Curriculum Vitae
Uses res.cls by Michael DeCorte
Should use pdflatex (or pdflatekmk in TeXShop) to make (it calls biber for the BibTeX)
Can use pandoc to convert from TeX to HTML, I've updated the file to replace centerline with underline first (.bib processing needs pandoc-citeproc, but I haven't gotten it to work yet with the \printbibliography type filtering, so I have just added a standalone publications.tex conversion)
Can also change longtable to tabular before pandoc
I've found that if you want to link to a PDF in GitHub from your website, without forcing a download via the raw link, you can use Google Docs to display it - e.g.
You can use the script (which calls bibtex2html, and uses the keyword "sample" to link to sample chapters/pages from a book) to generate an embeddable HTML file (publications.html) from the publications.bib file. I usually just include this HTML from a .php file.