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402 lines (400 loc) · 112 KB

(Updated 13-12-2019)

The following table summarizes the progress that has been made in porting Whitebox GAT (Java, Groovy) tools to the new WhiteboxTools (Rust) library. Currently, 435 tools have been added to the WhiteboxTools library, including some with no GAT equivalent, and 37 tools remain to be ported. For those tools that still need to be ported, a priority has been provided.

Whitebox GAT Tool Name WhiteboxTools Name Priority Notes
Absolute Value AbsoluteValue
Adaptive Filter AdaptiveFilter
Add Add
Add Point Coordinates to Table AddPointCoordinatesToTable
Aggregate AggregateRaster
Append 3
ArcCos ArcCos
ArcSin ArcSin
ArcTan ArcTan
Area PolygonArea Only works for vectors. Still need to create raster equivalent RasterArea
Aspect Aspect
Assign Row or Column Number to Cells RasterCellAssignment
Attribute Histogram AttributeHistogram
Attribute Scattergram AttributeScattergram
Average Flowpath Slope from Cell to Divide AverageFlowpathSlope
Average Overlay AverageOverlay
Average Uplslope Flowpath Length AverageUpslopeFlowpathLength
Balance Contrast Enhancement BalanceContrastEnhancement
Branch Length MaxBranchLength
Breach Depressions BreachDepressionsLeastCost
Breach Depressions (Fast) BreachDepressions
Breach Single Cell Pits BreachSingleCellPits
Buffer (Raster) BufferRaster
Buffer (Vector) 3
Burn Streams 1
Burn Streams at Roads BurnStreamsAtRoads
Canopy Model (LiDAR) LidarTophatTransform
Ceil Ceil
Centroid (Raster) Centroid
Centroid (Vector) CentroidVector
Change Vector Analysis ChangeVectorAnalysis
Clip Clip
Clip Raster to Polygon ClipRasterToPolygon
Closing Closing
Clump Group Clump
Cluster Attributes 3
Compactness Ratio CompactnessRatio Currently works for vectors only
Compare Images for Difference PairedSampleTTest, TwoSampleKSTest
Conditional Evaluation ConditionalEvaluation
Conservative Smoothing Filter ConservativeSmoothingFilter
Construct TIN ConstructVectorTin
Contour ContoursFromRaster
Convert LAS to ASCII (LAS2ASCII) LasToAscii
Convert LAS to MultipointZ Shapefile LasToMultipointShapefile
Convert LAS to Shapefile (LAS2Shapefile) LasToShapefile
Convert NoData to Zero ConvertNodataToZero
Correct Vignetting CorrectVignetting
Correlation For Attributes AttributeCorrelation
Cos Cos
Cosh Cosh
Cost Accumulation CostDistance
Cost Allocation CostAllocation
Cost Pathway CostPathway
Create Blank Outlet Raster NewRasterFromBase
Create Colour Composite CreateColourComposite
Create Hexagonal Vector Grid CreateHexagonalVectorGrid
Create Multiscale Topographic Position Image MultiscaleTopographicPositionImage
Create Plane CreatePlane
Create Rectangular Vector Grid CreateRectangularVectorGrid
Crispness Index CrispnessIndex
Cross Tabulation CrossTabulation
Cumulative Distribution Function CumulativeDistribution
D-infinity Flow Accumulation DInfFlowAccumulation
D-infinity Flow Pointer DInfPointer
D-Infinity Mass Flux DInfMassFlux
D8 Flow Accumulation D8FlowAccumulation
D8 Flow Pointer D8Pointer
D8 Mass Flux D8MassFlux
D8 Pointer (Parallel) D8Pointer
De-noise DEM Use FeaturePreservingDenoise
Decrement Decrement
Delete Small Lakes and Extend Rivers 3
Depth in Sink DepthInSink
Deviation from Mean Elevation DevFromMeanElev
Difference Erase
Difference from Mean Elevation DiffFromMeanElev
Difference-of-Gaussian Filters DiffOfGaussianFilter
Direct Decorrelation Stretch DirectDecorrelationStretch
Directional Relief DirectionalRelief
Discrete Sibson (Natural Neighbour) Interpolation NaturalNeighbourInterpolation
Discrete Sibson Interpolation (LiDAR) LidarSibsonInterpolation
Dissolve Dissolve
Distance to Outlet DistanceToOutlet
Distributions 3
Diversity Filter DiversityFilter
Divide Divide
Downslope Distance to Stream DownslopeDistanceToStream
Downslope Flowpath Length DownslopeFlowpathLength
Downslope Index DownslopeIndex
Downslope Index (Radius) 3
Edge Proportion EdgeProportion
Edge-Preserving Smoothing Filter BilateralFilter
Elevation above Pit ElevAbovePit
Elevation above Stream ElevationAboveStream
