- Here we will work though an exmple RNA-seq quantification using Salmon
- This is module is adapted from https://training.seqera.io/#_simple_rna_seq_pipeline
- Work on a practical example of a nextflow pipeline
- Understand process inputs and outputs
- Understand process directives
- Use directives
to specify process dependencies - Understand nextflow configuration
Open rna_seq_1.nf and take a look.
Here we have a single process
defined. This process builds the Salmon Index of the transcriptome provided.process INDEX { input: path transcriptome output: path 'salmon_index' script: """ salmon index -t $transcriptome -i salmon_index """ }
We can see this process definies an input of type
(i.e. a file) -
In the script section, the variable
will evaluate to the name of the input file -
The output is also of type
, and declares that a file named 'salmon_index' should be created -
If the output file does not exist after the process has run, Nextflow will throw an error
- Run rna_seq_1.nf
This will fail with error message:
nextflow run ~/wehi-nextflow-training/module_2/rna_seq_1.nf
line 2: salmon: command not found
. This is because we haven't provided a specification for the software required. - Check for salmon module on milton
We can see that salmon is indeed available.
module avail salmon
- Add the directive
module salmon/1.9.0
to theINDEX
process as follows and run the pipeline again.With this, Nextflow will load the appropriate module prior to running the process script.process INDEX { module 'salmon/1.9.0' input: path transcriptome output: path 'salmon_index' script: """ salmon index -t $transcriptome -i salmon_index """ }
- Directives specify the execution environment of a nextflow process
- For example the
directive above specifies the software modules to be used - Directives are placed at the top of a process definition
- See https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/process.html#directives for all available directives
Add the following directives to
to specify the cpu and memory resources required by the process.memory '2 GB' cpus 1
Run the workflow again and confirm it runs successfully.
process INDEX { module 'salmon/1.9.0' memory '2 GB' cpus 1 input: path transcriptome output: path 'salmon_index' script: """ salmon index -t $transcriptome -i salmon_index """ }
- Open rna_seq_2.nf and take a look.
- Here we have added a process
. This process takes the RNA-seq data and counts the reads originating from each transcrpit in the transcriptome:process QUANTIFICATION { module 'salmon/1.9.0' memory '2 GB' cpus 2 tag "$sample_id" input: path salmon_index tuple val(sample_id), path(reads) output: path output script: output = "${sample_id}.sf" """ salmon quant --threads $task.cpus --libType=U -i $salmon_index -1 ${reads[0]} -2 ${reads[1]} -o out mv out/quant.sf $output """ }
- Process inputs may be of the following types:
- A val type denotes a regular groovy variable. It could be a String, Integer, Boolean, double etc.path
- A path represents an input/output file.stdout
- stdout is a special output type that will return the standard output of the process runtuple
- A tuple represents a collection of inputs/out. These may be of eitherval
- Note that
defines two inputs channels, one for the salmon index and one for the reads for each sample Channel.fromFilePairs()
is a special method designed to handle paired file inputs from NGS sequencing
- One of the most powerful features of Nextflow is it's support for software containers (Docker, Singularity, etc.).
- Using containers will improve the reproducibility and portability of your pipelines.
- Containers can be specified using the
directive. - You can find pre-made containers for popular bioinformatics software through Bioconda
- Visit https://bioconda.github.io/recipes/salmon/README.html. Here we see Salmon is available in a Docker container at "quay.io/biocontainers/salmon:". If we visit the "salmon/tags" link we can find that the latest available tag is "1.9.0--h7e5ed60_1"
- Replace the directive
module 'salmon/1.9.0'
withcontainer 'quay.io/biocontainers/salmon:1.9.0--h7e5ed60_1'
in the processesINDEX
in rna_seq_2.nf - Run rna_seq_2.nf
nextflow run ~/wehi-nextflow-training/module_2/rna_seq_2.nf
- Look at
. This provides system wide nextflow configuration, and is tailored to Milton (it was created when you first loaded the nextflow module).process { executor = 'slurm' cache = 'lenient' } executor { name = 'slurm' queueSize = 100 queueStatInterval = '10 sec' pollInterval = '10 sec' submitRateLimit = '10sec' } singularity { enabled = true autoMounts = true runOptions = '-B /vast -B /stornext -B /wehisan' } docker.enabled = false
- When a file named
is present in the same directory as a nextflow script, it provides project-level configuration to be used when running that script. - Any settings provided by both the system wide
and projectnextflow.config
are overridden by the projectnextflow.config
- Open at nextflow.config and take a configuration at the settings. The default 'slurm' executor is overwritten to use the 'local' executor.
- see https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/config.html
- Open rna_seq_3.nf and take a look.
- Here we have added a process
. This process is an R script that takes RNA seq quantification results and creates a plot:process PLOT_TPM { container 'rocker/tidyverse:4.1.3' memory '2 GB' cpus 1 publishDir "results", mode: 'copy' input: path quant_results output: path 'TPM.png' script: """ #!/usr/bin/env Rscript library(tidyverse) data.frame(filename = list.files(pattern='.sf')) %>% mutate(tissue = str_remove(basename(filename), '.sf')) %>% mutate(data = map(filename, read_tsv, col_types = cols())) %>% unnest(data) %>% select(tissue, transcript = Name, TPM) %>% ggplot(aes(transcript, TPM, fill = tissue)) + geom_col(position = 'dodge') + coord_flip() ggsave('TPM.png', width = 6, height = 4) """ }
- The
directives specifies that output files from this process should be copied to the folder 'results' - The operator
is used to combine all the outputs inquant_ch
into a single input forPLOT_TPM
quant_ch = QUANTIFICATION(index_ch, read_pairs_ch) PLOT_TPM(quant_ch.collect())
- Open at nextflow.config and change
from 'local' to 'slurm'. This will direct jobs to be submitted to the slurm queue. - Run rna_seq_3.nf and observe the output
nextflow run ~/wehi-nextflow-training/module_2/rna_seq_3.nf -resume
- Nextflow executions logs can be generated after a workflow has run, see https://www.nextflow.io/docs/latest/tracing.html#execution-log
- Run
nextflow log
to list all previous executions, and note theRUN NAME
of the most recent execution - Run
nextflow log <RUN NAME> -f name,workdir,native_id,status,exit
replacing<RUN NAME>
with the name from 1. This will list all jobs run in the previous execution.