diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_lists.yml b/.github/workflows/build_lists.yml
index 932a22761..578978e4d 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build_lists.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_lists.yml
@@ -12,15 +12,12 @@ on:
- Validate entries
- completed
- push:
- paths:
- - 'functions/build_lists.sh' # Update readme template if changed
contents: write
- if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' || github.event_name == 'push' }}
+ if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
diff --git a/.github/workflows/update_readme.yml b/.github/workflows/update_readme.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e669269b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/update_readme.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+name: Update readme
+run-name: Update readme
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ workflow_call:
+ workflow_run:
+ workflows: [Build and deploy, Build lists]
+ types:
+ - completed
+ push:
+ paths:
+ - 'functions/update_readme.sh'
+ contents: write
+ update_readme:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ ref: main
+ - name: update_readme.sh
+ run: bash functions/update_readme.sh
+ - name: Push
+ run: |
+ git config user.email ${{ vars.GIT_EMAIL }}
+ git config user.name ${{ vars.GIT_USERNAME }}
+ git add .
+ git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "Update readme"
+ git push -q
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/functions/build_lists.sh b/functions/build_lists.sh
index bfbad9e64..800f5cfd0 100644
--- a/functions/build_lists.sh
+++ b/functions/build_lists.sh
@@ -1,146 +1,13 @@
-today=$(date -u +"%d-%m-%y")
-yesterday=$(date -ud "yesterday" +"%d-%m-%y")
function main {
- command -v csvgrep &> /dev/null || pip install -q csvkit # Install csvkit
- for file in config/* data/*; do # Format files in the config and data directory
- format_list "$file"
- done
- update_readme
-function update_readme {
- cat << EOF > README.md
-# Jarelllama's Scam Blocklist
-Blocklist for scam site domains automatically retrieved daily from Google Search and public databases. Automated retrieval is done daily at 00:00 UTC.
-| Format | Syntax |
-| --- | --- |
-| [Adblock Plus](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/adblock/scams.txt) | \|\|scam.com^ |
-| [Dnsmasq](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/dnsmasq/scams.txt) | local=/scam.com/ |
-| [Unbound](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/unbound/scams.txt) | local-zone: "scam.com." always_nxdomain |
-| [Wildcard Asterisk](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/wildcard_asterisk/scams.txt) | \*.scam.com |
-| [Wildcard Domains](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/wildcard_domains/scams.txt) | scam.com |
-## Statistics
-[![Build and deploy](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/build_deploy.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/build_deploy.yml)
-[![Test functions](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/test_functions.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/test_functions.yml)
-Total domains: $(wc -l < "$raw_file")
-Statistics for each source:
-Today | Yesterday | Excluded | Source
-$(print_stats "Google Search")
-$(print_stats "aa419.org")
-$(print_stats "dfpi.ca.gov")
-$(print_stats "guntab.com")
-$(print_stats "petscams.com")
-$(print_stats "scam.directory")
-$(print_stats "scamadviser.com")
-$(print_stats "stopgunscams.com")
-$(print_stats "Manual") Entries
-*The Excluded % is of domains not included in the
- blocklist. Mostly dead, whitelisted and parked domains.
-*Only active sources are shown. See the full list of
- sources in SOURCES.md.
-All data retrieved are publicly available and can be viewed from their respective [sources](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/SOURCES.md).
-## Light version
-Targeted at list maintainers, a light version of the blocklist is available in the [lists](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/tree/main/lists) directory.
-Details about the light version
-- Intended for collated blocklists cautious about size
-- Does not use sources whose domains cannot be filtered by date added
-- Only retrieves domains added in the last month by their respective sources (this is not the same as the domain registration date), whereas the full blocklist includes domains added from 2 months back and onwards
-- ! Dead and parked domains that become resolving/unparked are not added back to the blocklist (due to limitations in the way these domains are recorded)
-Sources excluded from the light version are marked in SOURCES.md.
-Total domains: $(wc -l < "$raw_light_file")
-## Retrieving scam domains from Google Search
-Google provides a [Search API](https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview) to retrieve JSON-formatted results from Google Search. The script uses a list of search terms almost exclusively used in scam sites to retrieve domains. See the list of search terms here: [search_terms.csv](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/search_terms.csv)
-#### Rationale
-Scam sites often do not have a long lifespan; malicious domains may be replaced before they can be manually reported. By programmatically searching Google using paragraphs from real-world scam sites, new domains can be added as soon as Google crawls the site. This requires no manual reporting.
