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File metadata and controls

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Mono code guidelines

This document is meant to capture guidelines for contributing code to the src/mono/mono/, src/native/public/mono areas of the dotnet/runtime repo.

In general this guide does not apply to:

  1. Shared native code in src/native
  2. The Mono-specific C# code in src/mono in System.Private.CoreLib or elsewhere

Code style

Mono is written in C.

We follow the Mono Coding guidelines for the C code - in particular:

  • tabs, not spaces
  • space between a function name and the open parenthesis
  • braces on the same line as if, for, while etc


Mono reserves the following prefixes for symbols: mono_, monovm_, m_, monoeg_ (used to remap eglib functions which in source code have a g_ prefix).

All non-static symbols should use one of these prefixes. We generally use mono_ for most functions. m_ is used for some inline accessor functions and macros. g_ (mono_eg_) is used for eglib functions.

Types in a single C file can use any name. Types in a header should use a Mono (or sometimes mono_) prefix.

Public API symbols and types must be prefixed.

For types Mono generally uses typedef struct _MonoWhatever { ... } MonoWhatever. Opaque types may define typedef struct _MonoWhatever MonoWhatever in a client header and define struct _MonoWhatever {...} in an implementation header. Occasionally we break #include cycles by adding forward declarations for some types.


Mono derives from an autotools-style project so we generally write HOST_XYZ for the machine on which the runtime is executing (as opposed to the machine on which the runtime was compiled), and TARGET_XYZ for the machine that will be targeted by the JIT and AOT compilers. In the case of AOT compilation host and target might be different: the host might be Windows, and the target might be Browser WebAssembly, for example.

Macros generally use a MONO_ prefix. Macros in public API headers must use the prefix.


Prefer the standard C sized types int32_t, intptr_t, etc over the eglib types gint32, gsize etc.

One exception is gboolean is preferred over C bool.

There are actually three boolean types to keep in mind:

  • gboolean used internally in the runtime
  • MonoBoolean used as an interop type with C# bool in internal calls
  • mono_bool used by the public C API - generally new code shouldn't use it except when adding a new public API function.

Newer features of C11 and later

Mono is currently (2023) written in C11.

Static asserts

Use static_assert liberally. Include <assert.h>. If you cannot include <assert.h> (for example because it introduces conflicting symbols or macros), use g_static_assert. Do not use _Static_assert directly (see how g_static_assert is defined). Rationale: C23 deprecates _Static_assert.

Threads, locks, call_once

Due to mono's threading model and cooperative GC, using C threading and locking primitives directly is not ok. Prefer MonoCoopMutex, MonoCoopCond that have GC-aware locking/waiting operations. If you need them, use mono_mutex_t, mono_cond_t, etc for cases where GC transitions are prohibitively costly and you can guarantee that the lock will never be taken by a GC initiator or by a mix of threads in GC cooperative and GC preemptive mode.

Using standard C threads and call_once in native library PInvokes outside the runtime is okay.

Using standard C mutexes and condition variables in native library PInvokes outside the runtime is okay if the locks are not shared with the runtime internals.

Thread locals

FIXME: no guidance yet


The C standard atomics are not guaranteed to be lock-free. Use the mono mono_atomic_ functions (some of which may be implemented in terms of standard C atomics on some platforms). We do not in general want locking because it would not be GC aware and may deadlock the cooperative GC.

Uses of _Atomic are a code smell in Mono.

Using standard C atomics in native library PInvokes outside the runtime is okay provided the atomics aren't also accessed inside the runtime internals.

Generic operations

FIXME: no guidance for _Generic yet.

Utility and platform abstraction functions

Mono generally tries to fill in POSIX-like abstractions on platforms that lack them (for example, Windows). This is in contrast to the CoreCLR PAL which generally tries to add Windows API abstractions on top of POSIX.

If an existing eglib utility function is available, it should be used. New ones can be added.

