diff --git a/scripts/forge_html5_5_mins.asciidoc b/scripts/forge_html5_5_mins.asciidoc
index e6f12fc..85e4052 100644
--- a/scripts/forge_html5_5_mins.asciidoc
+++ b/scripts/forge_html5_5_mins.asciidoc
@@ -4,14 +4,11 @@ Zero to HTML5 app
-* JBDS 7 setup
+* JBDS 8 (Beta 2) setup
* JBoss EAP 6.x server available in JBDS
* Forge launched in JBDS *Cmd + 4*
* Switch to JBoss perspective
-Once forge is started
-* `set ACCEPT_DEFAULTS true` in Forge to make it a bit less verbose
+* Open the Forge Console
Create an app
@@ -20,16 +17,16 @@ This section of the script creates a new app from scratch from Forge, imports it
1. In the forge console, create a new Project
- new-project --named rhsessions --topLevelPackage com.redhat.sessions
+ project-new --named rhsessions --topLevelPackage com.redhat.sessions
2. Now, we'll add some capabilities - Servlet, CDI, JPA, Bean Validation, JAX-RS
- servlet setup; beans setup; persistence setup --provider HIBERNATE --container JBOSS_EAP6; validation setup --provider JAVA_EE; rest setup
+ servlet-setup; cdi-setup; jpa-setup --provider Hibernate --container JBOSS_EAP6; constraint-setup; rest-setup;
3. Now let's add some entities
- entity --named Attendee
- entity --named Session
+ jpa-new-entity --named Attendee
+ jpa-new-entity --named Session
4. Now, we want to add some Bean Validation constraints. You should end up with field definitions like these.
@@ -37,7 +34,7 @@ This section of the script creates a new app from scratch from Forge, imports it
In `Session`:
@Size(message = "Must be > 20 and < 1000", min = 20, max = 1000)
private String description;
@@ -48,7 +45,7 @@ This section of the script creates a new app from scratch from Forge, imports it
private Collection speakers = new ArrayList();
Now generate getters and setters.
@@ -57,30 +54,21 @@ Take a copy of the name field from Session, and paste into Attendee
In `Attendee`:
@Size(message = "Must be > 5 and < 50", min = 5, max = 50)
private String name;
Now generate getters and setters.
-6. Scaffold endpoints for the entity.
- cd ~~
- rest endpoint-from-entity --contentType application/json com.redhat.sessions.model.*
-7. Open up JAX-RS REST Web Services, and locate `GET /rest/session`. Right click on it, and choose *Run As -> Run On Server*. In the Web Service Tester, click the *Play* button, and show the result
-Add HTML5 Mobile view
-1. Setup HTML5 scaffolding
- scaffold-x setup --scaffoldType angularjs
+Add HTML5 Mobile view with REST resources
-2. Generate the CRUD
+1. Generate the RESTful CRUD with an AngularJS frontend and a JAX-RS backend.
- scaffold-x from src/main/java/com/redhat/sessions/model/*
+ scaffold-generate --provider AngularJS --targets com.redhat.sessions.model.*
+2. Open up JAX-RS REST Web Services, and locate `GET /rest/sessions`. Right click on it, and choose *Run As -> Run On Server*. In the Web Service Tester, click the *Play* button, and show the result