See the issues page for actual tasks, this is a notepad for minor things and a reminder of recent dubs
Feedback priority tasks: reset empties queue ✔ reset(chanid) notes standalone ✔ saveNotesForUser(chanid, user, notes) submit link [notes] ✔ saveLinkForUser(chanid, user, link) // TIMESTAMP HERE go v1 get a user, delete from queue ✔ getSingleFeedbackEntry(chanid)
Feedback second priority: !fb go v2 if (last queued user) cooldown(last q user) queue new user ✔ getSelectionMethodForChannel(chanid) ✔ setSelectionMethodForChannel(chanid, str) !fb skip: dequeue last queued user, handle "skipped" entries, clear "skipped" on !fb done !fb done: empty queue to cooldown !fb cooldown span if parsespan: else return current span and usage ✔ getCooldownTimeForChannel(chanid) ✔ setCooldownTimeForChannel(chanid, str) ✔ isUserInCooldown(chanid, user) // STUB ✔ queueUserForCooldown(chanid, user) // STUB ✔ commitCooldownQueue(chanid) // STUB ✔ removeUserFromCooldownQueue(chanid, user) // STUB
STUBBED FOR LATER !fb open !fb close ✔ isOpenForFeedback(chanid) ✔ openChannelForFeedback(chanid) ✔ closeChannelForFeedback(chanid)
NEXT <t:UNIX> TIME REFACTOR #92 showcase features copied wholesale from PoC
reactrole feature thanks to tutorial, servercache for config
Issue for util/msg_util.js: msg_util.isModMsg, msg_util.isChannelMsg, abstract some shit
Issue for util/constants.js const constants = require('./util/constants')
Issue for refactoring if (msg.guild)
into some metadata structure
Issue for refactoring if (util.isPowerfulSender(msg))
into some metadata structure for bot.js to simplify
^ this solves the help crisis too
GENERAL TODO notice duplicate command declarations and fail fast take a gander at sqlite
TODO FOR util/serverdao.js dao-side no permission logic, that goes in controller call save in every change function () status that sends summary of all below info via dm, for mod use only () set, get data per server () initialize, sets defaults for listen, battle, podium, repeat, maxVotes, and feedbackCooldownTimer
- stopbattle and stopsubs and stopvotes should leave deadline alone if in the past
- newbattle on empty battle was bork?
- isVotingOpen should check subs are closed
- stopvotes should sane-error if setting before sub deadline
RECENTLY DONE X test mock objects are dope now X discord.js 13 (since 12 unsupported) #60 X unsubmit #11 X results output formattign #8 X deactivate battles #57 X simplify stop commands #66 X getballot #20 formatting and output X submissions shuffle opt instead of order X #5 X switch battleName's to #25