Other platform specific code is in src/mono/utils

Directory dependencies

For the code in src/mono/mono:

  • eglib should not depend on other code from src/mono

  • utils can depend on eglib and 3rd party code from src/native/external

  • sgen depends on eglib and utils

  • metadata depends on all of the above (but note that some Boehm-GC files in this directory should not depend on sgen)

  • mini depends on all of the above

  • mini/interp depends on all of the above

  • components can use functions from all of the above provided they're marked with MONO_COMPONENT_API, see ../design/mono/

The main distinction between metadata and utils is that utils code should not assume that it is part of an executing .NET runtime - anything that loads types, creates objects, etc does not belong in utils but in metadata.

The mini directory contains execution engines. If the execution engine has to provide some functionality to metadata it generally does so by installing some callback that is invoked by metadata. For example, mini knows how to unwind exceptions and perform stack walks - while metadata decides when to unwind or perform a stackwalk. To coordinate, metadata exposes an API to install hooks and mini provides the implementations.

Error handling

New code should prefer to use the MonoError functions.

  • A non-public-API function should take a MonoError * argument.
  • In case of an error the function should call one of the mono_error_set_ functions from ../../src/mono/mono/utils/mono-error-internals.h
  • Inside the runtime check whether there was an error by calling is_ok (error), mono_error_assert_ok (error), goto_if_nok or return_if_nok/return_val_if_nok
  • If there is an error and you're handling it, call mono_error_cleanup (error) to dispose of the resources.
  • MonoError* is generally one-shot: after it's been cleaned up it needs to be re-inited with mono_error_init_reuse, but this is discouraged.
  • Instead if you intend to deal with an error, use ERROR_DECL (local_error) then call the possibly-failing function and pass it local_error, then call mono_error_assert_ok (local_error) if it "can't fail" or mono_error_cleanup (local_error) if you want to ignore the failure.

Managed Exceptions

New code should generally not deal with MonoException*, use MonoError* instead.

New code should avoid using mono_error_set_pending_exception - it affects a thread-local flag in a way that is not obvious to the caller of your function and may trample existing in-flight exceptions and make your code fail in unexpected ways.

There are two circumstances when you might need to call mono_error_set_pending_exception:

  1. You're working with a public Mono API that sets a pending exception
  2. You're implementing an icall, but can't use HANDLES() (see the internal calls section below)

Internal calls

Prefer P/Invokes or QCalls over internal calls. That is, if your function only takes arguments that are not managed objects, and does not need to interact with the runtime, it is better to define it outside the runtime.

Internal calls generally have at least one argument that is a managed object, or may throw a managed exception.

Internal calls are declared in icall-def.h See the comment in the header for details.

There are two styles of internal calls: NOHANDLES and HANDLES. (This is a simplification as there are also JIT internal calls added by the execution engines)

The difference is that HANDLES icalls receive references to managed objects wrapped in a handle that attempts to keep the object alive for the duration of the internal call even if the thread blocks or is suspended, while NOHANDLES functions don't. Additionally HANDLES functions get a MonoError* argument from the managed-to-native interop layer that will be converted to a managed exception when the function returns. NOHANDLES functions generally have to call mono_error_set_pending_exception themselves.

Suspend Safety

See Cooperative Suspend at and the mono thread state machine design document

In general runtime functions that may be called from the public Mono API should call MONO_ENTER_GC_UNSAFE/MONO_EXIT_GC_UNSAFE if they call any other runtime API. Internal calls are already in GC Unsafe on entry, but QCalls and P/Invokes aren't.

When calling a blocking native API, wrap the call in MONO_ENTER_GC_SAFE/MONO_EXIT_GC_SAFE.

Prefer mono_coop_ synchronization primitives (MonoCoopMutex, MonoCoopCond, MonoCoopSemaphore, etc) over mono_os_ primitives (mono_mutex_t, mono_cond_t). The former will automatically go into GC Safe mode before doing operations that may block. The latter should only be used for low-level leaf locks that may need to be shared with non-runtime code. You're responsible for switching to GC Safe mode when doing blocking operations in that case.

