- A storageclass named standard
- Cert manager installed Install Cert Manager
- Fill out the secrets file in
- Fill out the ingress
because I own wrestlingdev.com not you. Put your own domain in there. - Run
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/secrets/
- Run
kubectl apply -f deploy/kubernetes/manifests/
- Wrestlingdev deployed with 2 replicas.
- Two workers are deployed to run background jobs
- A standalone mariadb that can back up to S3 compatable storage if you set the values in
and prometheus ready metrics - A standalone memcahced.
First, be sure your secrets.yaml has all envs up to date. Then, make sure you get all manifest changes
- Run
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcwimer/wrestlingApp/master/deploy/kubernetes/manifests/wrestlingdev.yaml
Each push to master updates the docker prod
tag and also pushes a tag with the git hash. You will want to update to those tags.
- Set the git hash as a variable
TAG=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
- Update the wrestlingdev deployment tag
kubectl --record deployment.apps/wrestlingdev-app-deployment set image deployment.v1.apps/wrestlingdev-app-deployment wrestlingdev-app=jcwimer/wrestlingdev:${TAG}
- Update the wrestlingdev job runner tag
kubectl --record statefulset.apps/wrestlingdev-worker set image statefulset.v1.apps/wrestlingdev-worker wrestlingdev-worker=jcwimer/wrestlingdev:${TAG}
Finally, run db-migrations
- Delete the db migrations job so you can re-run it
kubectl delete job wrestlingdev-db-create-migrate
- Re-run the db migrations job
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcwimer/wrestlingApp/master/deploy/kubernetes/manifests/db-migration.yaml
For workers: kubectl logs -f --tail=100 -l app=wrestlingdev -l tier=worker
For app logs: kubectl logs -f --tail=100 -l app=wrestlingdev -l tier=app
Right now, mariadb's root password comes from the secrets.yaml and wrestlingdev uses the root password to run. Ideally, you'd create another secret for mariadb's root password and you'd create a user specifically for wrestlingdev.
From a mysql shell> CREATE USER ${username} IDENTIFIED BY '${password}'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${database}.* TO ${username}; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
$database would be wrestlingdev. I'll do this automatically later.
Right now, we're also only using gmail for email.
In production, this runs on GKE. I have two node pools. The first is 2 x n2-high-cpu-2
($12.63/month preemptible). That pool can run 1 "copy" of the application. That means 2 x app pods, 1 x worker, 1 x memcached, and 1 x mariadb. The second node pool is an autoscale from 0-10 and is of the machine type n1-standard-1
($7.30/ month preemptible). This pool is strictly for scaling the app pods and the worker pods.