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467 lines (343 loc) · 14.9 KB

Read routines for Peano-Hilbert key sorted Eagle snapshots

Note about language support

This code can be used with C, Fortran, IDL or Python programs. If you only need python support then consider using pyread_eagle, which implements the same API but is written entirely in python so it should be easier to install.


These can be used if Gadget was run with the -DEAGLE_SORT_OUTPUT flag enabled. They provide a quick way to read in spatial regions without having to read all the data or even open all of the files.

It works by splitting the simulation volume into a grid and ensuring that particles in the same grid cell are stored consecutively in the snapshot files. Some extra datasets are added to the snapshot which specify which grid cells are stored in which files and the location of the start of each cell in the file.

The procedure to read in data is as follows:

  • Open the snapshot by specifying the name of one file
  • Flag the grid cells to be read in by calling select_region() one or more times.
  • Call read_dataset once for each quantity to be read, specifying which particle type to read and the HDF5 dataset name

You can then either close the snapshot or call clear_selection() to read in a different region.

Any of the datasets in the PartType groups can be read in. The code makes no assumptions about what datasets are present in the snapshot. Reduced precision floating point datasets are read in as 32 bit floats.

The code is written in C but there are interfaces for Fortran and Python. There's also a pure IDL version since calling the C routines from IDL is impractical due to library version issues.

Installing the python module

To install the python module:

  • Edit to specify the location of your HDF5 installation
  • To install to your home directory, run
     python ./ install --user

or to install elsewhere

     python ./ install --prefix=/path/to/install/dir/

If you use the --prefix option you'll probably need to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH so that python can find the module.

Compiling the library and examples for C and Fortran

The library is compiled using cmake. If your HDF5 installation is in an unusual location you can specify it with cmake's CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option. E.g.:

  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/hdf5/installation

The path you pass in should contain the HDF5 lib and include directories. This will produce the following files:

  build/lib/   - the shared library for reading Eagle snapshots
  build/include/read_eagle.h   - header file needed to call the library from C
  build/include/read_eagle.mod - module needed to call the library from Fortran
  build/bin/*                  - compiled example programs in C and Fortran

Example usage in C

  #include "read_eagle.h"

  EagleSnapshot *snap;
  float *pos;
  long long *ids;
  int n;

  /* Open snapshot by supplying name of one file */
  snap = open_snapshot("./snap_020.0.hdf5");

  /* Choose region to read by specifying ranges in x, y, z */
  select_region(snap, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0);

  /* Allocate memory */
  n = count_particles(snap, 0);
  pos = malloc(sizeof(float)*3*n);
  ids = malloc(sizeof(long long)*n);

  /* Read one or more datasets */
  n = read_dataset_float(snap, 0, "Coordinates", pos, n*3)
  n = read_dataset_long_long(snap, 0, "ParticleIDs", ids, n)

  /* Close snapshot */

Example usage in Fortran

  use read_eagle

  type(EagleSnapshot) :: snap
  real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: pos
  integer*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ids
  integer :: ierr
  integer :: n

  ! Open snapshot by supplying name of one file
  snap = open_snapshot("./snap_020.0.hdf5")

  ! Choose region to read by specifying ranges in x, y, z
  call select_region(snap, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0)

  ! Allocate memory
  n = count_particles(snap, 0);

  ! Read one or more datasets
  n = read_dataset(snap, 0, "Coordinates", pos)
  n = read_dataset(snap, 0, "ParticleIDs", ids)

  ! Close snapshot
  call close_snapshot(snap)

Example usage in Python

import read_eagle

snap = read_eagle.EagleSnapshot("./snap_020.0.hdf5")
snap.select_region(4.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0)
pos = snap.read_dataset(0, "Coordinates")
ids = snap.read_dataset(0, "ParticleIDs")
del snap

Example usage in IDL

snap = open_snapshot("./snap_020.0.hdf5")
select_region, snap, 4.0, 5.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0
n = count_particles(snap, 0)
if n gt 0 then begin
  pos = read_dataset(snap, 0, "Coordinates")
  ids = read_dataset(snap, 0, "ParticleIDs")
close_snapshot, snap

Error handling

In C

Default behaviour is to abort if an error occurs, e.g. if a file can't be read or memory allocation fails. If you call abort_on_error(0) the routines will instead indicate errors with special return values.

open_snapshot - returns a null pointer on failure count_particles - returns a negative number on failure read_dataset - returns a negative number on failure

In Fortran

The routines which can fail (open_snapshot, count_particles and read_dataset) take an optional integer parameter 'iostat'. If this parameter is not specified the routines will abort on errors. If it is specified it will return zero on success, non-zero otherwise.

