This tool rotates Google Service User Credentials stored in AWS Secret Manager
- Create a Google IAM Role which contains the following permissions:
- Attach the role with the following condition to the service user whoms
credentials you want to rotate: == "projects/-/serviceAccounts/<service-user-unique-id>"
- The rotation function requires that the complete credential.json from the service user is available somewhere in the secret, either as string containing the json or as json object.
- Create a lambda with the binary from this repository using runtime
and anything as handler. (More Infos about paramters below) - Attach the lambda as rotation lambda to the AWS Secret Manager Secret
The lambda function has a few optional parameters. You can define them via environment variables.
# Optional, skip if not required.
# Defines the keys to traverse to find the credential.json. Example:
# { "test": [<credential.json>] }
# requires : JSON_PATH="[\"test\", 0]"
# default: JSON_PATH="[]" which expectes the credential.json to be at the top of the secret
# Optional, skip if not required. off | error | warn | info (default) | debug | trace
# Defines the log level
License: MIT OR Apache-2.0