A list of commands for common package managers
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 show coloredlogs
pip3 show coloredlogs | grep Location
pip3 list
pip3 list | grep coloredlogs
pip3 install coloredlogs
pip3 uninstall coloredlogs
pip3 list --outdated --format=freeze | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip3 install -U
pip3 install -U coloredlogs
apt info gcc
apt-cache rdepends gcc
apt-cache depends gcc
apt list --installed
apt list --installed | grep gcc
apt install gcc
apt remove gcc
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install --only-upgrade gcc
dnf info gcc
dnf repoquery --requires gcc
dnf list
dnf list | grep gcc
dnf install gcc
doesn't have any special flags for this, you will automatically be prompted to install dependencies when installing a package
dnf remove gcc
Note: used to be `dnf update` but is now an alias to `dnf upgrade`
dnf upgrade
dnf upgrade gcc
dnf repolist
dnf repolist --enabled
dnf repolist --disabled
dnf config-manager --set-disabled repository
rpm -qi gcc
# for a local `.rpm` file
rpm -qp --requires gcc.rpm
# for an installed package
rpm -q --requires gcc
rpm -qa
rpm -qa | grep gcc
rpm -ql gcc
rpm -ivh gcc
does not have a built-in way to manage dependencies. You will need to use either dnf
or yum
to automatically install dependencies
rpm -e gcc
rpm -Uvh gcc
Note: Any of the following can be run with the -g
flag which uses the global package manager
The commands ls
and list
are interchangeable.
npm -g ls puppeteer
npm list puppeteer
npm -g ls
npm -g ls | grep 'beautify'
npm -g install puppeteer
npm -g uninstall puppeteer
npm -g outdated
npm -g update
npm -g update puppeteer
Yarn is a package/project manager for node
yarn list --pattern puppeteer
yarn why puppeteer
yarn list
yarn list | grep 'babel'
yarn add puppeteer
yarn remove puppeteer
yarn outdated
yarn upgrade
yarn upgrade puppeteer