Instructions to authors:
- Replace text <in angle brackets> with the appropriate items from your component.
- Follow the instructions in each section – see the accompanying examples for futher guidance.
- Delete these instructions before submitting your document
Start with a concise (1-2 sentence) description of the component.
- Copy the exact summary from the design article.
- Do not use the name of the component's class or implementation.
- Link the first mention of the component (e.g., "Button") to the design article.
- If the component is known by an alias on your platform, include that in the description, e.g. "... Ripples are known as 'Ink' in MDC-iOS."
If there are any component types, list them here in an unordered bulleted list.
- Use the same ordering as in the design article.
- Link each item in the list to the corresponding type section below. (If a section is called "Foo The Bar", then the anchor to link to is
Insert an image showing the component or all the component types.
- If no such image exists, file a bug and add a TODO with the bug in an HTML comment in the source.
Include any usage instructions that are common to all types. If your platform includes more complete documentation elsewhere, (e.g., a "Getting Started" page), include a link to it here.
If installation instructions are required, first summarize the requirement in 1-2 sentences and then give detailed instructions in a collapsable section.
If all types use exactly the same list of API docs/source location links, or if there is a common set of links due to a superclass/etc, then include them here instead of repeating them in each type section.
List any accessiblity setting or attributes (such as labels), describe how to use them and link to any guidelines on the site (for example, how to write a good accessibility label for your component)
Start with a concise (1-2 sentence) description of the component type.
- If possible, copy the exact summary from the design article.
- Link the first mention of the component type to the appropriate section of the design article.
Include a list of links to API documentation and source location of the component.
- Use the class/implementation names when linking to the API docs.
- Add other links as necessary if they would help using the component.
- Describe how to use this component type in as much detail as necessary.
- If your platform does not support a particular type, include the type but explicitly state that it isn't supported.
- If support is planned, link to the issue tracking that feature request.
Describe the example in 1-2 sentences.
Include an image of the rendered example.
Include a snippet of source code illustrating the example.
- Remove boilerplate code that is not necessary to understand the example.
- Consider highlighting the most important lines of the example.
- Call out the anatomy elements in a sentence.
- Insert the a diagram of the component type's anatomy. Use the anatomy diagram from the site.
- Add a table of the design attributes represented by the diagram. Limit the design attributes to six items of the most commonly customized attributes.
- Include the following sentence below the table pointing the user to the API doc(s):
"We recommend using [Material Theming](\<component name>/#theming) to apply your customizations across your application. For a full list of component properties, go to the API docs:"
- List the links to each API
Include a table of the theme description for each theme element and the theme's name in your platform.
Continue describing the rest of the component types as necessary.
Provide a 1-2 sentences saying that Material theming applies to the component: "<Component name> supports [Material Theming]( and can be customized in terms of color, typography and shape."
- Provide a screenshot of a coponent type that uses a modified theme that includes changes to:
- Background color
- Outline color (if applicable)
- Font type
- Font color
- Component shape (if applicable)
Provide example code that corresponds to the component type screenshot