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Gabber Web

A user interface for manage projects and comment audio conversations using the Gabber API. It is a Vue webapp using npm packages, written using JavaScript, Sass and Pug, linted with ESLint, built with Webpack and deployed through Docker.

Project Structure

Path Info
/build The Webpack configuration and build scripts, generated using the vue-cli
/config Configurations for different versions of the build i.e production vs dev
/nginx Config for the nginx server the app is deployed in
/src The actual source code for the webapp
/src/api Files for interacting with/mocking the Gabber API
/src/assets Non-JavaScript assets to be compiled into the app
/src/components Vue single file components (.vue), grouped by context
/src/const Cross project constant values
/src/events Vue event busses
/src/layouts Vue components which solely layout content using <slot> elements
/src/mixins Vue mixins
/src/router The vue-router and its routes
/src/store The vue-store and its modules
/src/views Vue components that are directly routed to by the router
/static Static assets that are served along side the compiled source
/tools Scripts for development, namely the docker postversion one

The entrypoint to the app is /src/main.js, if you follow the dependancies from there you should work out structure of the app.

Dev commands

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

Api Integration

The app uses an ApiInterface to interact with a live/mock api so they can easily be switch out for testing. It uses the MOCK_API and API_URL config variables to decide if it is using the mock version or not.


The app uses Docker to build & deploy the application. It uses the Dockerfile to build the assets and then a slightly modified version of Nginx to serve the generated files.

Deployment Build

This repo uses a CI to build the web into a docker image, ready to be deployed. Whenever a commit is pushed with an git tag it builds an image for that commit. To tag the commit, use the npm version ... command which updates the package version and commits the package.json tagged with the new version.

# Update the npm version
# > Make sure to run without unstaged changes
npm version # patch | minor | major | prepatch | preminor | prerelease


# If using a dist-tag i.e. beta, use `npm prerelease` to increment subversions
npm version 1.0.0-beta.1  # 1.0.0-beta.1
npm version prerelease    # 1.0.0-beta.2

# To experiment with npm version
mkdir test_dir
cd test_dir
npm init -y
npm version # ...

Deployment Config

To configure the deployment, use the CONFIG_KEYS environment variable. Which should be a csv of environment variables you want inserted, the variables are inserted at window.CONFIG.YOUR_VAR.

You should use the Config Mixin to access variables which falls back to using process.env (where webpack config is placed).

  MOCK_API: true

For a detailed explanation on how the project was setup, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.