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846 lines (715 loc) · 26.3 KB

File metadata and controls

846 lines (715 loc) · 26.3 KB



  • [New Feature]
  • [Bug Fix]
  • [Breaking Change]
  • [Documentation]
  • [Internal]
  • [Polish]
  • [Experimental]
  • [Deprecation]

Note: Gaps between patch versions are faulty/broken releases. Note: A feature tagged as Experimental is in a high state of flux, you're at risk of it changing without notice.


  • New Feature
    • add Array.unzip (@user753)
    • add Group type class (@gcanti)
    • add FreeGroup module (@gcanti)
    • add These functions (@gcanti)
      • thisOrBoth
      • thatOrBoth
      • theseThis
      • theseThat
      • fromOptions
      • fromEither


  • Polish
    • support for constrained domain in Record module, closes #685 (@gcanti)
    • optimize Foldable2v.toArray (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fix Tree.drawTree (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • should be safe when executed with a binary function, fix #675 (@gcanti)


  • Deprecation
    • deprecate Set.difference in favour of difference2v (@gcanti)
  • New Feature
    • add Array.union (@gcanti)
    • add Array.intersection (@gcanti)
    • add Array.difference (@gcanti)
    • add Set.compact (@gcanti)
    • add Set.separate (@gcanti)
    • add Set.filterMap (@gcanti)
    • add getCompactableComposition (@gcanti)
    • add getFilterableComposition (@gcanti)
    • add chainFirst, chainSecond to TaskEither (@gcanti)
    • add NonEmptyArray.prototype.filterWithIndex (@gcanti)
    • add WithKey variants to Record (@gcanti)
      • reduceWithKey
      • foldMapWithKey
      • foldrWithKey
      • partitionMapWithIndex
      • partitionWithIndex
      • filterMapWithIndex
      • filterWithIndex
    • add FunctorWithIndex type class (@MaximeRDY)
      • Array instance (@MaximeRDY)
      • NonEmptyArray instance (@MaximeRDY)
      • StrMap instance (@gcanti)
      • getFunctorWithIndexComposition (@MaximeRDY)
    • add FoldableWithIndex type class (@gcanti)
      • Array instance (@gcanti)
      • NonEmptyArray instance (@gcanti)
      • StrMap instance (@gcanti)
    • add TraversableWithIndex type class (@gcanti)
      • Array instance (@gcanti)
      • NonEmptyArray instance (@gcanti)
      • StrMap instance (@gcanti)
    • add FilterableWithIndex type class (@gcanti)
      • Array instance (@gcanti)
      • StrMap instance (@gcanti)
  • Internal


  • Deprecation
    • Array
      • refine in favour of filter (@gcanti)
    • Either
      • .prototype.refineOrElse in favour of .prototype.filterOrElse (@gcanti)
      • .prototype.refineOrElseL in favour of .prototype.filterOrElseL (@gcanti)
      • fromRefinement in favour of fromPredicate (@gcanti)
    • Option
      • .prototype.refine in favour of .prototype.filter (@gcanti)
      • fromRefinement in favour of fromPredicate (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • use built-in Record type in Record module (@gcanti)
    • add support for refinements (@gcanti)
      • Array
        • takeWhile
        • span
      • NonEmptyArray
        • .prototype.filter
      • ReaderTaskEither
        • fromPredicate
      • Record
        • filter
      • Set
        • filter
        • partition
      • StrMap
        • filter
      • TaskEither
        • .prototype.filterOrElse
        • .prototype.filterOrElseL
        • fromPredicate
      • Validation
        • fromPredicate


  • Bug Fix
    • fix function.toString when input does not have Object on its prototype chain (@gcanti)


  • Polish
    • ReaderTaskEither.tryCatch: add the environment as the second argument of the onrejected handler (@ascariandrea)


  • Deprecation
    • deprecate Either.tryCatch in favour of Either.tryCatch2v (@gcanti)
    • deprecate IOEither.tryCatch in favour of IOEither.tryCatch2v (@gcanti)
  • New Feature
    • add Strong type class (@gcanti)
    • add Choice type class (@gcanti)
    • use unknown type instead of {}, #539 (@gcanti)
    • use HKT4, URIS4, URI2HKT4, #555 (@babakness)
    • NonEmptyArray enhancement #627 (@sledorze)
      • index
      • findFirst
      • findLast
      • findIndex
      • findLastIndex
      • insertAt
      • updateAt
      • filter
    • TaskEither
      • add filterOrElse, filterOrElseL, #619 (@gcanti)
    • Reader
      • add Profunctor instance #634 (@gcanti)
      • add Strong instance (@gcanti)
      • add Choice instance (@gcanti)
      • add Category instance (@gcanti)
    • add Category4, Functor4, Profunctor4, Semigroupoid4, Strong4 (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • fix TaskEither.taskify with immutable arguments, #637 (@DenisFrezzato)


