From 8c6efc7f4546cd5e890e3441ba15477ddddd2eaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: iText Software Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2020 17:31:36 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [RELEASE] Update dependency versions --- pom.xml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index a9de0873..3aba1f7a 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.itextpdf root - 7.1.12-SNAPSHOT + 7.1.13-SNAPSHOT From e6855171f9ee1e72a490fe5ef61dba3fa1cbfabe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marco Andries Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 08:50:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Use generalized Jenkinsfile in pipeline-library QA-11042 --- Jenkinsfile | 276 +--------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-) diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile index 02bc77d0..e489e35b 100644 --- a/Jenkinsfile +++ b/Jenkinsfile @@ -1,277 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env groovy @Library('pipeline-library')_ -def schedule, sonarBranchName, sonarBranchTarget -switch (env.BRANCH_NAME) { - case ~/.*master.*/: - schedule = '@monthly' - sonarBranchName = '' - sonarBranchTarget = '' - break - case ~/.*develop.*/: - schedule = '@midnight' - sonarBranchName = '' - sonarBranchTarget = '' - break - default: - schedule = '' - sonarBranchName = '' + env.BRANCH_NAME - sonarBranchTarget = '' - break -} -def DOWNLOADDIR = 'downloads' -def MVNINSTALLPLUGIN = 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1' +def repoName = "rups" +def dependencyRegex = "itextcore" -pipeline { - - agent any - - environment { - JDK_VERSION = 'jdk-8-oracle' - } - - options { - ansiColor('xterm') - buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactNumToKeepStr: '1')) - parallelsAlwaysFailFast() - retry(1) - skipStagesAfterUnstable() - timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') - timestamps() - } - - triggers { - cron(schedule) - } - - tools { - maven 'M3' - jdk "${JDK_VERSION}" - } - - stages { - stage('Build') { - options { - retry(2) - } - stages { - stage('Clean workspace') { - options { - timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - sh "mvn --threads 2C --no-transfer-progress clean dependency:purge-local-repository -Dinclude=com.itextpdf -DresolutionFuzziness=groupId -DreResolve=false -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository" - } - script { - if(fileExists(DOWNLOADDIR)) { - sh "rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/${DOWNLOADDIR}" - } - } - } - } - stage('Install branch dependencies') { - options { - timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - when { - not { - anyOf { - branch "master" - branch "develop" - } - } - } - steps { - script { - getAndConfigureJFrogCLI() - sh "./jfrog rt dl branch-artifacts/${env.JOB_BASE_NAME}/**/java/ ${DOWNLOADDIR}/" - if(fileExists(DOWNLOADDIR)) { - dir (DOWNLOADDIR) { - def mainPomFiles = findFiles(glob: '**/main.pom') - mainPomFiles.each{ pomFile -> - pomPath = pomFile.path.replace("\\","/") - sh "mvn ${MVNINSTALLPLUGIN}:install-file --quiet -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository -Dpackaging=pom -Dfile=${pomPath} -DpomFile=${pomPath}" - } - def pomFiles = findFiles(glob: '**/*.pom') - pomFiles.each{ pomFile -> - if ( != "main.pom") { - pomPath = pomFile.path.replace("\\","/") - sh "mvn ${MVNINSTALLPLUGIN}:install-file --quiet -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository -Dpackaging=pom -Dfile=${pomPath} -DpomFile=${pomPath}" - } - } - def jarFiles = findFiles(glob: '**/*.jar') - jarFiles.each{ jarFile -> - jarPath = jarFile.path.replace("\\","/") - sh "mvn ${MVNINSTALLPLUGIN}:install-file --quiet -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository -Dfile=${jarPath}" - } - } - } - } - } - } - stage('Compile') { - options { - timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - sh "mvn --threads 2C --no-transfer-progress package -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository" - } - } - } - } - post { - failure { - sleep time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES' - } - success { - script { currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS' } - } - } - } - stage('Static Code Analysis') { - options { - timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') - } - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - sh "mvn --no-transfer-progress verify --activate-profiles qa -Dpmd.analysisCache=true -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository" - } - recordIssues(tools: [ - checkStyle(), - pmdParser(), - spotBugs(useRankAsPriority: true) - ]) - dependencyCheckPublisher pattern: 'target/dependency-check-report.xml' - } - } - stage('Run