This document provides some infomation about how to create and register libraries for Sublime Text plugin ecosystem.
Libraries must be registered in a repository or channel for Package control 4 to deploy them, very much in the same way as normal pacakges are.
Package Control 4 can install libraries from following sources:
legacy repository based dependencies,
which have been supported since ST3.
python wheels shipped via Github/GitLab releases
python wheels shipped via
To register a library globally to Package Control, create a pull request in this Github repository.
Add your library by adding an entry under "libraries": []
The following example illustrates how a registered library looks like, which is deployed as python wheel via Github releases.
// Help LSP to identify the file as repository.json
"$schema": "sublime://",
// Schema 4.0.0+ is required for asset based releases and python 3.8 support
"schema_version": "4.0.0",
// The list of registered libraries
"libraries": [
"name": "MyLibrary",
"description": "A custom Sublime Text Library",
"author": "just me",
"issues": "",
"releases": [
// A glob pattern to extract the relevant download asset from a Github/Gitlab release.
"asset": "mylibrary--*-py3-none-any.whl",
// Supported python versions.
"python_versions": ["3.3", "3.8"]
For more details about the repository file format, please refere to package_control/example-repository.json.
Package Control 4 continues to support the legacy dependency format as described in
The format has been extended to support ST4-only and py38-only libraries.
For details, please refer to:
To create libraries in python wheel format, please follow instructions and tutorials on
Most important parts are probably how to structure a repository
and how to use python build
to finally create the wheel files.
Sublime Text specific libraries should be deployed via Githb/GitLab releases.
For instance, use Github CLI command line tool, to deploy Sublime Text specific wheel files via Github releases.
Perform any required steps to build wheels from source.
# do any required preparation
# ...
# create wheels
python build ...
# upload wheels as download asset of a Github release
gh release create --target main -t "MyLibrary 1.0.0" "1.0.0" "mylibrary-1.0.0-py3-any-none.whl"
Ensure library is registered as asset based release in this repository.