Elevation Percentile (Image Histogram) ElevPercentile
Elevation Relative to Min and Max ElevRelativeToMinMax
Elevation Relative to Watershed Min and Max ElevRelativeToWatershedMinMax
Eliminate Coincident Points EliminateCoincidentPoints
Elongation Ratio ElongationRatio Need to add raster functionality
Emboss Filter EmbossFilter
Equal To EqualTo
Euclidean Allocation EuclideanAllocation
Euclidean Distance EuclideanDistance
Erase Polygon from Raster ErasePolygonFromRaster
Estimate Heights from Parallax 3
Exp Exp
Export ArcGIS ASCII Grid ConvertRasterFormat
Export ArcGIS Binary Grid (.flt) ConvertRasterFormat
Export GeoTiff ConvertRasterFormat
Export GRASS ASCII Grid ConvertRasterFormat
Export IDRISI Raster (.rst) ConvertRasterFormat
Export SAGA Grid ConvertRasterFormat
Export Surfer ASCII Grid ConvertRasterFormat
Export Table to CSV ExportTableToCsv
Exposure Towards a wind flux ExposureTowardsWindFlux
Extend Vector Lines ExtendVectorLines
Extract Nodes ExtractNodes
Extract Raster Values at Points ExtractRasterValuesAtPoints
Extract Statistics ZonalStatistics
Extract Streams ExtractStreams
Extract Valleys (Johnson and Rosenfeld) ExtractValleys --variant='JandR'
Extract Valleys (Lower Quartile) ExtractValleys --variant='lq'
Extract Valley (Peucker and Douglas) ExtractValleys --variant='PandD'
Extract Values at X,Y coordinates 1
FD8 Flow Accumulation FD8FlowAccumulation
FD8 Flow Accumulation 2 FD8FlowAccumulation
FD8 Flow Pointer FD8Pointer
Fetch Analysis FetchAnalysis
FillBurn FillBurn
Fill Depressions FillDepressions
Fill Depressions (Planchon and Darboux) FillDepressions
Fill Missing Data Holes FillMissingData
Fill Single-Cell Pits FillSingleCellPits
Filter LAS Scan Angles FilterLidarScanAngles
Find Flightline Edge Points FindFlightlineEdgePoints
Find Lowest/Highest Locations FindLowestOrHighestPoints
Find Main Stem FindMainStem
Find No-Flow Cells FindNoFlowCells
Find Parallel Flow FindParallelFlow
Find Patch or Class Edge Cells FindPatchOrClassEdgeCells
Find Ridges FindRidges
Find Tie Points 3
Flip Image FlipImage
Flood Order FloodOrder
Floor Floor
Fractal Dimension 1
Furthest Upstream Channel Head Distance FarthestChannelHead
Fuse Union
Fuzzy Membership 1
Gaussian Contrast Stretch GaussianContrastStretch
Gaussian Filter GaussianFilter
Get LAS File Summary LasInfo
Greater Than GreaterThan
Greater Than Equal To GreaterThan With --incl_equals flag
Ground Point Separation (LiDAR) LidarGroundPointFilter
Hack Stream Order HackStreamOrder
Hex-binning VectorHexBinning, LidarHexBinning
High-Pass Filter HighPassFilter
Highest Position HighestPosition
Hillshade Hillshade
Hillslopes Hillslopes
Histogram RasterHistogram
Histogram Equalization HistogramEqualization
Histogram Matching HistogramMatching
Histogram Matching (Two Images) HistogramMatchingTwoImages
Hole Proportion HoleProportion
Horizon Angle HorizonAngle
Horton-Strahler Stream Order StrahlerStreamOrder
IDW Interpolation (LiDAR) LidarIdwInterpolation Add the ability to: Exclude points based on max scan angle divation and Interpolate all LAS files within a directory (i.e. directory input rather than single file).
IHS to RGB IhsToRgb
Image Autocorrelation ImageAutocorrelation
Image Average RasterSummaryStats
Image Correlation ImageCorrelation
Image De-Striping 1
Image Rectification 1
Image Regression ImageRegression
Image Stack Profile ImageStackProfile
Image Standard Deviation RasterSummaryStats
Image Total RasterSummaryStats
Import CSV CsvPointsToVector
Impoundment Index ImpoundmentIndex
Increment Increment
Integer Division IntegerDivision
Integral Image IntegralImage
Intersect Intersect
Intersection Density 1
Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation IdwInterpolation
Inverse Principal Component Analysis InversePCA
IsNoData IsNoData
Isobasin Isobasins
Isolate Raster features by Location 1
Isolate Vector Features by Attribute 2
Isolate Vector Features by Location 2
Jenson Snap Pour Points JensonSnapPourPoints This tool should be updated to take vector pour points as inputs/outputs when vector support has been added.
