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Releases: johnkerl/miller

Bug-fix release: 64-bit aggregators

20 Jul 03:31
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This bugfix release delivers a fix for #147 where a memory allocation failed beyond 4GB.

Documents are the same as for 5.2.0.

Fix non-x86/gcc7 build error

20 Jun 02:38
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This bugfix release addresses #142.

I'm not attaching prebuilt binaries beyond those already in since the binaries there are fine for their respective architectures.

This unblocks Miller on openSUSE.

stats across regexed field names, string/num stats, CSV UTF BOM strip

13 Jun 04:00
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This release contains mostly feature requests.


  • The stats1 verb now lets you use regular expressions to specify which field names to compute statistics on, and/or which to group by. Full details are here.

  • The min and max DSL functions, and the min/max/percentile aggregators for the stats1 and merge-fields verbs, now support numeric as well as string field values. (For mixed string/numeric fields, numbers compare before strings.) This means in particular that order statistics -- min, max, and non-interpolated percentiles -- as well as mode, antimode, and count are now possible on string-only (or mixed) fields. (Of course, any operations requiring arithmetic on values, such as computing sums, averages, or interpolated percentiles, yield an error on string-valued input.)

  • There is a new DSL function mapexcept which returns a copy of the argument with specified key(s), if any, unset. The motivating use-case is to split records to multiple filenames depending on particular field value, which is omitted from the output: mlr --from f.dat put 'tee > "/tmp/data-".$a, mapexcept($*, "a")' Likewise, mapselect returns a copy of the argument with only specified key(s), if any, set. This resolves #137.

  • A new -u option for count-distinct allows unlashed counts for multiple field names. For example, with -f a,b and without -u, count-distinct computes counts for distinct pairs of a and b field values. With -f a,b and with -u, it computes counts for distinct a field values and counts for distinct b field values separately.

  • If you build from source, you can now do ./configure without first doing autoreconf -fiv. This resolves #131.

  • The UTF-8 BOM sequence 0xef 0xbb 0xbf is now automatically ignored from the start of CSV files. (The same is already done for JSON files.) This resolves #138.

  • For put and filter with -S, program literals such as the 6 in $x = 6 were being parsed as strings. This is not sensible, since the -S option for put and filter is intended to suppress numeric conversion of record data, not program literals. To get string 6 one may use $x = "6".



  • CRLF line-endings were not being correctly autodetected when I/O formats were specified using --c2j et al.

  • Integer division by zero was causing a fatal runtime exception, rather than computing inf or nan as in the floating-point case.


As below. Additionally, the MacOSX version is available in Homebrew. For Windows, you need the .exe file along with both .dll files, with instructions as in

MLR.EXE: Windows beta

16 Apr 01:30
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I'm happy to announce a Windows port of Miller. Features in this 5.1.0w release are identical to 5.1.0; the only delivery here is an executable compiled for 64-bit Windows.

Details are here.

One of the reasons I'm calling this a beta is that at present you need two DLLs in addition to the mlr.exe executable attached below. All three need to be somewhere in your Windows PATH.

For example, you can do

C:\> mkdir \mbin

Then place libpcreposix-0.dll, libpcre-1.dll, and mlr.exe all into C:\mbin. Then

C:\> set PATH=%PATH%;\mbin

The Windows port is still beta: please open an issue at if you encounter any problems.

Update a few hours later: Due to simple fat-fingering on my part, one of the files was misnamed. The binaries have been reattached correctly.

Information about the binaries:

4,379,627 mlr.exe
  281,871 libpcre-1.dll
   44,554 libpcreposix-0.dll

e46a2bfcda001f3698eee4f09409fc04 *mlr.exe
003b71bce60e63d745bac45740c277f8 *libpcre-1.dll
d5920106bdbccf736fd8c459959fabbe *libpcreposix-0.dll

JSON-array support, fractional seconds in strptime/strftime, and other minor features

15 Apr 01:50
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This is a relatively minor release of Miller, containing feature requests and bugfixes while I've been working on the Windows port (which is nearly complete).


  • JSON arrays: as described here, Miller being a tabular data processor isn't well-position to handle arbitrary JSON. (See jq for that.) But as of 5.1.0, arrays are converted to maps with integer keys, which are then at least processable using Miller. Details are here. The short of it is that you now have three options for the main mlr executable:
--json-map-arrays-on-input    Convert JSON array indices to Miller map keys. (This is the default.)
--json-skip-arrays-on-input   Disregard JSON arrays.
--json-fatal-arrays-on-input  Raise a fatal error when JSON arrays are encountered in the input.

This resolves #133.

  • The new mlr fraction verb makes possible in a few keystrokes what was only possible before using two-pass DSL logic: here you can turn numerical values down a column into their fractional/percentage contribution to column totals, optionally grouped by other key columns.

