "en", "title": "English"},
{"id": "de", "title": "German"},
{ "text":{"*":"good morning", "de": "guten Morgen"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "12%"]},
{ "text":{"*":"good afternoon", "de": "guten Nachmittag"}, "h":"20%", "pos":["50%", "34%"]},