Join (LiDAR) LidarJoin
Join Tables JoinTables
k-Means Classification KMeansClustering
k-Nearest Mean Filter KNearestMeanFilter
Kappa Index of Agreement KappaIndex
Kriging Interpolation 3
KS Test for Normality KSTestForNormality
Laplacian Filter LaplacianFilter
Laplacian-of-Gaussian Filter LaplacianOfGaussianFilter
LAS Footprint LidarTileFootprint Now outputs the convex hull of the point cloud. Also works on whole directory of tiles.
Layer Footprint LayerFootprint
Lee (Sigma) Filter LeeSigmaFilter
Less Than LessThan
Less Than Equal To LessThan With --incl_equals flag
LiDAR Elevation Slice LidarElevationSlice
LiDAR Histogram LidarHistogram
LiDAR Segmentation LidarSegmentation
Linearity Index LinearityIndex Works for vector data only.
Line Thinning LineThinning
Line-Detection Filter LineDetectionFilter
Lines to Polygons LinesToPolygons
List Unique Values ListUniqueValues
Ln (Natural Log) Ln
Local Topographic Position Scale signature MaxElevDevSignature
Locate Principal Point 1
Log base 10 Log10
Log base 2 Log2
Long Axis PolygonLongAxis
Long Profile LongProfile
Long Profile from Point LongProfileFromPoints
Lowest Position LowestPosition
Majority Filter (Modal) MajorityFilter
Max Max
Max Absolute Overlay MaxAbsoluteOverlay
Max Overlay MaxOverlay
Maximum Downslope Elevation Change MaxDownslopeElevChange
Maximum Elevation Deviation (Multiscale) MaxElevationDeviation
Maximum Filter MaximumFilter
Maximum Interpolation (LiDAR) Use BlockMaximum instead
Maximum Upslope Flowpath Length MaxUpslopefFlowpathLength
MDInf Flow Accumulation MDInfFlowAccumulation
Mean Filter MeanFilter
Median Filter MedianFilter
Medoid Medoid
Merge Shapefiles MergeVectors
Merge Table with CSV MergeTableWithCsv
Min Min
Minimum Bounding Box MinimumBoundingBox
Minimum Convex Hull MinimumConvexHull
Minimum Interpolation (LiDAR) Use BlockMinimum instead
Min Overlay MinOverlay
Min-Max Contrast Stretch MinMaxContrastStretch
Minimum Downslope Elevation Change MinDownslopeElevChange
Minimum Filter MinimumFilter
Minimum Interpolation BlockMinimumGridding
Modified k-means classification ModifiedKMeansClustering
Modulo Modulo
Mosaic Mosaic
Mosaic with Feathering MosaicWithFeathering
Multi-parts to Single-parts MultiPartToSinglePart
Multiply Multiply
Nearest-Neighbour Analysis 1
Nearest Neighbour Interpolation NearestNeighbourGridding
Nearest Neighbour Interpolation (LiDAR) LidarNearestNeighbourGridding
Negate Negate This tool differs from the Whitebox GAT equivalent in that in additional to changing the sign of continuous data, it also handles Boolean data by reversing values (i.e. 0-1 to 1-0)
New Raster From Base NewRasterFromBase
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) NormalizedDifferenceVegetationIndex
Not Equal To NotEqualTo
Number of Downslope Neighbours NumDownslopeNeighbours
Number of Grid Cells RasterSummaryStats
Number of Inflowing Neighbours NumInFlowingNeighbours
Number of Upslope Neighbours NumUpslopeNeighbours
Olympic Filter Olympic Filter
Opening Opening
Optimised Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (OSAVI) NormalizedDifferenceVegetationIndex Use --osavi flag
Panchromatic Sharpening PanchromaticSharpening
Patch Orientation PatchOrientation
PCA For Attributes 3
Pennock's Landform Classification PennockLandformClass
Percent Elevation Range PercentElevRange
Percent Equal To PercentEqualTo
Percent Greater Than PercentGreaterThan
Percent Less Than PercentLessThan
Percentage Contrast Stretch PercentageContrastStretch
Percentile Filter PercentFilter
Perimeter PolygonPerimeter Currently this works for vectors only; update to work for rasters
Perimeter-Area Ratio PerimeterAreaRatio Currently this works for vectors only; update to work for rasters
Pick From List PickFromList
Plan Curvature PlanCurvature
Plot Variogram 3
Point Density 2
Point Density (LiDAR) LidarPointDensity
Polygonize Polygonize
Polygons to Lines PolygonsToLines
Power Power
Prewitt Filter PrewittFilter
Principal Component Analysis PrincipalComponentAnalysis
Profile Profile
Profile Curvature ProfileCurvature
Prune Vector Stream Network PruneVectorStreams
Quantile Quantiles
Radius of Gyration RadiusOfGyration
Random Field RandomField
Random Sample RandomSample
Range Filter RangeFilter
Raster Streams to Vector RasterStreamsToVector
Raster to Vector Lines RasterToVectorLines
Raster to Vector Points RasterToVectorPoints
Raster to Vector Polygons RasterToVectorPolygons
Rasterize Streams RasterizeStreams
Rasterize TIN TINGridding
Reciprocal Reciprocal
Reclass Reclass
Reclass Equal Interval ReclassEqualInterval
Reclass From File ReclassFromFile
Reinitialize Attribute Table ReinitializeAttributeTable
Related Circumscribing Circle RelatedCircumscribingCircle Currently works for vectors only.