In Python

If a routine fails it will raise an exception.


The IDL routines always abort in case of errors.

Description of the routines and parameters


C      :  EagleSnapshot *snap = open_snapshot(char *fname)
F90    :  snap = open_snapshot(fname [, iostat=...])
Python :  snap = read_eagle.EagleSnapshot(fname)
IDL    :  snap = open_snapshot(fname)

This opens the snapshot which contains the specified file. The returned value 'snap' must be deallocated using a call to close_snapshot. Failure to do this in C, Fortran or IDL will cause memory leaks. In python the snapshot will be automatically deallocated once there are no more references to it.


  • fname: name of any one file in the snapshot

Return value

  C     : pointer to a newly allocated EagleSnapshot, or NULL on failure
  F90   : an instance of the eaglesnapshot derived type
  Python: an instance of the EagleSnapshot class
  IDL   : a struct containing data necessary to read the snapshot


C       : close_snapshot(EagleSnapshot *snap)
F90     : call close_snapshot(snap)
python  : del snap
IDL     : close_snapshot, snap

Deallocates memory associated with the snap object from open_snapshot. Not necessary in python - do 'del snap' or just let the snap variable go out of scope.


  • snap: the object returned by open_snapshot


C       : select_region(EagleSnapshot *snap, double xmin, double xmax,
                                             double ymin, double ymax,
                                             double zmin, double zmax)
F90     : call select_region(snap, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax,
                             [, iostat=...])
python  : snap.select_region(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax)
IDL     : select_region, snap, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax

All grid cells overlapping the specified region are flagged to be read in by subsequent read_dataset calls. You can call select_region multiple times to make oddly shaped or disjoint selections.

If selected regions overlap or the same region is selected multiple times particles in these regions will still only be read in once.


  • snap: the object returned by open_snapshot
  • xmin: the minimum x coordinate of the region to read
  • xmax: the maximum x coordinate of the region to read
  • ymin: the minimum y coordinate of the region to read
  • ymax: the maximum y coordinate of the region to read
  • zmin: the minimum z coordinate of the region to read
  • zmax: the maximum z coordinate of the region to read

The coordinates are doubles in C and reals in Fortran.


C       : select_grid_cells(EagleSnapshot *snap, int ixmin, int ixmax,
                           		         int iymin, int iymax,
                                                 int izmin, int izmax)
F90     : call select_grid_cells(snap, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax,
                                 [, iostat=...])
python  : snap.select_grid_cells(ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax, izmin, izmax)
IDL     : Not implemented

All grid cells in the specified range of grid coordinates are flagged to be read in by subsequent read_dataset calls. You can call select_grid_cells multiple times to make oddly shaped or disjoint selections.

The coordinates ixmin, ixmax etc are integer coordinates in the hash grid, starting from zero. The maximum coordinate is (2**hashbits)-1. The value of hashbits is stored in the EagleSnapshot variable returned by open_snapshot call.

If selected regions overlap or the same region is selected multiple times particles in these regions will still only be read in once.


  • snap: the object returned by open_snapshot
  • ixmin: the minimum x coordinate of the region to read
  • ixmax: the maximum x coordinate of the region to read
  • iymin: the minimum y coordinate of the region to read
  • iymax: the maximum y coordinate of the region to read
  • izmin: the minimum z coordinate of the region to read
  • izmax: the maximum z coordinate of the region to read

The coordinates are ints in C and default integers in Fortran.


C      : int n = count_particles(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype)
F90    : n = count_particles(snap, itype [, iostat=...])
Python : n = snap.count_particles(itype)
IDL    : n = count_particles(itype)

This returns the number of particles of the specified type which will be read by the next read_dataset call. Note that only whole grid cells can be read so some particles outside the selected region may be read in. These are included in the count.

