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Attributes & parameters harmonization

Pascal Baltazar edited this page May 8, 2014 · 2 revisions

In Jamoma 0.6, we distinguish between nodes (including parameters/messages/returns) and properties/attributes/methods by prepending them respectively by / or :

Each successive level of node is prepended with the / separator. A node cannot hold any value or information in itself. Each node can have properties or methods, that can be accessed by prepending the : separator to the property/method name. e.g. /some/node:type One particular property is :value, which only applies to a certain set of nodes (called Data) whose service can be parameter, message or return. Some nodes also have methods, which don't hold any value or information, but trigger some internal action (such as /some/node:inc which will increment the :value of the chosen :stepsize)

for in-depth explanations about this, see