GC Memory Safety

We have explored many different policies on how to safely access managed memory from the runtime. The existing code is not uniform.

This is the current policy (but check with a team member as this document may need to be updated):

  1. It is never ok to access a managed object from GC Safe code.
  2. Mono's GC scans the managed heap precisely. Mono does not allow heap objects to contain pointers into the interior of other managed obejcts.
  3. Mono's GC scans the native stack conservatively: any value that looks like a pointer into the GC heap, will cause the target object to be pinned and not collected. Interior pointers from the stack into the middle of a managed object are allowed and will pin the object.

In general one of the following should be used to ensure that an object is kept alive, particularly across a call back into managed from native, or across a call that may trigger a GC (effectively nearly any runtime internal API, due to assembly loading potentially triggering managed callbacks):

  • The object is pinned in managed code using fixed (common with strings) and the native code gets a gunichar2*
  • a ref local is passed into native code and the native code gets a MonoObject * volatile * (the volatile is important)
  • a Span<T> is passed into native code and the native code gets a MonoSpanOfObjects*
  • an icall is declared with HANDLES() and a MonoObjectHandle (or a more specific type such as MonoReflectionTypeHandle is passed in).
  • a GCHandle is passed in

Generally only functions on the boundary between managed and native should use one of the above mechanisms (that is, it's enough that an object is pinned once). Callees can take a MonoObject* argument and assume that it was pinned by the caller.

In cases where an object is created in native code, it should be kept alive:

  1. By assigning into a MonoObject * volatile * (ie: use out or ref arguments in C#)
  2. By creating a local handle using MONO_HANDLE_NEW or MONO_HANDLE_PIN (the function should then use HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER/HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN to set up and tear down a handle frame)
  3. By creating a GCHandle
  4. By assigning to a field of another managed object

In all cases, if there is any intervening internal API call or a call to managed code, the object must be kept alive before the call using one of the above methods.

Write barriers

When writing a managed object to a field of another managed object, use one of the mono_gc_wbarrier_ functions (for example, mono_gc_wbarrier_generic_store). It is ok to call the write barrier functions if the destination is not in the managed heap (in which case they will just do a normal write)


Mono code should use g_assert, mono_error_assert_ok, g_assertf, g_assert_not_reached etc.

Unlike CoreCLR, Mono assertions are always included in the runtime - both in Debug and in Release builds.

New code should try not to rely on the side-effects of assert conditions. (That is, one day we may want to turn off assertions in Release builds.)

Mono Public API

Mono maintains a public API for projects that embed the Mono runtime in order to provide the ability to execute .NET code in the context of another application or framework. The current Mono API is mono-2.0. We strive to maintain binary ABI and API stability for our embedders.

The public API headers are defined in ../../src/native/public/mono. Great care should be taken when modifying any of the functions declared in these headers. In particular breaking the ABI by removing these functions or changing their arguments is not allowed. Semantic changes should be avoided, or implemented in a way that is least disruptive to embedders (for example the runtime does not support multiple appdomains anymore, but mono_domain_get continues to work).

Hidden API functions

In practice certain functions have been tagged with MONO_API even if they are not declared in the public headers. These symbols have been used by projects that embed Mono despite not being in the public headers. They should be treated with the same care as the real public API.

Unstable API functions

Functions declared in mono-private-unstable.h headers do not need to maintain API/ABI stability. They are generally new APIs that have been added since .NET 5 but that have not been stabilized yet.

As a matter of courtesy, notify the .NET macios and .NET Android teams if changing the behavior of these functions.


The WASM and WASI runtimes in src/mono/wasm/runtime and src/mono/wasi are effectively external API clients. When possible they should use existing MONO_API functions.

As a matter of expedience, the wasm project has sometimes taken advantage of static linking by adding declarations of internal Mono functions in src/mono/wasm/runtime/driver.c and directly calling Mono internals.

In general new code should not do this. When modifying existing code, mysterious WASM failures may be attributed to symbol signature mismatches between WASM and the Mono runtime.