  • Bug Fix
    • backport #637 (@gcanti)


  • Deprecation
    • deprecate Foldable in favour of Foldable2v (*)
    • deprecate Traversable in favour of Traversable2v (*)
  • New Feature
    • Array
      • add chop function (@gcanti)
      • add split function (@gcanti)
      • add chunksOf function (@gcanti)
      • add takeEnd function (@gcanti)
      • add dropEnd function (@gcanti)
      • add makeBy function (@gcanti)
      • add repeat function (@gcanti)
      • add replicate function (@gcanti)
      • add findLastIndex function (@gcanti)
      • add array comprehension (@gcanti)
    • NonEmptyArray
      • add length method (@gcanti)
      • add groupBy function (@gcanti)
    • StrMap
      • add empty constant (@gcanti)
    • Task
      • add sequential instance (@giogonzo)
    • TaskEither
      • add attempt method (@gcanti)
      • add bracket function (@gcanti)
      • add sequential instance (@giogonzo)
      • add foldTask method (@gcanti)
      • add foldTaskEither method (@gcanti)
    • ReaderTaskEither
      • add sequential instance (@giogonzo)
    • add MonadIO module (@gcanti)
    • add MonadTask module (@gcanti)
    • add Date module (@gcanti)
    • add Foldable2v module + instances (@gcanti)
    • add Traversable2v module + instances (@gcanti)
    • add Record module (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • refactor docs layout (@gcanti)
    • add examples to Array module (@gcanti)
    • type-check the examples while generating the documentation (@gcanti)
    • comparison with ramda
    • add example and explanation for Array.member (@fozcodes)
  • Internal

(*) Foldable and Traversable will be replaced with Foldable2v and Traversable2v implementations in fp-ts@2


  • New Feature
    • add getSemigroup, getApplySemigroup, getApplyMonoid to TaskEither, gcanti#563 (@mlegenhausen)
    • add increment and decrement functions, gcanti#557 (@gcanti)
    • add Zipper module, gcanti#558 (@gcanti)
    • add getMeetMonoid, getJoinMonoid, gcanti#548 (@gcanti)
  • Polish


  • Bug Fix
    • add module augmentation to Free, gcanti#559 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add IORef module (@gcanti)


  • Internal
    • add refinement overloading to Array.findFirst, closes #522 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add Array.foldr, Array.foldrL (@PierreCooper)
    • add Compactable type class and related instances (@raveclassic)
    • add Filterable type class and related instances (@raveclassic)
    • add Whitherable type class and related instances (@raveclassic)
    • add State.prototype.applyFirst, State.prototype.applySecond (@gcanti)
    • add Option.getRefinement (@gcanti)
    • add Foldable.traverse (@gcanti)
    • add Option.getApplySemigroup, Option.getApplyMonoid (@gcanti)
    • add Either.getSemigroup, Either.getApplySemigroup, Either.getApplyMonoid (@gcanti)
    • add Task.delay (@gcanti)
    • add, NonEmptyArray.groupSort (@MaximeRDY)
  • Bug Fix
    • fix Random.randomRange implementation (@gcanti)
    • fix Set.partitionMap signature (@gcanti)
    • sort keys in StrMap.collect (@gcanti)
  • Deprecation
    • deprecate Traversable.traverse (@raveclassic)
    • deprecate Foldable.traverse_ (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • add Applicative2C overloadings to Traversable.traverse (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • add missing readonly modifiers (@gcanti)
      • BoundedJoinSemilattice
      • BoundedMeetSemilattice
      • HeytingAlgebra
      • JoinSemilattice
      • MeetSemilattice
    • handle null, undefined in function.toString (@gcanti)
    • add overloadings to Free.foldFree, fix #470 (@gcanti)


