- Bug fixes
- Update documentation
- Add output variable capability to srpredict
- Fix bugs in inmap cloud
- Update go.mod dependencies
- Add emissions processing tools and user interfaces
- Add the capability to run simulations in the cloud
- Many minor changes and bug fixes
- Fixed configuration bugs
- Removed default health impact function to clarify calculations
- Improved (still experimental) graphical user interface
- Fixed bug in preprocessor (which did not effect existing evaluation data)
- Configuration and GUI bug fixes
- Bug fixes for GEOS-Chem preprocessor
- Added graphical user interface https://github.com/ctessum/gobra
- Made configuration more flexible using https://github.com/spf13/viper
- Removed vendored libraries
- A log file containing information about each model run is now automatically created
- Added a GEOS-Chem preprocessor
- Allowed new output variables to be defined as expressions of existing output variables
- Added "Outputter", a holder for output parameters.
- Allowed output variable expressions to now be evaluated at the grid level in addition to the grid cell level
- Incorporated the preprocessor into the main program
- Added ug/s option for emissions units
- Added a command for using an SR matrix to make concentration predictions
- Allowed the use of population-specific mortality rates
- Changed dependency manager to dep (https://github.com/golang/dep)
- Changed the time step calculation algorithm to work with larger grid cell sizes
- Changed the "Total PM2.5" and "Primary PM2.5" output variables to "TotalPM25" and "PrimaryPM25" to allow opening in ArcGIS
- Changed SR matrix generator to allow variable startup time
- Removed the population concentration threshold adjuster
- Fixed bug in time step calculation that was causing very occasional crashes
- Fixed bugs in source-receptor matrix reader
- Added additional evaluations and evaluation data
- Allowed the input emissions data shapefiles to have arbitrary spatial projections instead of requiring them to be the same as the InMAP grid
- Changed the program to be able to create the variable grid at runtime from user supplied population and mortality data
- Fixed a bug involving the the loss of mass conservation in adjacent cells with different heights
- Population in output files is now population per grid cell instead of population per square km
- The user can now specify which variables to output
- Added option to dynamically vary grid resolution during the simulation based on spatial gradients in concentration and population density
- Changed the command line interface for the executable program to be more flexible
- Changed the allocation from CTM cells to InMAP cells so that the InMAP cell sizes no longer have to be multiples of the CTM cell sizes
- Added a source-receptor (SR) matrix generator
- Fixed bug in stability calculation for plume rise
- Temporarily removed the HTML user interface
- Fixed a bug related to molar mass conversions
- Changed the advection algorithim to use Reynolds averaging instead of an empirical adjustment coefficient
- Removed the empirical correction factor for ammonia chemistry
- Changed the dry-deposition algorithm
This is the version of the model documented in the journal discussion article: