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Thank you for participating in Okta’s OpenID Connect (OIDC) Beta.

In this document, we will show you how to get started using OpenID Connect with Okta.

Specifically demonstrated are the following two use-cases:

  1. Using OpenID Connect to authenticate Okta users to a backend web server (If your familiar with SAML, this is roughly equivalent to “SP-initiated SAML”).
  2. Using OpenID Connect with a JavaScript Single Page Application.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for this document please contact Joël Franusic <[email protected]>

FIXME: Explain what BETA means

How to run this demo

This repository comes with code that you can run yourself to see how OIDC works. You can run this code locally on your machine, or you can deploy the code to Heroku.

Deploy to Heroku

Add a “Deploy to Heroku” button here!


All examples in this guide assume that you have an Okta org, API token, and Okta OAuth Client ID.

Running the code samples locally will require the use of Python and the pip package manager.

Here is how to get those things if you do not have them already:

Okta org

If you do not have an Okta org, you can sign up for a free Developer Edition Okta org.

Okta API token

If you do not have an API token, follow our guide for getting a token.

Okta OAuth Client ID

The easiest way to register an OAuth client is by creating a new application integration from the Okta Admin interface:

  1. Log in to your Okta org as an administrator.
  2. After logging in, click on the “Admin” button.
  3. From the “Shortcuts” on the right hand side of the screen, click “Add Applications”
  4. Click the “Create New App” button, which is on the left hand side of the screen.
  5. Important: In the “Platform” section, select “Single Page App (SPA)”
  6. Select “OpenID Connect” as the “Sign on method”
  7. Configure one or more “Redirect URIs” for your application.
  8. Click “Finish”
  9. Using the “People” or “Groups” tabs, assign people to your newly created application. Note: Users will not be able to authenticate to your application if they are not assigned!
  10. Find your “Client ID” in the “Client Credentials” section of the “Groups” tab.

The Client ID that you just obtained is what you will use to configure the demo application in this guide, or to integrate your application with Okta.

[OLD] Okta OAuth Client ID

At the moment, the only way to register an OAuth client with Okta is via Okta’s /oauth2/ API endpoint.

The recommended method of doing this is via Postman, using this Postman Collection for Okta’s Client Registration API endpoint.

Use the “Create OAuth Client” template in Postman, replacing data in the sections as appropriate for your situation. The most important value to change in the example JSON payload is the array value for the redirect_uris key.

It is important that the redirect_uris array contains the URL for the site that will be making requests against Okta. If you’re using the instructions below, this URL will look like ”” or ””.

Don’t worry if you don’t yet know the URL that you’ll be using here, you can always update the value of redirect_uris using an HTTP PUT.

It isn’t required, but we suggest that you also change the values for the client_name, client_uri, logo_uri, and jwks_uri keys.

Here is an example HTTP request to create an Okta OAuth client via the /oauth2/ API endpoint:

POST /oauth2/v1/clients HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: SSWS 01A2bcDefGhI34JKlmnOp5qRstUVWXy6ZABCdefgHi

    "client_name": "Example Okta OAuth Client",
    "client_uri": "",
    "logo_uri": "",
    "redirect_uris": [
    "response_types": [
    "grant_types": [
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "private_key_jwt",
    "jwks_uri": ""


While the code samples in this guide are written in Python, you do not need Python to use OpenID Connect with Okta.

To run the code samples in this project you will need a working copy of Python 2.7+ and the pip package manager. See this guide on ”Properly Installing Python” for instructions for setting up Python on your system.


Once you have all the prerequisites, the next step will be do get this example code running. You can either run this code from your local machine, or by running the code from Heroku.

Make a local copy of this repository

Before you can make use of the code in this guide, you will need a local copy of the code to work from. You can either download a copy of this repository using the “Download ZIP” button or using the git clone command.

Using git clone is the suggested method for making a local copy of this repository, because getting updates to this repository will be as easy as running git pull origin master.

Running on your local machine

With a local copy of this repository on your machine, the next step will be to set up the project.