-The list of search terms is proactively updated and is mostly sourced from investigating new scam site templates seen on [r/Scams](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/).
-#### Limitations
-The Google Custom Search JSON API only provides 100 daily free search queries per API key (which is why this project uses two API keys).
-To optimize the number of search queries made, each search term is frequently benchmarked on its number of new domains and false positives. Underperforming search terms are flagged and disabled. The figures for each search term can be viewed here: [source_log.csv](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/source_log.csv)
-#### Statistics for Google Search source
-Active search terms: $(count "active_search_terms")
-Queries made today: $(count "queries")
-Domains retrieved today: $(count "$today" "Google Search")
-#### Regarding other sources
-The full domain retrieval process for all sources can be viewed in the repository's code.
-## Filtering process
-- The domains collated from all sources are filtered against a whitelist (scam reporting sites, forums, vetted stores, etc.)
-- The domains are checked against the [Tranco Top Sites Ranking](https://tranco-list.eu/) for potential false positives which are then vetted manually
-- Common subdomains like 'www' are removed to make use of wildcard matching for all other subdomains. See the list of checked subdomains here: [subdomains.txt](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/subdomains.txt)
-- Redundant entries are removed via wildcard matching. For example, 'sub.spam.com' is a wildcard match of 'spam.com' and is, therefore, redundant and is removed. Many of these wildcard domains also happen to be malicious hosting sites
-- Only domains are included in the blocklist; IP addresses are manually checked for resolving DNS records and URLs are stripped down to their domains
-The full filtering process can be viewed in the repository's code.
-## Dead domains
-Dead domains are removed daily using AdGuard's [Dead Domains Linter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/DeadDomainsLinter). Note that domains acting as wildcards are excluded from this process.
-Dead domains that are resolving again are included back in the blocklist.
-## Parked domains
-From initial testing, [9%](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/commit/84e682fea95866670dd99f5c98f350bc7377011a) of the blocklist consisted of [parked domains](https://www.godaddy.com/resources/ae/skills/parked-domain) that inflate the number of entries. Because these domains pose no real threat (besides the obnoxious advertising), they are removed from the blocklist daily. A list of common parked domain messages is used to detect these domains and can be viewed here: [parked_terms.txt](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/parked_terms.txt)
-If these parked sites no longer contain any of the parked messages, they are assumed to be unparked and are added back to the blocklist.
-## Why the Hosts format is not supported
-Malicious domains often have [wildcard DNS records](https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/manage-dns-records/reference/wildcard-dns-records/) that allow scammers to create large amounts of subdomain records, such as 'random-subdomain.scam.com'. Each subdomain can point to a separate scam site and collating them all would inflate the blocklist size. Therefore, only formats supporting wildcard matching are built.
-## Sources
-Moved to [SOURCES.md](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/SOURCES.md).
-## Resources
-- [AdGuard's Dead Domains Linter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/DeadDomainsLinter): tool for checking Adblock rules for dead domains
-- [Legality of web scraping](https://www.quinnemanuel.com/the-firm/publications/the-legal-landscape-of-web-scraping/): the law firm of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan's memoranda on web scraping
-- [LinuxCommand's Coding Standards](https://linuxcommand.org/lc3_adv_standards.php): shell script coding standard
-- [ShellCheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck): shell script static analysis tool
-- [Tranco List](https://tranco-list.eu/): ranking of the top 1 million domains
-- [who.is](https://who.is/): WHOIS and DNS lookup tool
-## See also
-- [Durablenapkin's Scam Blocklist](https://github.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist)
-- [Elliotwutingfeng's Global Anti-Scam Organization Blocklist](https://github.com/elliotwutingfeng/GlobalAntiScamOrg-blocklist)
-- [Elliotwutingfeng's Inversion DNSBL Blocklist](https://github.com/elliotwutingfeng/Inversion-DNSBL-Blocklists)
-- [Hagezi's DNS Blocklists](https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists) (uses this blocklist as a source)
-## Appreciation
-Thanks to the following people for the help, inspiration, and support!