  • The DSL functions strptime and strftime now handle fractional seconds. For parsing, use %S format as always; for formatting, there are now %1S through %9S which allow you to configure a specified number of decimal places. The return value from strptime is now floating-point, not integer, which is a minor backward incompatibility not worth labeling this release as 6.0.0. (You can work around this using int(strptime(...)).) The DSL functions gmt2sec and sec2gmt, which are keystroke-savers for strptime and strftime, are similarly modified, as is the sec2gmt verb. This resolves #125.

  • A few nearly-standalone programs -- which do not have anything to do with record streams -- are packaged within the Miller. (For example, hex-dump, unhex, and show-line-endings commands.) These are described here.

  • The stats1 and merge-fields verbs now support an antimode aggregator, in addition to the existing mode aggregator.

  • The join verb now by default does not require sorted input, which is the more common use case. (Memory-parsimonious joins which require sorted input, while no longer the default, are available using -s.) This another minor backward incompatibility not worth making a 6.0.0 over. This resolves #134.

  • mlr nest has a keystroke-saving --evar option for a common use case, namely, exploding a field by value across records.



  • mlr join -j -l was not functioning correctly. This resolves #136.

  • JSON escapes on output (\t and so on) were incorrect. This resolves #135.

Two minor bugfixes

12 Mar 20:48
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  1. As described in #132, mlr nest was incorrectly splitting fields with multi-character separators.

  2. The XTAB-format reader, when using multi-character IPS, was incorrectly splitting key-value pairs, but only when reading from standard input (e.g. on a pipe or less-than redirect).

Autodetected line-endings, in-place mode, user-defined functions, and more

28 Feb 21:43
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This major release significantly expands the expressiveness of the DSL for mlr put and mlr filter. (The upcoming 5.1.0 release will add the ability to aggregate across all columns for non-DSL verbs such as mlr stats1 and mlr stats2. As well, a Windows port is underway.)

Please also see the Miller main docs.

Simple but impactful features:

Major DSL features:

  • You can now define your own functions and subroutines: e.g. func f(x, y) { return x**2 + y**2 }.
  • New local variables are completely analogous to out-of-stream variables: sum retains its value for the duration of the expression it's defined in; @sum retains its value across all records in the record stream.
  • Local variables, function parameters, and function return types may be defined untyped or typed as in x = 1 or int x = 1, respectively. There are also expression-inline type-assertions available. Type-checking is up to you: omit it if you want flexibility with heterogeneous data; use it if you want to help catch misspellings in your DSL code or unexpected irregularities in your input data.
  • There are now four kinds of maps. Out-of-stream variables have always been scalars, maps, or multi-level maps: @a=1, @b[1]=2, @c[1][2]=3. The same is now true for local variables, which are new to 5.0.0. Stream records have always been single-level maps; $* is a map. And as of 5.0.0 there are now map literals, e.g. {"a":1, "b":2}, which can be defined using JSON-like syntax (with either string or integer keys) and which can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
  • You can loop over maps -- $*, out-of-stream variables, local variables, map-literals, and map-valued function return values -- using for (k, v in ...) or the new for (k in ...) (discussed next). All flavors of map may also be used in emit and dump statements.
  • User-defined functions and subroutines may take map-valued arguments, and may return map values.
  • Some built-in functions now accept map-valued input: typeof, length, depth, leafcount, haskey. There are built-in functions producing map-valued output: mapsum and mapdiff. There are now string-to-map and map-to-string functions: splitnv, splitkv, splitnvx, splitkvx, joink, joinv, and joinkv.

Minor DSL features:

  • For iterating over maps (namely, local variables, out-of-stream variables, stream records, map literals, or return values from map-valued functions) there is now a key-only for-loop syntax: e.g. for (k in $*) { ... }. This is in addition to the already-existing for (k, v in ...) syntax.
  • There are now triple-statement for-loops (familiar from many other languages), e.g. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) { ... }.
  • mlr put and mlr filter now accept multiple -f for script files, freely intermixable with -e for expressions. The suggested use case is putting user-defined functions in script files and one-liners calling them using -e. Example: myfuncs.mlr defines the function f(...), then mlr put -f myfuncs.mlr -e '$o = f($i)' myfile.dat. More information is here.
  • mlr filter is now almost identical to mlr put: it can have multiple statements, it can use begin and/or end blocks, it can define and invoke functions. Its final expression must evaluate to boolean which is used as the filter criterion. More details are here.
  • The min and max functions are now variadic: $o = max($a, $b, $c).
  • There is now a substr function.
  • While ENV has long provided read-access to environment variables on the right-hand side of assignments (as a getenv), it now can be at the left-hand side of assignments (as a putenv). This is useful for subsidiary processes created by tee, emit, dump, or print when writing to a pipe.
  • Handling for the # in comments is now handled in the lexer, so you can now (correctly) include # in strings.
  • Separators are now available as read-only variables in the DSL: IPS, IFS, IRS, OPS, OFS, ORS. These are particularly useful with the split and join functions: e.g. with mlr --ifs tab ..., the IFS variable within a DSL expression will evaluate to a string containing a tab character.
  • Syntax errors in DSL expressions now have a little more context.
  • DSL parsing and execution are a bit more transparent. There have long been -v and -t options to mlr put and mlr filter, which print the expression's abstract syntax tree and do a low-level parser trace, respectively. There are now additionally -a which traces stack-variable allocation and -T which traces statements line by line as they execute. While -v, -t, and -a are most useful for development of Miller, the -T option gives you more visibility into what your Miller scripts are doing. See also here.