You can do this on Mac OS X and Linux by running these commands from the shell:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are using Homebrew on OS X, you might need to follow the Homebrew specific installation instructions to install the Python cryptography library:

$ env CRYPTOGRAPHY_OSX_NO_LINK_FLAGS=1 LDFLAGS="$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib/libssl.a $(brew --prefix openssl)/lib/libcrypto.a" CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include" pip install cryptography

On OS X or Linux, replace the example values in the commands below with your data and then run the modified commands in your shell to configure the application:

$ export OKTA_API_TOKEN=00A0B12CDefGHijkLmN3OPQRsTu4VWxyzABCdEf56G
$ export OKTA_BASE_URL=
$ export OKTA_CLIENT_ID=aBcDEfG0HiJkL1mn2oP3

Use this command to run the application locally on your system:

$ python

Make the example available via HTTPS using ngrok

As a last step, you will need to make your local copy of the example code available via HTTPS. You need to do this because the OpenID Connect specification requires that you do so.

The easiest way to do this is using the excellent tool ”ngrok”.

To get started with ngrok, visit the “Download” page for ngrok, download ngrok, then start it on your system.

Assuming that your example code is listening on http://localhost:5000, start ngrok with the following command:

$ ngrok http 5000

When ngrok starts, you will see a page that give you information on the ngrok. Look for the line that starts with Forwarding and then copy the URL that starts with “https”, it will look something like this: - this is the URL that you will use in the following steps.

Running on Heroku

Assuming that you’ve already installed the Heroku Toolbelt, here are the commands you’d use to deploy this application to Heroku:

$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master

Then, configure the application using these commands below. Make sure to replace the values below with your data!

$ heroku config:set OKTA_API_TOKEN=00A0B12CDefGHijkLmN3OPQRsTu4VWxyzABCdEf56G
$ heroku config:set OKTA_BASE_URL=
$ heroku config:set OKTA_CLIENT_ID=aBcDEfG0HiJkL1mn2oP3


$ heroku open

Whitelist URL in Okta

The last thing that you will need to do is add the URL for your example application to the appropriate Okta whitelists. This is done in two places:

  1. The OAuth client configuration in your Okta org
  2. The CORS settings in your Okta org

If you’re using ngrok or Heroku to host your example application, then your URL will look like this ”” or ””.

Update the OAuth Client redirect_uris array

If you didn’t do it when you created your OAuth Client ID, you will need to go back to that section and follow the instructions to add your URL to the redirect_uris whitelist.

Update CORS configuration on the Okta web page

You will also need to enable the URL for CORS. See Okta’s guide to Enabling CORS for details on how to do this.

Open the URL for the example application in your browser

If you’re using ngrok or Heroku to host your example application, then your URL will look like this ”” or ””.

How it works

The core of using Open ID Connect with your application is the id_token, which is a JSON Web Token (JWT).

Below is an example of what a JWT looks like:


Note: The line breaks have been added for readability.

A JWT is, essentially, a base64 encoded JSON object. Here is what the JWT above looks like after it has been decoded and validated:

  "ver": 1,
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "00u0abcdefGHIJKLMNOP",
  "login": "[email protected]",
  "aud": "AbcDE0fGHI1jk2LM34no",
  "iat": 1449695600,
  "exp": 1449699200,
  "amr": [
  "auth_time": 1449695600

Getting an id_token from Okta

The easiest way to get an id_token from Okta is to use the Okta Sign-In Widget. Here is how to configure the Okta Sign-In Widget to give you an id_token:

function setupOktaSignIn(baseUrl, clientId) {
    return oktaSignIn;

Note: Other valid types for authParams.scope are: openid, email, profile, address, phone, and groups.

Add groups when appropriate

How to add Social Login buttons

Use cases

The OpenID Connect specification makes provisions for many different use cases. For this beta, we are support two use cases:

  1. Server-side web application Authenticating against a web application that runs on a server.
  2. Single Page Application Authenticating a client-side JavaScript application that runs in a web browser.

Server-side web application

This use case demonstrates how to have a server-side web application authenticate users via OpenID Connect. If you are familiar with SAML, this is the same use case as “SP initiated SAML”.

Authenticating Okta users against your server-side web application consists of these core steps:

  1. Okta authenticates a user.
  2. Upon a successful authentication, Okta issues the user an OIDC id_token and direct the users browser to deliver the id_token to your web application.
  3. Your server-side web application will validate the id_token and, if the token is valid, will create a session for the user so that the user is “logged in” to your web application.