-- [@bongochong](https://github.com/bongochong)
-- [@hagezi](https://github.com/hagezi)
-- [@iam-py-test](https://github.com/iam-py-test)
function build_list {
@@ -170,46 +37,6 @@ EOF
-function print_stats {
- [[ -n "$1" ]] && source="$1" || source="All sources"
- printf "%5s |%10s |%8s%% | %s\n" "$(count "$today" "$1")" "$(count "$yesterday" "$1")" "$(count "excluded" "$1" )" "$source"
-function count {
- scope="$1"
- source="$2"
- # Count % of excluded domains of raw count retrieved from each source
- if [[ "$scope" == 'excluded' ]]; then
- csvgrep -c 2 -m "$source" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 14 -m 'yes' > source_rows.tmp
- raw_count=$(csvcut -c 4 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- [[ "$raw_count" -eq 0 ]] && { printf "0"; return; } # Return if raw count is 0 to avoid divide by zero error
- white_count=$(csvcut -c 6 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- dead_count=$(csvcut -c 7 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- redundant_count=$(csvcut -c 8 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- parked_count=$(csvcut -c 9 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- excluded_count=$((white_count + dead_count + redundant_count + parked_count))
- printf "%s" "$((excluded_count*100/raw_count))" # Print % excluded
- rm source_rows.tmp
- return
- # Count number of Google Search queries made
- elif [[ "$scope" == 'queries' ]]; then
- queries=$(csvgrep -c 1 -m "$today" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 2 -m 'Google Search' | csvcut -c 12 | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
- [[ "$queries" -lt 205 ]] && printf "%s" "$queries" || printf "%s (rate limited)" "$queries"
- return
- # Count number of active search terms
- elif [[ "$scope" == 'active_search_terms' ]]; then
- csvgrep -c 2 -m 'y' -i "$search_terms_file" | tail -n +2 | wc -l
- return
- fi
- # Sum up all domains retrieved by that source for that day
- ! grep -qF "$scope" "$source_log" && { printf "-"; return; } # Print dash if no runs for that day found
- csvgrep -c 1 -m "$scope" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 14 -m 'yes' | csvgrep -c 2 -m "$source" | csvcut -c 5 | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}'
function format_list {
bash functions/tools.sh "format" "$1"
@@ -220,22 +47,22 @@ function build_adblock {
function build_dnsmasq {
- syntax='Dnsmasq' && directory='dnsmasq' && before='local=/' && after='/'
+ syntax='Dnsmasq' && directory='dnsmasq' && comment='' && before='local=/' && after='/'
function build_unbound {
- syntax='Unbound' && directory='unbound' && before='local-zone: "' && after='." always_nxdomain'
+ syntax='Unbound' && directory='unbound' && comment='' && before='local-zone: "' && after='." always_nxdomain'
function build_wildcard_asterisk {
- syntax='Wildcard Asterisk' && directory='wildcard_asterisk' && before='*.' && after=''
+ syntax='Wildcard Asterisk' && directory='wildcard_asterisk' && comment='' && before='*.' && after=''
function build_wildcard_domains {
- syntax='Wildcard Domains' && directory='wildcard_domains' && before='' && after=''
+ syntax='Wildcard Domains' && directory='wildcard_domains' && comment='' && before='' && after=''
diff --git a/functions/update_readme.sh b/functions/update_readme.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..051a2ee00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/functions/update_readme.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+today=$(date -u +"%d-%m-%y")
+yesterday=$(date -ud "yesterday" +"%d-%m-%y")
+function main {
+ command -v csvgrep &> /dev/null || pip install -q csvkit # Install csvkit
+ for file in config/* data/*; do # Format files in the config and data directory
+ format_list "$file"
+ done
+ update_readme
+function update_readme {
+ cat << EOF > README.md
+# Jarelllama's Scam Blocklist
+Blocklist for scam site domains automatically retrieved daily from Google Search and public databases. Automated retrieval is done daily at 00:00 UTC.
