This is a multithreaded implementation of a card game in which players have to race to get a hand consisting of all the same cards.
This code is written in Java 19, tested using JUnit 5 and complies with Google Java Style.
Change to the correct directory with cd cardsTest
or cd MultithreadedCards
Run the game with
java -jar cards.jar
Run the tests with
java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.9.1.jar --scan-class-path -cp tests -cp src
Before running any commands make sure you are in the root directory of this project.
javac ./src/*.java
jar cfm cards.jar MANIFEST.MF -C src/ .
To run the code simply execute
java -jar cards.jar
Please enter the number of players:
then, when prompted, give a valid number of players and a deckfile
Note. a
must be valid for a given number of players, and can either be a relative or absolute path.
Compile the tests with the Junit Platform Console Standalone jar . Version 1.9.1 of the Junit Platform Console will be used in following examples.
Note. for release builds Junit Platform Console is already provided and the tests have already been compiled.
javac -cp junit-platform-console-standalone-1.9.1.jar ./src/*.java ./tests/*.java
To run the unit tests
Warning! Running unit tests will delete any files ending in _output.txt
your current directory. This is to clean up artifacts from testing, but may
result in data loss if you're not careful!
java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.9.1.jar --scan-class-path -cp tests -cp src