In C and Fortran this can be used to determine how much memory to allocate before reading datasets. In python its not usually necessary.

In IDL you need to call this before read_dataset to make sure there are particles in the selected region - IDL doesn't allow zero size arrays so read_dataset will abort if there are no particles.


  • snap : the object returned by open_snapshot
  • itype: which particle type to count (integer, 0-5)

Return value

The number of particles to be read in


C      : int n = get_particle_locations(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype,
                                        int *file_index, int *file_offset,
                                        size_t nmax);
F90    : n = get_particle_locations(snap, itype, file_index, file_offset [, iostat=...])
Python : file_index, file_offset = snap.get_particle_locations(itype)
IDL    : Not implemented

This returns two arrays which each have one element for each selected particle. file_index contains the index of the file each particle is in. file_offset contains the position in the file, numbering from zero.

In C and Fortran the output arrays must be allocated in advance. Call count_particles() to determine the necessary size. In C, nmax must be the size of the file_offset/file_index arrays. This is used to check the arrays are big enough.


  • snap : the object returned by open_snapshot
  • itype: which particle type to count (integer, 0-5)

Return value

file_index - integer array with index of the file containing each particle file_offset - integer array with position of each particle in its file


C       : int read_dataset_int(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype, char *name, int *buf, size_t n);
          int read_dataset_long_long(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype, char *name, long long *buf, size_t n);
          int read_dataset_float(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype, char *name, float *buf, size_t n);
          int read_dataset_double(EagleSnapshot *snap, int itype, char *name, double *buf, size_t n);
Fortran : call read_dataset(snap, itype, name, buf [, iostat=...])
Python  : buf = snap.read_dataset(itype, name)
IDL     : buf = read_dataset(snap, itype, name)

This reads in the specified dataset for all particles of type itype in the selected region(s). Use repeated calls to read in multiple datasets.

In C the result array 'buf' can be int, long long, float or double. If the array is not of the same type as the dataset in the file the values will be converted, which may involve some truncation or rounding.

In Fortran the allowed types for 'buf' are integer4, integer8, real4, and real8. Scalar quantities must be read into a 1D array and vectors must be read into a 2D 3*n array. Type conversion is done in the same way as in C.

In IDL and Python the type of array you get back reflects the type of the dataset in the file. The IDL version aborts if there are no particles because IDL provides no way to return a zero size array section.


  • snap : the object returned by open_snapshot
  • itype: which particle type to read (integer, 0-5)
  • name : the HDF5 name of the dataset, relative to the PartType group
  • buf : array in which to store the result. Must be pre-allocated in C or Fortran.
  • n : size of the array buf (C only, used to check bounds)

Return value

The number of particles read in


C        : void clear_selection(EagleSnapshot *snap)
Fortran  : call clear_selection(snap)
Python   : snap.clear_selection()
IDL      : clear_selection, snap


  • snap : the object returned by open_snapshot

Return value


This clears the flags which specify which grid cells should be read in on the next read_dataset() call. If you've already read in a region and you want to read a different region you should call clear_selection() before calling select_region() again.


C        : int split_selection(EagleSnapshot *snap, int ThisTask, int NTask)
Fortran  : call split_selection(snap, ThisTask, NTask [, iostat=...])
Python   : snap.split_selection(ThisTask, NTask)
IDL      : Not implemented


  • snap : the object returned by open_snapshot
  • ThisTask : rank of this process in an MPI program
  • NTask : number of processes in an MPI program

Return value

In C or Fortran 0 indicates success, non-zero is failure

This is for use in MPI programs to allow parallel I/O. When running under MPI all read_eagle routines are collective - they must be called on all processes.

The procedure to read a region in parallel is as follows:

  1. All processes open the snapshot
  2. All processes select the SAME region
  3. Call split_selection. This causes each processor to select a subset of the originally selected particles.
  4. Call read_dataset() on all processors to read the required quantities

This results in all of the particles in the specified region being read in exactly once with the data spread across the MPI processes.