+| Format | Syntax |
+| --- | --- |
+| [Adblock Plus](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/adblock/scams.txt) | \|\|scam.com^ |
+| [Dnsmasq](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/dnsmasq/scams.txt) | local=/scam.com/ |
+| [Unbound](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/unbound/scams.txt) | local-zone: "scam.com." always_nxdomain |
+| [Wildcard Asterisk](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/wildcard_asterisk/scams.txt) | \*.scam.com |
+| [Wildcard Domains](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/main/lists/wildcard_domains/scams.txt) | scam.com |
+## Statistics
+[![Build and deploy](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/build_deploy.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/build_deploy.yml)
+[![Test functions](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/test_functions.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/actions/workflows/test_functions.yml)
+Total domains: $(wc -l < "$raw_file")
+Statistics for each source:
+Today | Yesterday | Excluded | Source
+$(print_stats "Google Search")
+$(print_stats "aa419.org")
+$(print_stats "dfpi.ca.gov")
+$(print_stats "guntab.com")
+$(print_stats "petscams.com")
+$(print_stats "scam.directory")
+$(print_stats "scamadviser.com")
+$(print_stats "stopgunscams.com")
+$(print_stats "Manual") Entries
+*The Excluded % is of domains not included in the
+ blocklist. Mostly dead, whitelisted and parked domains.
+*Only active sources are shown. See the full list of
+ sources in SOURCES.md.
+All data retrieved are publicly available and can be viewed from their respective [sources](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/SOURCES.md).
+## Light version
+Targeted at list maintainers, a light version of the blocklist is available in the [lists](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/tree/main/lists) directory.
+Details about the light version
+- Intended for collated blocklists cautious about size
+- Does not use sources whose domains cannot be filtered by date added
+- Only retrieves domains added in the last month by their respective sources (this is not the same as the domain registration date), whereas the full blocklist includes domains added from 2 months back and onwards
+- ! Dead and parked domains that become resolving/unparked are not added back to the blocklist (due to limitations in the way these domains are recorded)
+Sources excluded from the light version are marked in SOURCES.md.
+Total domains: $(wc -l < "$raw_light_file")
+## Retrieving scam domains from Google Search
+Google provides a [Search API](https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview) to retrieve JSON-formatted results from Google Search. The script uses a list of search terms almost exclusively used in scam sites to retrieve domains. See the list of search terms here: [search_terms.csv](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/search_terms.csv)
+#### Rationale
+Scam sites often do not have a long lifespan; malicious domains may be replaced before they can be manually reported. By programmatically searching Google using paragraphs from real-world scam sites, new domains can be added as soon as Google crawls the site. This requires no manual reporting.
+The list of search terms is proactively updated and is mostly sourced from investigating new scam site templates seen on [r/Scams](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/).
+#### Limitations
+The Google Custom Search JSON API only provides 100 daily free search queries per API key (which is why this project uses two API keys).
+To optimize the number of search queries made, each search term is frequently benchmarked on its number of new domains and false positives. Underperforming search terms are flagged and disabled. The figures for each search term can be viewed here: [source_log.csv](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/source_log.csv)
+#### Statistics for Google Search source
+Active search terms: $(csvgrep -c 2 -m 'y' -i "$search_terms_file" | tail -n +2 | wc -l)
+Queries made today: $(csvgrep -c 1 -m "$today" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 2 -m 'Google Search' | csvcut -c 12 | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+Domains retrieved today: $(count "$today" "Google Search")
+#### Regarding other sources
+The full domain retrieval process for all sources can be viewed in the repository's code.
+## Filtering process
+- The domains collated from all sources are filtered against a whitelist (scam reporting sites, forums, vetted stores, etc.)
+- The domains are checked against the [Tranco Top Sites Ranking](https://tranco-list.eu/) for potential false positives which are then vetted manually
+- Common subdomains like 'www' are removed to make use of wildcard matching for all other subdomains. See the list of checked subdomains here: [subdomains.txt](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/subdomains.txt)
+- Redundant entries are removed via wildcard matching. For example, 'sub.spam.com' is a wildcard match of 'spam.com' and is, therefore, redundant and is removed. Many of these wildcard domains also happen to be malicious hosting sites
+- Only domains are included in the blocklist; IP addresses are manually checked for resolving DNS records and URLs are stripped down to their domains
+The full filtering process can be viewed in the repository's code.