  • Polish
    • Reader.local, ReaderTaskEither.local should be able to change the environment type (@gcanti)
    • add Reader.prototype.local, ReaderTaskEither.prototype.local (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add NonEmptyArray.prototype.last (@raveclassic)
    • add IOEither module (@leemhenson)
    • add orElse method to Either, Identity, Option (@raveclassic)
    • add Alt instance to TaskEither (@gcanti)
    • add NonEmptyArray.prototype.sort (@raveclassic)
    • add TaskEither.fromIOEither (@gcanti)
    • add applyFirst method to IO, Task, IOEither, TaskEither (@gcanti)
    • move ReaderTaskEither from examples into src (@leemhenson)
    • add NonEmptyArray.prototype.reverse (@raveclassic)
    • add TaskEither.fromPredicate (@leemhenson)
    • add Tree module (@gcanti)
    • make Either.filterOrElseL more general (@gcanti)
    • add Either.refineOrElse, Either.refineOrElseL (@gcanti)
    • add Either.fromRefinement (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • handle undefined errors in callback of TaskEither.taskify (@dmechas)
    • fix overloading typings of TaskEither.taskify (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • make lazy (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • handle example and link tags (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Allow the usage of a custom Semigroup for StrMap.getMonoid (@mlegenhausen)
    • add applySecond method to IO, Task, TaskEither, closes #418 (@gcanti)
    • add TaskEither.fromIO (@gcanti)
    • add Apply.sequenceT (@raveclassic)
    • add TaskEither.taskify, utility to convert callback-based node APIs, closes #422 (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fix semigroup usage in Tuple.ap implementation (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add getDictionarySemigroup, getObjectSemigroup to Semigroup (@raveclassic)
    • add getDictionaryMonoid to Monoid (@raveclassic)
    • add Setoid.setoidDate and Ord.ordDate (@mlegenhausen)
    • add StrMap#filter (@mlegenhausen)
    • add Apply.getSemigroup, Applicative.getMonoid (@gcanti)
    • add lattice typeclass hierarchy, closes #412 (@gcanti)
      • BooleanAlgebra
      • BoundedDistributiveLattice
      • BoundedJoinSemilattice
      • BoundedLattice
      • BoundedMeetSemilattice
      • DistributiveLattice
      • HeytingAlgebra
      • JoinSemilattice
      • MeetSemilattice
  • Internal
    • add more Travserable.sequence overloadings (@gcanti)
    • upgrade to [email protected] (@gcanti)
    • use getObjectSemigroup in StrMap.concat (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add Array.uniq (@alex-ketch)
    • add NonEmptyArray.prototype.min and NonEmptyArray.prototype.max (@raveclassic)
    • add refine method to Option, closes #396 (@wmaurer)
    • add Ord.getDualOrd (@gcanti)
    • add support for Monad2C and Monad3C to OptionT, closes #379 (@gcanti)
    • add TaskEither.fromLeft (@gcanti)
    • add listen, pass, listens, censor to Writer (@gcanti)
    • add Option.fromRefinement (@gcanti)
    • add Array.sortBy, Array.sortBy1 (@gcanti)
    • add Either.fromOptionL, closes #384 (@gcanti)
    • add Either.filterOrElse, Either.filterOrElseL, closes #382 (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • sort keys in StrMap.reduce (@gcanti)
  • Internal
  • Polish
    • optimize Semigroup.fold (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Make TaskEither an instance of BiFunctor (@teves-castro)
    • add EitherT.bimap (@teves-castro)
    • add partitionMap to Set (@sledorze)
    • add getOrd to Option (@sledorze)
    • add partition to Set (@sledorze)
    • add contramap to Setoid (@sledorze)
    • add getOrd to Array (@sledorze)
    • add chain to Set (@sledorze)
    • add map to Set (@sledorze)
    • add fromArray to Set (@sledorze)
    • add StateT.fromState (@gcanti)
    • add StateT.liftF (@gcanti)
    • add ReaderT.fromReader (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • fix Alt instance of Validation (@sledorze)
    • fix EitherT.chain signature (@gcanti)
    • use Type* in EitherT1, EitherT2 (@gcanti)
    • use Type* in StateT1, StateT2 (@gcanti)
    • use Type* in ReaderT1, ReaderT2 (@gcanti)
    • Add readonly modifier to type classes properties (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • make 'Set.difference' do less work (@sledorze)
    • remove unecessary closure creation in lefts, rights and mapOption (@sledorze)
    • remove unnecessary closures (mainly folds) (@sledorze)
    • remove closure creation of Option 'ap' function (@sledorze)
    • add URIS3 overloadings to StateT (@gcanti)
    • add URIS3 overloadings to ReaderT (@gcanti)
    • use definite assignement assertion for phantom fields (@gcanti)
    • upgrade to [email protected] (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add scanLeft, scanRight (@PaNaVTEC)
    • add an optional onerror argument to Either.tryCatch, fix #323 (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • Either.tryCatch now refines the error (@gcanti)
  • Docs
    • Option, alt method (@piq9117)
    • add laws for Setoid, Ord, Functor, Apply, Applicative, Chain, Monad, Alt, Alternative, Plus (@gcanti)
  • Internal


