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File metadata and controls

181 lines (115 loc) · 10.4 KB


Constraints and model invariants belong in your database, not in Django code. This means that we need Django-ish ways of using the database to do what people currently do by raising ValidationError in various places such as Forms, Models and so forth.

"But Django has [form, model] validation"

No, it almost has it; it lacks real concurrency facilities. Say I have the following:

from django import models
from django.views.generic import CreateView

class MyModel(models.Model):
    order = models.IntegerField(unique=True)

class CreateMyModel(CreateView):
    model = MyModel

What happens is that uniqueness is checked, then the object is created. If two requests try to create a MyModel with the same order at once, it's possible for the validation tests to pass in both requests before either one of them writes to the database. One request will succeed, and the other will throw an IntegrityError. This doesn't get caught anywhere in the normal forms and views infrastructure, so the second request will return HTTP 500. This isn't pleasant.

For other constraint validation, such as is commonly implemented in clean_<FIELD> on a Form, then you can land in an even worse case: if the validation passes in both requests then Django will happily write both objects to the database. Without constraints in the database you won't even get an IntegrityError; you'll just violate your model invariant. (At least with unique=True in field definitions this gets passed down to the database.)

Here's my rule of thumb about what code should go where, which isn't what you'd imagine from the Django documentation:

  • if you need to alter incoming data before writing it to a Model field, use a clean_<FIELD> method on the Form (that's assuming you can't do it using a custom form field type or custom model field type)
  • put actual constraints in the database
  • never put constraints in Model.clean()

You shouldn't even put instance invariant checks in Model.clean(), although they won't be affected by concurrency issues, because if you want anything other than Django to be able to edit your database, ever, you should make invariants a part of the database schema. Similarly, defaults are often better off in your database than in Django (although depending on your database, introducing and changing defaults after the fact can take a long time).

How do we address this?

There are a couple of problems:

  • you can't raise ValidationError from a form's .save() method and have it do anything sensible
  • you don't want to have to catch every IntegrityError by hand and convert it into a ValidationError

ValidationError is a good thing and integrates fairly well into the existing forms system -- particularly displaying forms that fail validation -- and IntegrityError is a fairly low level database-level thing, so we want to convert the latter into the former.

This extension therefore provides:

  • a mechanism for converting IntegrityError exceptions into ValidationError instances instead
  • an overridable system for attributing the original exception to a specific form field
  • a mixin for a FormView (most likely CreateView and UpdateView, for which there are convenience replacements) which uses the conversion mechanism and then catches ValidationError on .save() adding it as an error to the form, against the relevant form field

Notes about transactions

Although the code will take care of this for you if you're only doing very basic work, it's a good plan to wrap the .save() method of your Form or ModelForm in a transaction. You can do this easily in three ways, in increasing order of desirability:

  • set ATOMIC_REQUESTS=True in, wrapping every request in a transaction
  • decorate all database modifying views with transaction.atomic() (for instance in
  • decorate just the .save() method (or wrap all code within it in a with statement) with transaction.atomic()

Lower on the list is better because it means less of your application lives within a database transaction (which will often be better in terms of both performance and scalability), but comes at a cost of having to think more about the moving parts of your system.

However you don't always need to bother because:

  • if you use the view mixin then it will wrap the actual .save() in an atomic transaction (as well as doing the IntegrityError to ValidationError conversion and using the ValidationError as a form error)
  • if you use the TransactionalMixin with your forms then you get a .tsave() method which does all of the above; there's also a convenience ModelForm that pulls that into Django's usual one

So you only need to worry about .save() if it's going to be called on your form by some other code that isn't under your control (where you could use .tsave()).

Separately if you have code that calls .save() on your model directly then you probably want to do something similar. You can use the IntegrityError-to-ValidationError stuff (django_database_constraints.forms.validationerror_from_integrityerror) to do the conversion, and the rest is fairly straightforward:

class TransactionalModelMixin(object):
    def tsave(self):
            with transaction.atomic():
        except IntegrityError as e:
            raise validationerror_from_integrityerror(e)

(This isn't provided as a convenience mixin simply because I haven't gotten round to writing tests for it. Tests are really important for this kind of extension.)

So how do I use it?

Instead of this:

from django import models
from django.views.generic import CreateView

class MyModel(models.Model):
    order = models.IntegerField(unique=True)

class CreateMyModel(CreateView):
    model = MyModel

Try this:

from django import models
from django.views.generic import CreateView
from django_database_constraints.views import TransactionalModelFormMixin

class MyModel(models.Model):
    order = models.IntegerField(unique=True)

class CreateMyModel(TransactionalModelFormMixin, CreateView):
    model = MyModel

Or just this:

from django import models
from django_database_constraints.views import CreateView

class MyModel(models.Model):
    order = models.IntegerField(unique=True)

class CreateMyModel(CreateView):
    model = MyModel

The same works with UpdateView. If you bring in django_database_constraints.forms.TransactionalMixin to your forms then you get .tsave() on them which does all the conversion and adding ValidationError as a form error stuff; this method will be called in preference by the TransactionalModelFormMixin so you can override its behaviour if you really need to.

If you want to provide custom code to convert from an IntegrityError to a ValidationError then override .validationerror_from_integrityerror() on your form processing view (the one that has TransactionalModelFormMixin). Note that to create a ValidationError for a particular field you construct it with a dictionary:

raise ValidationError({ 'fieldname': ['validation message']})

Managing the database transaction

There's a tx_context_manager parameter to transactional_save, which is intended to allow use with django-ballads, another of my extensions which allows you to register compensating transactions to clean up non-database operations (eg external payment processing) on transaction rollback. (In theory you could come up with your own context manager instead, which might be useful in some very specific situations.)

Consider a Form which you want to work with database-level constraints (perhaps a unique email address on account creation) and external services (say, charging via an external payment provider). You want to do something like this:

class CreateForm(forms.Form):
    email = EmailField()
    # ... other fields

    def tsave(self, convertors=None):
        self.ballad = Ballad()
        return transactional_save(self, convertors, self.ballad)

    def save(self):
        # Note that this runs inside the ballad (which itself contains
        # a database transaction using `transaction.atomic`). This is
        # better than declaring a ballad in this method because you
        # won't necessarily get every possible `IntegrityError` out
        # of the database until the outer transaction is committed, so
        # you could leak a charge.
        user = User.objects.create(
            email = self.cleaned_data['email'],
            # ... other fields
        charge = external_provider.Charge.create(
            # payment fields
        self.ballad.compensation(lambda: charge.refund())
        # maybe also subscribe to mailing lists &c
        return user

Remember that in a ballad, the database transaction is rolled back before any of the compensating transactions are run.

Future work

It should be possible to automatically ascribe the vast majority of integrity failures to specific fields both for mysql and postgresql. Getting helpful error messages is going to be hard in the general case.

I'd like to have a function that will auto-patch the admin, so it will be safe as well.


Django 1.10.

A modern relational database: the test harness runs against both postgresql and mysql. sqlite3 may work, but I can't test it because it doesn't like threading (which I'm using to test concurrency). Note that I haven't tested on mysql with Django 1.10, although it worked fine on 1.8 and so should still be okay.


You want the following to be able to work on the code and run the tests:

$ pip install Django>=1.10.0 coverage psycopg2 MySQL-python

Note that if you use the official distributions of MySQL on Mac OS you want to run this with PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin and run make coverage with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib. (Use for convenience.)


MIT license; source is on github.


This is very early days for this; feedback welcome.

James Aylett