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Deliver with Helm

Here's how to deliver podtato-head using Helm.



You must clone this repo and install from a local copy of the chart:

git clone && cd podtato-head
helm install podtato-head ./delivery/chart

This will install the chart in this directory with release name podtato-head.

NOTE: You can instruct helm to wait for the resources to be ready before marking the release as successful by adding the --wait option to the previous command.

The installation can be customized by changing the following parameters via --set or a custom values.yaml file specified with --values:

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas of the container 1
images.repositoryDirname Prefix for image repos
images.pullPolicy Podtato Head Container pull policy IfNotPresent
images.pullSecrets Podtato Head Pod pull secret []
<service>.repositoryBasename Leaf part of name of image repo for entry, hat, etc.
<service>.tag Tag of image repo for 0.1.0
<service>.serviceType Service type for LoadBalancer for main
<service>.servicePort Service port for 9000-9005
<service>.env Add "env:" entries on Deployments (ex: PODTATO_PART_NUMBER) []
serviceAccount.create Whether or not to create dedicated service account true Name of the service account to use default
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to a created service account {}
podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the pods {}
ingress.enabled Enables Ingress false
ingress.className IngressClass that will be be used (Kubernetes 1.18+) ""
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts Ingress accepted hostnames []
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
autoscaling.enabled Enable horizontal pod autoscaler false
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target Memory utilization 80
autoscaling.minReplicas Min replicas for autoscaling 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Max replicas for autoscaling 100
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
resources Resource requests and limits {}
nodeSelector Labels for pod assignment {}


Verify the release succeeded:

helm list
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services

Test the API endpoint

To connect to the API you'll first need to determine the correct address and port.

If using a LoadBalancer-type service for entry, get the IP address of the load balancer and use port 9000:

ADDR=$(kubectl get service podtato-head-entry -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')

If using a NodePort-type service, get the address of a node and the service's NodePort as follows:

NODE_NAME=$(kubectl get nodes --output json | jq -r '.items[]' | head -n 1)
ADDR=$(kubectl get nodes ${NODE_NAME} -o jsonpath={.status.addresses[0].address})
PORT=$(kubectl get services podtato-head-entry -ojsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')

If using a ClusterIP-type service, run kubectl port-forward in the background and connect through that:

NOTE: Find and kill the port-forward process afterwards using ps and kill.

# Choose below the IP address of your machine you want to use to access application 
# Choose below the port of your machine you want to use to access application 
kubectl port-forward --address ${ADDR} svc/podtato-head-entry ${PORT}:9000 &

Now test the API itself with curl and/or a browser:

curl http://${ADDR}:${PORT}/
xdg-open http://${ADDR}:${PORT}/


To update the application version, you can choose one of the following methods :

  • update <service>.tag in values.yaml for each service and run helm upgrade podtato-head ./delivery/chart
  • run helm upgrade podtato-head ./delivery/chart --set entry.tag=0.1.1 --set leftLeg.tag=0.1.1 ...

A new revision is then installed.

NOTE : to ensure idempotency between the first installation and the following updates, you should use the following command :

helm upgrade --install podtato-head ./delivery/chart


To rollback to a previous revision, run :

# Check revision history
helm history podtato-head

# Rollback to the revision 1
helm rollback podtato-head 1

# Check the revision
helm status podtato-head


helm uninstall podtato-head