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Formation of dislocations and stacking faults in embedded individual grains during in situ tensile loading of an austenitic stainless steel |
bneding |
dpagan |
jhektor |
phedstrom |
Materials |
2021 |
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false |
Dual modality neutron and x-ray tomography for enhanced image analysis of the bone-metal interface |
etornquist |
slecann |
etudisco |
atengattini |
eando |
nlenoir |
jhektor |
draina |
mtagil |
steve |
hisaksson |
Physics in Medicine & Biology |
2021 |
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3D X-Ray diffraction characterization of grain growth and recrystallization in rolled braze clad aluminum sheet |
torkel |
jhektor |
sbylund |
rmoberg |
medwards |
steve |
lanaslund |
Advanced Engineering Materials |
2021 |
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false |
Integration of machine learning with phase field method to model the electromigration induced anode Cu6Sn5 IMC growth at Cu-Sn interface |
anil |
yacoutinho |
jhektor |
hma |
nele |
Journal of Materials Science & Technology |
2020 |
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Combining multi-phase field simulation with neural network analysis to unravel thermomigration accelerated growth of Cu6Sn5 IMC at cold side Cu-Sn interface |
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences |
anil |
jhektor |
snomoto |
yacoutinho |
nele |
2020 |
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Reconstructing intragranular strain fields in polycrystalline materials from scanning 3DXRD data |
Journal of Applied Crystallography |
2020 |
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Imaging modalities at the Swedish Materials Science beamline at PETRA III |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering |
zoltan |
timo |
jhektor |
emanuel |
tbacker |
shaas |
alc |
sven |
ulrich |
2019 |
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Long term evolution of microstructure and stress around tin whiskers investigated using scanning Laue microdiffraction |
Acta Materialia |
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jsmicha |
steve |
srini |
matti |
2019 |
false |
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Scanning 3DXRD measurement of grain growth, stress, and formation of Cu6Sn5 around a tin whisker during heat treatment |
Materials |
jhektor |
steve |
axel |
jonas |
matti |
flenrick |
jon |
2019 |
false |
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Tin whiskers: experiments and modelling |
PhD Thesis, Lund University |
2019 |
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Mapping grain strains in sand under load using neutron diffraction scanning |
Micro to MACRO Mathematical Modelling in Soil Mechanics |
stefanos |
steve |
jkelleher |
tpirling |
jonas |
jhektor |
2018 |
false |
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Evidence of 3D strain gradients associated with tin whisker growth |
Scripta Materialia |
jhektor |
jbmarijon |
matti |
steve |
hakan |
srini |
jsmicha |
orobach |
fgrennerat |
ocastelnau |
2018 |
false |
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Coupled diffusion-deformation multiphase field model for elastoplastic materials applied to the growth of Cu6Sn5 |
Acta Materialia |
jhektor |
matti |
steve |
hakan |
srini |
2016 |
false |