  • Bug Fix
    • add phantom fields to curried type classes, fix #316 (@gcanti)
    • fix Unfoldable.replicateA signatures (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • optimize Foldable.oneOf (@gcanti)
    • optimize Foldable.traverse_ (@gcanti)
    • optimize Foldable.sequence_ (@gcanti)
    • optimize Foldable.foldr (@gcanti)



  • New Feature
    • Validation: add getOrElse, getOrElseValue, closes #278 (@gcanti)
    • add Functor2, Functor3, Apply2, Apply3, Applicative2, Applicative3, Chain2, Chain3, Monad2, Monad3 in order to better support MTL style (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • Flow: reverse order of overloadings in curry declaration, fix #299 (@gcanti)
    • Set: fix union / insert / toArray / reduce definitions (@gcanti)
  • Experimental
    • Validation: add chain (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • fix typescript@next errors (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • add StateTaskEither, TaskOption examples (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Ordering: add fromNumber, toNumber (@gcanti)
    • function: add unsafeCoerce (@gcanti)
    • add Set module, closes #161 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Array: add rotate (@gcanti)
    • add some Foldable functions (@gcanti)
      • minimum
      • maximum
      • sum
      • product
      • foldM
      • oneOf
      • elem
      • find
    • Option: add tryCatch (@gcanti)
    • Ring: add getProductRing (@gcanti)
    • Setoid: add getProductSetoid (@gcanti)
    • Ord: add getProductOrd (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • perf optimizations (@sledorze, @gcanti)
    • travis: use node 8 (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • Flow: use $NonMaybeType for fromNullable and mapNullable (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Array: add getSemigroup / getMonoid, fix #272 (@gcanti)
    • Setoid: add getRecordSetoid (@gcanti)
    • add missing ap_ methods (Reader, State, Writer) (@gcanti)
    • type is* methods as type guards (Option, Either, Validation, These) (@gcanti)
  • Experimental
    • add Flowtype support (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • Correct ap_ parameter name (@OliverJAsh)
    • update Prettier version (@gcanti)
    • fix getRecordSemigroup signature (@gcanti)
    • fix getRecordMonoid signature (@gcanti)
    • format markdown files with prettier (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • move semigroup methods from Monoid.ts to Semigroup.ts (@valery-paschenkov)


  • New Feature
    • add function.constNull and function.constUndefined (@raveclassic)


  • Breaking Change
    • upgrade to latest TypeScript (2.6.1), fix #244 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Array: add findFirst and findLast functions (@chasent)
    • Option: add getOrElseValue, filter, mapNullable (@raveclassic)
    • Either: add getOrElseValue (@raveclassic)
    • Either: add fromNullable (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • Either: equals now accepts a Setoid<L> other than Setoid<A>, fix #247 (@gcanti)
    • Validation: equals now accepts a Setoid<L> other than Setoid<A>, fix #247 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add Invariant (@gcanti)
    • Semigroup: add getRecordSemigroup, getRecordMonoid, getMeetSemigroup, getJoinSemigroup (@gcanti)
    • Ord: add getSemigroup, fromCompare, contramap (@gcanti)
    • Option: add toUndefined method (@vegansk)
    • These: add getMonad (@gcanti)
    • Foldable: add fold (@gcanti)
    • add TaskEither (@gcanti)
    • Validation: add fromEither (@gcanti)
    • Task: add fromIO (@gcanti)
    • Either: pass value to getOrElse (@jiayihu)
    • Array: add span function (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • Array: fix takeWhile, dropWhile (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • add Moore machine example (@gcanti)
    • add MTL style example (@gcanti)
    • starting API documentation (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • fix Semigroupoid definition (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • Ordering: shorten orderingSemigroup definition (@gcanti)
    • Task: prefer {} to any, fix #231 (@OliverJAsh)
    • upgrade to [email protected] (@gcanti)
    • These: fix fold and bimap definitions (@gcanti)
    • fix ArrayOption example (@gcanti)
    • State: remove Endomorphism type alias (@gcanti)
    • Monoidal: use liftA2 (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fixed EitherT to only run code on the left once, closes #219 (@nfma)
    • fixed OptionT to only run code on none once (@gcanti)