  • most-frequent and least-frequent as requested in #110.
  • seqgen makes it easy to generate data from within Miller: please also see here for a usage example.
  • unsparsify makes it easy to rectangularize data where not all records have the same fields.
  • cat -n now takes a group-by (-g) option, making it easy to number records within categories.
  • count-distinct,
    top, and
    now take a -o option for specifying their output field names, as requested in #122.
  • Median is now a synonym for p50 in stats1.
  • You can now start a then chain with an initial then, which is nice in backslashy/multiline-continuation contexts.
    This was requested in #130.

I/O options:

  • The print statement may now be used with no arguments, which prints a newline, and a no-argument printn prints nothing but creates a zero-length file in redirected-output context.
  • Pretty-print format now has a --pprint --barred option (for output only, not input). For an example, please see here.
  • There are now keystroke-savers of the form --c2p which abbreviate --icsvlite --opprint, and so on.
  • Miller's map literals are JSON-looking but allow integer keys which JSON doesn't. The
    --jknquoteint and --jvquoteall flags for mlr (when using JSON output) and mlr put (for dump) provide control over double-quoting behavior.

Documents new since the previous release:

Read more

Customizable output format for redirected output

21 Aug 12:37
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In a natural follow-on to the 4.4.0 redirected-output feature, the 4.5.0 release allows your tap-files to be in a different output format from the main program output.

For example, using

mlr --icsv --opprint ... then put --ojson 'tee > "mytap-".$a.".dat", $*' then ...

the input is CSV, the output is pretty-print tabular, but the tee-files output is written in JSON format. Likewise --ofs, --ors, --ops, --jvstack, and all other output-formatting options from the main help at mlr -h and/or man mlr default to the main command-line options, and may be overridden with flags supplied to mlr put and mlr tee.


Brew update: Homebrew/homebrew-core#4098

Redirected output, row-value shift, and other features

12 Aug 03:36
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The principal feature of Miller 4.4.0 is redirected output. Inspired by awk, Miller lets you tap/tee your data as it's processed, run output through subordinate processes such as gzip and jq, split a single file into multiple files per an account-ID column, and so on.


Other features:

  • mlr step -a shift allows you to place the previous record's values alongside the current record's values:
  • mlr head, when used without the group-by flag (-g), stops after the specified number of records has been output. For example, even with a multi-gigabyte data file, mlr head -n 10 hugefile.dat will complete quickly after producing the first ten records from the file.
  • The sec2gmtdate verb, and sec2gmtdate function for filter/put, is new: please see and
  • sec2gmt and sec2gmtdate both leave non-numbers as-is, rather than formatting them as (error). This is particularly relevant for formatting nullable epoch-seconds columns in SQL-table output: if a column value is NULL then after sec2gmt or sec2gmtdate it will still be NULL.
  • The dot operator has been universalized to work with any data type and produce a string. For example, if the field n has integers, then instead of typing mlr put '$name = "value:".string($n)' you can now simply domlr put '$name = "value:".$n'. This is particularly timely for creating filenames for redirected print/dump/tee/emit output.
  • The online documents now have a copy of the Miller manpage:
  • Bugfix: inside filter/put, $x=="" was distinct from isempty($x). This was nonsensical; now both are the same.

Brew update: Homebrew/homebrew-core#3820

Interpolated percentiles, markdown-tabular output format, CSV-quote preservation

03 Jul 17:39
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Major features:

Minor features:

  • You can now set a MLR_CSV_DEFAULT_RS=lf environment variable if you're tired of always putting --rs lf arguments for your CSV files:
  • The printn and eprintn commands for mlr put are identical to print and eprint except they don't print final newlines.
  • It is now an error if boundvars in the same for-loop expression have duplicate names, e.g. for (a,a in $*) {...} results in the error message mlr: duplicate for-loop boundvars "a" and "a".
  • The strptime function would announce an internal coding error on malformed format strings; now, it correctly points out the user-level error.

Bug fixes:

  • Percentiles in merge-fields were not working. This was fixed; also, the lacking unit-test cases which would have caught this sooner have been filled in.
  • Miller's CSV output-quoting was non-RFC-compliant: double-quotes within field names were not being duplicated. This has been fixed (#104).

Brew update: Homebrew/homebrew-core#2698