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Week Two (2.1): Datatypes & Functions


Topics Covered In Week Two:

  • Bool
  • Maybe
  • Lists
  • Binary Trees
  • Others


Standard Design Pattern: Catamorphism (Top-Down Transformation) - how the shape of the data type determines the shape of the function.

Bool is packaged within the Prelude.

Module Documentation: Hackage.

  • For all data types, definitions are visible.
  • For all functions, signatures are visible.
  • General description provided.
  • Source code linked to entry.

Some information about Haddock.

  • Doc command example: :doc any (displays the description text).

Info: Booleans

Fairly intuitive, a datatype with two constructors.

-- datatype
data Bool = False
          | True
          deriving (Show)

-- constructors
False :: Bool
True  :: Bool

A quick example / messing about:

func  :: Bool -> Bool
func False = True
func True  = False

func' :: Bool -> Bool
func' x = not x

func True  == func' True
func False == func' False

More Info: Pattern Matching

  • The order of patterns matter (AFAIK, in a recursive function call, for instance, you always start with the terminating case - or base case? This is perhaps more intuitive to understand if one considers the ordering).
  • The following is taken directly from the slides:
  • Patterns are matched in order.
  • In particular catch-all cases must come last.
  • Best practice: split programming problems by expanding variables into all possible constructors for the type of the variable.
  • For non-overlapping cases the order does not matter.

Back To Booleans

The ordering of pattern matching does not matter for Bools, since only True can match, or only False can match.

Nomenclature: Typed Holes

Prelude> -- Typed Holes
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt :: Bool -> Bool
Prelude| nt = _
Prelude| :}

<interactive>:27:6: error:
     Found hole: _ :: Bool -> Bool
     In the expression: _
      In an equation for nt’: nt = _
     Relevant bindings include
        nt :: Bool -> Bool (bound at <interactive>:27:1)
      Valid hole fits include
        nt :: Bool -> Bool (bound at <interactive>:27:1)
        nnnot :: Bool -> Bool (defined at <interactive>:15:1)
        not :: Bool -> Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Classes))
        id :: forall a. a -> a
          with id @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Base))
        pred :: forall a. Enum a => a -> a
          with pred @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
        succ :: forall a. Enum a => a -> a
          with succ @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
Prelude> -- introduce a formal parameter
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt :: Bool -> Bool
Prelude| nt x = _
Prelude| :}

<interactive>:32:8: error:
     Found hole: _ :: Bool
     In the expression: _
      In an equation for nt’: nt x = _
     Relevant bindings include
        x :: Bool (bound at <interactive>:32:4)
        nt :: Bool -> Bool (bound at <interactive>:32:1)
      Valid hole fits include
        it :: Bool (defined at <interactive>:18:1)
        x :: Bool (bound at <interactive>:32:4)
        otherwise :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Base))
        False :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        True :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        maxBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a
          with maxBound @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
        (Some hole fits suppressed; use -fmax-valid-hole-fits=N or -fno-max-valid-hole-fits)
Prelude> -- you could write nt x = not x, but we're disallowing that solution for obvious reasons
Prelude> -- so: exhaustive pattern matching?
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt :: Bool -> Bool
Prelude| nt True = _
Prelude| nt False = _
Prelude| :}

<interactive>:38:11: error:
     Found hole: _ :: Bool
     In the expression: _
      In an equation for nt’: nt True = _
     Relevant bindings include
        nt :: Bool -> Bool (bound at <interactive>:38:1)
      Valid hole fits include
        it :: Bool (defined at <interactive>:18:1)
        otherwise :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Base))
        False :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        True :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        maxBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a
          with maxBound @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
        minBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a
          with minBound @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))

<interactive>:39:12: error:
     Found hole: _ :: Bool
     In the expression: _
      In an equation for nt’: nt False = _
     Relevant bindings include
        nt :: Bool -> Bool (bound at <interactive>:38:1)
      Valid hole fits include
        it :: Bool (defined at <interactive>:18:1)
        otherwise :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Base))
        False :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        True :: Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Types))
        maxBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a
          with maxBound @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
        minBound :: forall a. Bounded a => a
          with minBound @Bool
          (imported from Prelude (and originally defined in GHC.Enum))
Prelude> -- now two holes, the answer is obvious, but the process is what may be helpful in the future
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt :: Bool -> Bool
Prelude| nt False = True
Prelude| nt True = False
Prelude| :}
Prelude> -- always good to play
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt True == not True
Prelude| :}
Prelude> :{
Prelude| nt False == not False
Prelude| :}

Some Boolean Logic, Propositions & More Info On Infix:

Prelude> :{
Prelude| or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
Prelude| or True _ = True
Prelude| or False b = b
Prelude| :}
Prelude> True `or` True
Prelude> True `or` False
Prelude> False `or` True
Prelude> False `or` False
Prelude> True || True
Prelude> True || False
Prelude> False || True
Prelude> False || False

Although this is an elementary example, you would likely want to write test cases to compare or with || (for example).

ifthenelse (example function)

Prelude> :{
Prelude| ifthenelse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
Prelude| ifthenelse False t e = e
Prelude| ifthenelse True  t e = t
Prelude| :}
Prelude> -- if: False, return ELSE -- if: True, return THEN, basically.
Prelude> ifthenelse True (2 :: Int) (3 :: Int)
Prelude> ifthenelse False (2 :: Int) (3 :: Int)

Note: the function uses the polymorphic type a - ensure it remains consistent (obviously) otherwise the compiler will get angry with you, as it should.

You always need else.


Prelude> :{
Prelude| ifThenElse :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
Prelude| ifThenElse b t e
Prelude|   |  b         =  t
Prelude|   |  otherwise =  e
Prelude| :}
Prelude> ifThenElse True (2 :: Int) (42 :: Int) == ifthenelse True (2 :: Int) (42 :: Int)

Every condition (LHS after guard) are of type Bool. Tried one at a time until a match is found (True).

Note: typically use otherwise in guards, readable.


Within part one of week two, the following content was covered:

  • Basics: Prelude
  • Data Structure Composition: Catamorphism
  • Modules / Dependencies: Hackage
  • Documentation & Haddock
  • Booleans (Data Type, Constructors, Examples)
  • Pattern Matching
  • Typed Holes
  • Some More On Functions
  • Guards