Tests') { - options { - timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - withSonarQubeEnv('Sonar') { - sh "mvn --no-transfer-progress --activate-profiles test -DgsExec=\"${gsExec}\" -DcompareExec=\"${compareExec}\" -Dmaven.main.skip=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=false -Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent verify org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:report\"target/spotbugs.xml\" sonar:sonar " + sonarBranchName + " " + sonarBranchTarget - } - } - } - } - stage("Quality Gate") { - steps { - timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') { - waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: true - } - } - } - stage("Wrap to exe") { - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - sh "mvn --threads 2C --no-transfer-progress --activate-profiles exe " + - "build-helper:parse-version@parse-version " + - "com.akathist.maven.plugins.launch4j:launch4j-maven-plugin:launch4j@l4j-gui " + - "assembly:single@exe-archive " + - "-Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository" - } - } - } - stage('Artifactory Deploy') { - options { - timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - when { - anyOf { - branch "master" - branch "develop" - } - } - steps { - withMaven(jdk: "${JDK_VERSION}", maven: 'M3') { - script { - def server = Artifactory.server('itext-artifactory') - def rtMaven = Artifactory.newMavenBuild() - rtMaven.deployer server: server, releaseRepo: 'releases', snapshotRepo: 'snapshot' - rtMaven.tool = 'M3' - def buildInfo = pom: 'pom.xml', - goals: "--threads 2C --no-transfer-progress " + - "install --activate-profiles artifactory,exe " + - "build-helper:attach-artifact@attach-exe-artifact " + - "-Dmaven.repo.local=${env.WORKSPACE.replace('\\','/')}/.repository".toString() - server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo - } - } - } - } - stage('Branch Artifactory Deploy') { - options { - timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') - } - when { - not { - anyOf { - branch "master" - branch "develop" - } - } - } - steps { - script { - if (env.GIT_URL) { - repoName = ("${env.GIT_URL}" =~ /(.*\/)(.*)(\.git)/)[ 0 ][ 2 ] - findFiles(glob: 'target/*.jar').each { item -> - if (!(item ==~ /.*\/[fs]b-contrib-.*?.jar/) && !(item ==~ /.*\/findsecbugs-plugin-.*?.jar/) && !(item ==~ /.*-sources.jar/) && !(item ==~ /.*-javadoc.jar/)) { - sh "./jfrog rt u \"${item.path}\" branch-artifacts/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${repoName}/java/ --recursive=false --build-name ${env.BRANCH_NAME} --build-number ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} --props \"vcs.revision=${env.GIT_COMMIT};${repoName}\"" - } - } - findFiles(glob: '**/pom.xml').each { item -> - def pomPath = item.path.replace('\\','/') - if (!(pomPath ==~ /.*target.*/)) { - def resPomName = "main.pom" - def subDirMatcher = (pomPath =~ /^.*(?<=\/|^)(.*)\/pom\.xml/) - if (subDirMatcher.matches()) { - resPomName = "${subDirMatcher[ 0 ][ 1 ]}.pom" - } - sh "./jfrog rt u \"${item.path}\" branch-artifacts/${env.BRANCH_NAME}/${repoName}/java/${resPomName} --recursive=false --build-name ${env.BRANCH_NAME} --build-number ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} --props \"vcs.revision=${env.GIT_COMMIT};${repoName}\"" - } - } - } - } - } - } - } - - post { - always { - echo 'One way or another, I have finished \uD83E\uDD16' - } - success { - echo 'I succeeeded! \u263A' - cleanWs deleteDirs: true - } - unstable { - echo 'I am unstable \uD83D\uDE2E' - } - failure { - echo 'I failed \uD83D\uDCA9' - } - changed { - echo 'Things were different before... \uD83E\uDD14' - } - fixed { - script { - if (env.BRANCH_NAME.contains('master') || env.BRANCH_NAME.contains('develop')) { - slackNotifier("#ci", currentBuild.currentResult, "${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Back to normal") - } - } - } - regression { - script { - if (env.BRANCH_NAME.contains('master') || env.BRANCH_NAME.contains('develop')) { - slackNotifier("#ci", currentBuild.currentResult, "${env.BRANCH_NAME} - First failure") - } - } - } - } - -} +automaticJavaBuild(repoName, dependencyRegex) \ No newline at end of file From eba4d6501f87899d21b0ad2dec241f77e7423acf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: iText Software Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2020 09:19:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [RELEASE] RUPS 7.1.13 --- pom.xml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml index 3aba1f7a..27b1b20c 100644 --- a/pom.xml +++ b/pom.xml @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ com.itextpdf root - 7.1.13-SNAPSHOT + 7.1.13 @@ -331,4 +331,4 @@ - + \ No newline at end of file