  • Breaking Change
    • migrate to curried APIs when possible (@raveclassic, @gcanti)
    • remove useless static ofs (@gcanti)
  • New Feature
    • Array: add zip and zipWith (@gcanti)
    • Monoid: add getArrayMonoid (@gcanti)
    • Tuple
      • add toString (@gcanti)
      • add getApplicative (@gcanti)
      • add getChainRec (@gcanti)
    • Setoid: add getArraySetoid (@gcanti)
  • Bug fix
    • Store
      • fix extend implementation (@gcanti)
      • fix toString (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • Plus: remove any from signatures (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add endomorphism monoid, fix #189 (@gcanti)
    • add a default implementation of foldr using foldMap (@gcanti)
    • add insert, remove and pop to StrMap (@gcanti)
    • improve voidLeft, voidRight type inference, fix #191 (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • StrMap.size returns a wrong number of key/value pairs, fix #186 (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • start book "fp-ts by examples"


  • New Feature
    • add contains, isNone, isSome, exists methods to Option (@alexandervanhecke)
    • add Exception module (@gcanti)
    • add Pair module (@gcanti)
    • add Trace module (@gcanti)
    • add IxMonad module (@gcanti)
    • add IxIO module (@gcanti)
    • add Either.fromOption (@gcanti)
  • Documentation
    • add StateT example (@gcanti)
    • add IxIO example (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add type-level dictionaries in order to reduce the number of overloadings (@gcanti)
    • add typechecks to the type-level HKT dictionary (@SimonMeskens)
    • add Task.tryCatch, closes #159 (@gcanti)
    • use the bottom never type for none, closes #160 (@gcanti)
    • add Random module (@gcanti)
    • add Console module (@gcanti)
    • add FantasyFilterable (@SimonMeskens)
    • add FantasyWitherable (@SimonMeskens)
  • Documentation
    • add ReaderIO example (@gcanti)
    • add EitherOption example (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • TaskEither: rename fromPromise to tryCatch (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • add fix-prettier task (@gcanti)
    • remove typings-checker (doesn’t work with ts 2.4.1) (@gcanti)


  • Breaking Change
    • Tuple (wrapped)
    • Dictionary (wrapped, renamed to StrMap)
    • changed
      • Applicative.getCompositionApplicative (also renamed to getApplicativeComposition)
      • Foldable.getCompositionFoldable (also renamed to getFoldableComposition)
      • Functor.getCompositionFunctor (also renamed to getFunctorComposition)
      • Traversable.getCompositionTraversable (also renamed to getTraversableComposition)
      • Free (usage)
      • NaturalTransformation
      • ReaderT
      • StateT
    • removed (temporarily or because the porting is not possible)
      • Id (not possible)
      • Traced
      • IxMonad
      • Mealy
      • FreeAp


  • New Feature
    • Functor: add flap, closes #129 (@gcanti)
    • Add getSetoid instances, closes #131 (@gcanti)
    • Add "flipped" ap method to FantasyApply instances, closes #132 (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • Examples: correct TaskEither fold method (@OliverJAsh)


  • Bug Fix
    • Array.snoc returns wrong results with nested arrays, fix #133 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Functor: add voidRight / voidLeft, closes #120 (@gcanti)
    • Add Mealy machine, closes #122 (@gcanti)
    • Add Filterable, closes #124 (@gcanti)
    • Add Witherable, closes #125 (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • upgrade to ts 2.3.4
    • Either: make right === `of\
    • IxIO example: use new proof