+## Dead domains
+Dead domains are removed daily using AdGuard's [Dead Domains Linter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/DeadDomainsLinter). Note that domains acting as wildcards are excluded from this process.
+Dead domains that are resolving again are included back in the blocklist.
+## Parked domains
+From initial testing, [9%](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/commit/84e682fea95866670dd99f5c98f350bc7377011a) of the blocklist consisted of [parked domains](https://www.godaddy.com/resources/ae/skills/parked-domain) that inflate the number of entries. Because these domains pose no real threat (besides the obnoxious advertising), they are removed from the blocklist daily. A list of common parked domain messages is used to detect these domains and can be viewed here: [parked_terms.txt](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/config/parked_terms.txt)
+If these parked sites no longer contain any of the parked messages, they are assumed to be unparked and are added back to the blocklist.
+## Why the Hosts format is not supported
+Malicious domains often have [wildcard DNS records](https://developers.cloudflare.com/dns/manage-dns-records/reference/wildcard-dns-records/) that allow scammers to create large amounts of subdomain records, such as 'random-subdomain.scam.com'. Each subdomain can point to a separate scam site and collating them all would inflate the blocklist size. Therefore, only formats supporting wildcard matching are built.
+## Sources
+Moved to [SOURCES.md](https://github.com/jarelllama/Scam-Blocklist/blob/main/SOURCES.md).
+## Resources
+- [AdGuard's Dead Domains Linter](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/DeadDomainsLinter): tool for checking Adblock rules for dead domains
+- [Legality of web scraping](https://www.quinnemanuel.com/the-firm/publications/the-legal-landscape-of-web-scraping/): the law firm of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan's memoranda on web scraping
+- [LinuxCommand's Coding Standards](https://linuxcommand.org/lc3_adv_standards.php): shell script coding standard
+- [ShellCheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck): shell script static analysis tool
+- [Tranco List](https://tranco-list.eu/): ranking of the top 1 million domains
+- [who.is](https://who.is/): WHOIS and DNS lookup tool
+## See also
+- [Durablenapkin's Scam Blocklist](https://github.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist)
+- [Elliotwutingfeng's Global Anti-Scam Organization Blocklist](https://github.com/elliotwutingfeng/GlobalAntiScamOrg-blocklist)
+- [Elliotwutingfeng's Inversion DNSBL Blocklist](https://github.com/elliotwutingfeng/Inversion-DNSBL-Blocklists)
+- [Hagezi's DNS Blocklists](https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists) (uses this blocklist as a source)
+## Appreciation
+Thanks to the following people for the help, inspiration, and support!
+- [@bongochong](https://github.com/bongochong)
+- [@hagezi](https://github.com/hagezi)
+- [@iam-py-test](https://github.com/iam-py-test)
+function print_stats {
+ [[ -n "$1" ]] && source="$1" || source="All sources"
+ printf "%5s |%10s |%8s%% | %s\n" "$(count "$today" "$1")" "$(count "$yesterday" "$1")" "$(count_excluded "$1" )" "$source"
+function count {
+ # Sum up all domains retrieved by that source for that day
+ ! grep -qF "$1" "$source_log" && { printf "-"; return; } # Print dash if no runs for that day found
+ csvgrep -c 1 -m "$1" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 2 -m "$2" | csvgrep -c 14 -m 'yes' | csvcut -c 5 | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}'
+function count_excluded {
+ source="$1"
+ # Count % of excluded domains of raw count retrieved from each source
+ csvgrep -c 2 -m "$source" "$source_log" | csvgrep -c 14 -m 'yes' > source_rows.tmp
+ raw_count=$(csvcut -c 4 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+ [[ "$raw_count" -eq 0 ]] && { printf "0"; return; } # Return if raw count is 0 to avoid divide by zero error
+ white_count=$(csvcut -c 6 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+ dead_count=$(csvcut -c 7 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+ redundant_count=$(csvcut -c 8 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+ parked_count=$(csvcut -c 9 source_rows.tmp | awk '{total += $1} END {print total}')
+ excluded_count=$((white_count + dead_count + redundant_count + parked_count))
+ printf "%s" "$((excluded_count*100/raw_count))" # Print % excluded
+ rm source_rows.tmp
+function format_list {
+ bash functions/tools.sh "format" "$1"
\ No newline at end of file