Step 2 is covered below in the “Getting an OIDC id_token from Okta” section and Step 3 is covered in the “Validating an OIDC id_token from Okta” section.

Getting an OIDC id_token from Okta

Currently, there are three ways to get an id_token from Okta, sorted in order if “ease of implementation”:

  1. Having users click on a special link that will redirect them through Okta.
  2. Authenticating users via the Okta Sign-In Widget.
  3. Authenticating users via /authn and /oauth2 Okta API endpoints.

Which method you select depends on how customized you want the user’s login experience to be.

If you don’t care about a customized login experience, the easiest way to get an id_token from Okta is to have users click on a special link that will redirect them through Okta to your application.

The Okta Sign-In Widget handles all possible user states and is moderately customizable. It is a good choice if you don’t have extremely detailed design requirements.

Using the Okta API endpoints directly gives you the most flexibility in terms of customization at the expense of requiring you to support all of the possible flows that your users will go through.

Details on each of these methods are below:

Getting an id_token via a special Okta link

If you don’t mind your users seeing an Okta branded login page, having your users login to your application using the OpenID Connect “Code Flow”.

The basics of implementing the Code Flow are below. For more information in the Code Flow, we suggest reading the “OpenID Connect Basic Client Implementer’s Guide”, which contains a good guide to implementing the OIDC Code Flow.

See our OIDC documentation for details on the request parameters for more details on how Okta uses the OIDC request parameters.

Below is an example of what this link might look like:

Getting an id_token via the Okta Sign-In Widget

The easiest way customize the login experience that your users see is to use the Okta Sign-In Widget.

To use the Okta Sign-In Widget with your application, follow the guide for setting up the Okta Sign-In Widget but make the following two changes to your configuration of the Okta Sign-In Widget:

  1. Configure the Sign-In Widget to request an OIDC id_token:
  2. Add a “SUCCESS” handler to the widget which will extract the id_token and pass it on to your application backend service.

    Here is how this is done in the example application in this project:


Getting an id_token via Okta API endpoints

Lastly, if you need to make customizations to the login experience beyond what the Sign-In Widget allows, you can do that by making API requests directly to the Okta API.

At a high level, what you will need to do is write some code on your application backend that will do the following:

  • Accepts a username and password
  • Uses the username and password to make a request to Okta’s /authn API endpoint and extracts the sessionToken from the results of a successful request.
  • Redirects the user to an Okta’s /oauth2/v1/authorize API endpoint using the sessionToken in the request parameters.

Here is how this is done in the example application:


And here is the create_authorize_url function that is used to construct the request to /oauth2/v1/authorize with the proper request parameters:


Validating an OIDC id_token from Okta

An OIDC id_token is a JWT and validating a JWT is easy. Below is a demonstration of how to validate a JWT in Python using the pyjwt Python library.

(See for a list of JWT libraries in your favorite language.)

The pyjwt library handles a lot of ancillary JWT validation by default. In particular, it validates the audience attribute, which means that it will return an error unless the value audience attribute matches what we pass into this method.

Here is how we parse a JWT in this sample application:

def parse_jwt(id_token):
    public_key = fetch_jwt_public_key_for(id_token)
    rv = jwt.decode(
    return rv

Here is base test that we use for the parse_jwt function:

def test_parse_jwt_valid(self):
    id_token = self.create_jwt(claims={})
    rv = flask_app.parse_jwt(id_token)
    self.assertEquals('00u0abcdefGHIJKLMNOP', rv['sub'])

Here are some details on the parameters that we are explicitly setting in parse_jwt:

  1. Force the JWT signing algorithm to RS256

    This line forces the JWT signing algorithm to RS256:


    We do this because it is a best practice for handling JWTs and is done to avoid critical vulnerabilities in JSON Web Token libraries.

  2. The OIDC Issuer

    This line sets the issuer to the value of the Okta Base URL, which is what Okta uses as the issuer:


    And this is how we test that the JWT decoder is properly validating the issuer:

    def test_parse_jwt_invalid_issuer(self):
        id_token = self.create_jwt(claims={'iss': ''})
    def test_parse_jwt_invalid_issuer_domain(self):
        id_token = self.create_jwt(
            claims={'iss': ''},
  3. The OIDC Audience

    This line sets the audience to the value of the Okta OAuth Client ID, which is what Okta uses as the audience:


    And this is how we test that the JWT decoder is properly validating the audience:

    def test_parse_jwt_invalid_audience(self):
        id_token = self.create_jwt(claims={'aud': 'INVALID'})

    Okta uses the OAuth Client ID as the audience in the id_token JWTs that it issues. We pass this value to pyjwt so that our JWTs are properly validated.

