diff --git a/doc/dox/whatsnew.dox b/doc/dox/whatsnew.dox
index 0ca43192795..764d890b971 100644
--- a/doc/dox/whatsnew.dox
+++ b/doc/dox/whatsnew.dox
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Changes, compared to \ref page_whatsnew_V4_0_0 "v4.0.0" include:
NEW: Due to addition of JKQTMathText::setFontOptions() and the matchign extension of JKQTMathText::setFontSpecial() (see below) you can now add modifiers like +BOLD+ITALIC to any font-name provided to JKQTPlotter and in style INI-files
NEW: added JKQTPLabelMinBesides and JKQTPLabelMaxBesides to JKQTPLabelPosition, so labels can be set besides the axes
NEW/REWORKED all functions in JKQTBasePlotter are re-entrant, i.e. different instances can be used from different threads in parallel (although there is some overhead due to shared caches between the threads!). This is demonstrated and discussed in \ref JKQTPlotterMultiThreaded .
+ NEW: NEW allow linear-gradient()... in brush definitions of style.ini-file