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Releases: jenkinsci/build-monitor-plugin

Compatibility with Jenkins 1.596 and better support for Firefox

08 Jan 11:46
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As the Christmas break is now finished it's time to get a new release out of the door!

This one introduces the following changes:

  • Build Monitor is no longer affected by breaking UI changes introduced in Jenkins core 1.596:
  • Job names are centered vertically and the progress bar correctly pulsates in Firefox (#95) - thanks @kriserickson
  • Build Monitor supports LESS stylesheets, so adding any new UI changes should be simpler (ccab70b)

Do you find Build Monitor useful? Support its development :)

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Found a bug? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.
Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak

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Unstable Builds and the New Colour Scheme

12 Oct 17:54
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This release brings support for "not built" and "unstable" jobs as well as UI improvements for Firefox. There's also a little announcement, so read on! :-)

UI improvements for Firefox:

  • #95 - thanks to @kriserickson's contribution, job titles are vertically centred and progress bars pulsate the same way as they do in Chrome

Support for "not built" and "unstable" jobs and a changed colour scheme:

  • #9, #58 and #88 - after a long discussion and many helpful suggestions from the community, Build Monitor now distinguishes the "not built" and "unstable" statuses from "failing". Here's the new colour scheme:
    build monitor colour scheme
    Claimed builds in both regular and colour-blind friendly mode share the same patterns to make it consistent.
    If you're wondering what "claiming a build" means, check out this answer.

The above sounds like a simple change, right? There was a good reason why Build Monitor didn't distinguish between "unstable" and "failing" jobs initially though. Could your team be suffering from a bad case of rotting builds? Interested in learning more? Check out my recent blog post.

Did you manage to read this far? Brilliant, there's one more thing.

You can now look under the bonnet of how Build Monitor itself is built and delivered:

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Do you find Build Monitor useful? Support its development :)

Give it a star! ★
Found a bug? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.
Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak

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Jenkins Logo

14 Sep 16:18
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A minor release adding Jenkins logo to the Build Monitor view (#77) - thanks @bkmeneguello

Compatibility with Jenkins 1.574

14 Aug 11:54
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This release addresses several backwards-incompatible changes introduced in the latest Jenkins Core:

  • #79 - build number should correctly link to the build details page
  • #75, #84 - Yahoo.Cookie library should be correctly loaded

There's also a small UI tweak:

  • #67 - height of header and footer no longer depends on the size of the screen

and support for developing Build Monitor in Eclipse:

Also, many thanks to @jglick for helping me with the investigation of #79 and raising JENKINS-24165.

Do you find Build Monitor useful? Support its development :)

Give it a star! ★
Found a bug? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.
Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak

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Cleaner HTML

27 Jul 12:32
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As @michaelneale rightly pointed out in #72, index.jelly not main.jelly should be used as the main page of Build Monitor. This change results in cleaner HTML DOM with no duplicate nodes.

Compatibility with Jenkins 1.572

14 Jul 22:07
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Jenkins 1.572 introduced a re-written UI which required a slight tweak to the Build Monitor, so here it is - continuously delivered :-)

Cloudbees Folders support

29 Jun 23:50
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Long-awaited support for Cloudbees Folder Plugin has just arrived!

Cloudbees Folder Plugin allows you to group Jenkins jobs into... well, folders :) Those can represent projects, teams, projects within teams, teams within projects, sub-projects within projects, etc.

How does Build Monitor support the Folder Plugin? In several ways:

  • you can have Build Monitors nested within folders to create project-specific or team-specific views
  • you can also show jobs nested within folders on "upper-level" Build Monitors

The above means that given this example project structure:

└─Librarian Project                  - Folder
  ├─ Librarian Core                  - Job
  ├─ Librarian Project Build Monitor - Build Monitor using .* regex and "recurse in subfolders"
  └── Micro-services                 - Folder
      └─ Indexer                     - Job

what you'll see on Librarian Project Build Monitor is this (note the "»"):
screen shot 2014-06-30 at 00 05 59

Cool, right? One more thing, above example is also expressed in this acceptance test: BehaviourWithCloudbeesFoldersTest, which means that you can see the expected behaviour on SauceLabs.

Like Build Monitor it? Give it a star! ★
Found a bug? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.
Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak

This release delivers #50 and #66, so thanks to @suryagaddipati for his contribution and @daniel-beck for helpful suggestions on IRC #jenkins :)

Build Failure Analyzer support and even better test coverage

07 Jun 19:01
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  • Build Monitor will use Build Failure Analyzer Plugin if you have it installed, and tell you not only who, but also what broke the build (make sure you have Git plugin installed too as Build Failure Analyzer depends on it) #41 #51
  • "Possible Culprits" will no longer be displayed on a broken build if it's claimed, thus reducing the visual noise. #40 #49
  • Based on the feedback I received on twitter I also adjusted font sizes - build numbers are slightly smaller, possible culprits and detected build failures slightly larger.
  • Build Monitor can run in a colour-blind friendly mode. See #30 for details.
  • Last but not least, Build Monitor has also gained a basic acceptance suite and seems to be the first Jenkins plugin to use real browser-based automation (those tests are in very early stages though so don't be too hard on them ;) )

Selenium Test Status

Thanks to Mr. @drekbour for his contributions and support on this release.

CSRF Protection Support

01 Mar 17:38
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Build Monitor supports Jenkins CSRF Protection.
Thanks to @bpedersen2 for suggesting this improvement (#46)

CSRF Protection can be enabled under Manage Jenkins / Configure Global Security / Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits.

Patch release

26 Feb 15:16
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As @kerrhome rightly pointed out, under certain circumstances, described in more depth in #43, users of Build Monitor could observe an internal Jenkins error page after upgrading the plugin from 1.3+build.68 to 1.3+build.70.
This release addresses this problem.

Thanks for helping me making Build Monitor even better! :)