Relative Aspect RelativeAspect
Relative Stream Power Index StreamPowerIndex
Remove Off-Terrain Objects RemoveOffTerrainObjects
Remove Polygon Holes RemovePolygonHoles
Remove Short Streams RemoveShortStreams
Remove Spurs (pruning) RemoveSpurs
Resample Resample
Rescale Image Value Range RescaleValueRange
RGB to IHS RgbToIhs
Rho8 Flow Pointer Rho8Pointer
Root Mean Square Error RootMeanSquareError
Round Round
Sediment Transport Index SedimentTransportIndex
Set NoData Value SetNodataValue
Shape Complexity Index ShapeComplexityIndex Currently works for vectors only.
Short Axis PolygonShortAxis
Show GeoTiff Tags PrintGeoTiffTags
Shreve Stream Magnitude ShreveStreamMagnitude
Sigmoidal Contrast Stretch SigmoidalContrastStretch
Simple Region Grow ImageSegmentation
Simplify Line or Polygon 2
Sin Sin
Single-parts to Multi-parts SinglePartToMultiPart
Sinh Sinh
Sink Sink
Slope Slope
Smooth SmoothVectors
Snap Pour Points SnapPourPoints This tool should be updated to take vector pour points as inputs/outputs when vector support has been added.
Sobel Filter SobelFilter
Split Colour Composite SplitColourComposite
Split Vector Lines SplitVectorLines
Square Square
Square Root SquareRoot
Standard Deviation Filter StandardDeviationFilter
Standard Deviation of Elevation StandardDeviationFilter
Stochastic Depression Analysis StochasticDepressionAnalysis
Strahler-Order Basins StrahlerOrderBasins
Stream Link Classification StreamLinkClass
Stream Link Identifier StreamLinkIdentifier
Stream Link Length StreamLinkLength
Stream Link Slope StreamLinkSlope
Stream Slope (Continuous) StreamSlopeContinuous
Sub-basins Subbasins
Sutract Subtract
Symmetric Difference SymmetricalDifference
Tan Tan
Tangential Curvature TangentialCurvature
Tanh Tanh
Thicken Raster Line ThickenRasterLine
Tile LAS File LidarTile
Topographic Ruggedness Index RuggednessIndex
Topological Breach-Burn (Stream Burning) TopologicalBreachBurn
Topological Stream Ordering TopologicalStreamOrder
Total Curvature TotalCurvature
Total Filter TotalFilter
Total Length of Upstream Channels LengthOfUpstreamChannels
Trace Downslope Flowpaths TraceDownslopeFlowpaths
Trend Surface TrendSurface
Trend Surface Vector Points TrendSurfaceVectorPoints
Truncate Truncate
Turning Bands Simulation TurningBandsSimulation
Unnest Basins UnnestBasins
User-Define Weights filter UserDefinedWeightsFilter
Vector Attribute Gridding 2
Vector Cleaning CleanVector
Vector Feature Density HeatMap
Vector Lines to Raster VectorLinesToRaster
Vector Points to Raster VectorPointsToRaster
Vector Polygons to Raster VectorPolygonsToRaster
Vector Stream Analysis VectorStreamNetworkAnalysis (GTE)
Viewshed Viewshed
Visibility Index VisibilityIndex
Voronoi Diagram VoronoiDiagram
Wall-in Watershed RaiseWalls
Watershed Watershed
Weighted Overlay WeightedOverlay
Weighted Sum WeightedSum
Wetness Index WetnessIndex
White Top-Hat Transform TophatTransform With --variant='white'
Write Function Memory Insert WriteFunctionMemoryInsertion
Z-Scores Zscores