  • Bug Fix
    • IxMonad: remove wrong type constraint (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add Free Applicative, closes #106 (@gcanti)
    • Add Semiring, closes #107 (@gcanti)
    • Add Ring, closes #108 (@gcanti)
    • Add Field, closes #109 (@gcanti)
    • Improve toString methods, closes #116 (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • NonEmptyArray: add missing static of (@gcanti)
    • add _tag type annotations, closes #118 (@gcanti)
  • Internal
    • Change proofs of implementation (@rilut)
    • use prettier, closes #114 (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add StateT monad transformer, closes #104 (@gcanti)
    • add Store comonad, closes #100 (@rilut)
    • add Last monoid, closes #99 (@gcanti)
    • add Id monadfunctor (@gcanti)
    • Array: add extend instance (@gcanti)
    • NonEmptyArray: add comonad instance (@gcanti)
    • examples folder
    • exercises folder
  • Polish
    • Tuple: remove StaticFunctor checking (@rilut)
  • Breaking Change (@gcanti)
    • required typescript version: 2.3.3
    • drop Static prefix in type classes
    • Change contramap signature, closes #32
    • Validation: remove deprecated functions
    • Foldable/toArray
    • Dictionary/fromFoldable
    • Dictionary/toUnfoldable
    • Profunctor/lmap
    • Profunctor/rmap
    • Unfoldable/replicate
    • compositions: renaming and signature changes
      • getFunctorComposition -> getCompositionFunctor
      • getApplicativeComposition -> getCompositionApplicative
      • getFoldableComposition -> getCompositionFoldable
      • getTraversableComposition -> getCompositionTraversable
    • OptionT, EitherT, ReaderT refactoring
    • drop IxMonadT, move IxIO to the examples folder
    • drop Trans module
    • Free refactoring
    • drop rxjs dependency
    • drop lib-jsnext folder
    • make None constructor private
    • remove Pointed and Copointed type classes


  • New Feature
    • add Monoidal type class (@gcanti)
  • Bug Fix
    • fix foldMap, closes #89 (@gcanti)
    • replace instanceof checks with valued _tags, fix #96 (@gcanti, @sledorze)


  • New Feature
    • Monoid: add getFunctionStaticMonoid, closes #70 (@gcanti)
    • Foldable: add traverse_ and sequence_, closes #71 (@gcanti)
    • add getStaticMonad to EitherT, OptionT, ReaderT, closes #81 (@gcanti)
    • Applicative: add when, closes #77 (@gcanti)
    • indexed monad type class and IxMonadT, closes #73 (@gcanti)
    • Array / function: add refinements, closes #68 (@gcanti, @sledorze)
  • Bug Fix
    • Either: of should return Either, fix #80 (@gcanti)
    • fix toArray (@gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • Foldable module: add intercalate function, fix #65 (@gcanti)
    • Add Profunctor typeclass, fix #33 (@gcanti, @sledorze)
    • Add These, fix #47 (@gcanti)
    • Apply module: add applyFirst and applySecond, fix #60 (@sledorze)
  • Bug Fix
    • fix Either.ap (@sledorze)


  • Polish
    • expose experimental modules (@danielepolencic, @gcanti)


  • New Feature
    • add getOrElse to Either, fix #39 (@sledorze)
    • add composition of functors, applicatives, foldables, traversables, fix #53 (@gcanti)
  • Experimental
    • add EitherT, fix #36 (@gcanti)
    • add OptionT, fix #37 (@gcanti)
    • add ReaderT, fix #38 (@gcanti)
    • add Trans typeclass (liftT), fix #40 (@gcanti)
    • add Free, fix #42 (@gcanti)


  • Polish
    • deprecate validation.getApplicativeS / validation.getStaticApplicative (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fix return types of validation.success / validation.failure (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fix Some.reduce so it calls f, gcanti#45 (@leemhenson)


  • New Feature
    • Semigroupoid type class (@gcanti)
    • Rxjs module (@gcanti)
    • Tuple module (@gcanti)
    • Dictionary module (@gcanti)
    • add phantom types to all data structures in order to allow type extraction (@gcanti)
    • add all exports for rollup (@gcanti)


  • Breaking Change
    • complete refactoring: new technique to get higher kinded types and typeclasses


  • New Feature
    • add support for fantasy-land
  • Breaking Change
    • complete refactoring
    • remove data module
    • remove newtype module


  • Bug Fix
    • fix compose definition for 5 or more functions (@bumbleblym)


  • New Feature
    • make Array a HKT and deprecate to,from helper functions, fix #5 (@gcanti)
    • add Traced comonad (@bumbleblym)
    • add getOrElse method to Option (@gcanti)
    • add NonEmptyArray, fix #12 (@gcanti)
  • Polish
    • add tslint
  • Bug Fix
    • fix State definition (@gcanti)


  • Bug Fix
    • fix ChainRec definition (@gcanti)


Initial release