Where does the public_key come from? It is fetched from the Okta JSON Web Key endpoint - which can be discovered via the .well-known/openid-configuration URL.

Below is a demonstration of how to fetch the public key for using the command line (on OS X).

On the first line, we pull down the JSON from .well-known/openid-configuration and pull out the jwks_uri element using grep and a regular expression (the ”jq” command line tool is better suited for this, but not installed by default). Once we have the jwks_uri, we use that to fetch the key from Okta, pull out the x5c key using grep, base64 decode the x5c key, then pipe that to openssl to extract the public key.

JWKS_URI=`curl -s | egrep -o 'jwks_uri":"[^"]*' | cut -d '"' -f 3`;
curl -s $JWKS_URI | egrep -o '"x5c":\["[^]]*' | cut -d '"' -f 4 | tr -d '\' | base64 -D | openssl x509 -inform DER -pubkey -noout
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Fetching public keys for OIDC in Python

Since this example uses Python, below is an example of how to autodiscover the JWKS URL for an Okta OIDC endpoint by appending the /.well-known/openid-configuration string to the end of the URL that is in the iss OIDC claim.

Below is some Python code that demonstrates how to automatically discover the JWKS URL and parse the public keys from that URL in.

This is what it does:

  1. Checks the id_token header for a kid (“Key ID”). Fail validation if the id_token doesn’t have a kid.
  2. Use the kid to see if we have previously cached the public key for that kid. If we already have a public key, then use that to validate the id_token.

Here an example in Python that checks to see if the id_token has a kid, and if so, checks if we’ve seen the public key for that kid before:

dirty_header = jws.get_unverified_header(id_token)
cleaned_key_id = None
if 'kid' in dirty_header:
    dirty_key_id = dirty_header['kid']
    cleaned_key_id = re.sub(not_alpha_numeric, '', dirty_key_id)
    raise ValueError('The id_token header must contain a "kid"')
if cleaned_key_id in public_keys:
    return public_keys[cleaned_key_id]

Note: In this example, we are using a Python Dictionary called public_keys as our hash. In production you should use whatever existing caching infrastructure you have in place.

If we haven’t yet seen a public key matching the kid, then we fetch the public key as follows:

  1. Take the URL from the iss claim in the id_token.
  2. Validate that the domain name in the iss claim is a valid Okta domain name.
  3. If the domain name is valid, append /.well-known/openid-configuration to the end of the URL in the iss claim.
  4. Fetch the URL above and take the jwks_uri key from the results.
  5. Fetch the jwks_uri and, for each key in the result, it do the following:
    • Take the first element in the x5c value.
    • Base64 decode the DER encoded x509 certificate.
    • Parse the DER encoded x509 certificate using the Python cryptography library.
    • Store the public key in a hash, using the kid as the value.

Here an example in Python that does what is described above:

unverified_claims = jwt.get_unverified_claims(id_token)
dirty_url = urlparse.urlparse(unverified_claims['iss'])
if domain_name_for(dirty_url) not in allowed_domains:
    raise ValueError('The domain in the issuer claim is not allowed')
cleaned_issuer = dirty_url.geturl()
oidc_discovery_url = "{}/.well-known/openid-configuration".format(
r = requests.get(oidc_discovery_url)
openid_configuration = r.json()
jwks_uri = openid_configuration['jwks_uri']
r = requests.get(jwks_uri)
jwks = r.json()
for key in jwks['keys']:
    jwk_id = key['kid']
    public_keys[jwk_id] = key

When extracting the iss claim from the id_token we strongly urge you to treat that value as untrusted and validate the contents before using it.

In the example above, we parse the URL in the iss claim and check that the domain matches “” or “”. This is done using the domain_name_for function below:

def domain_name_for(url):
    second_to_last_element = -2
    domain_parts = url.netloc.split('.')
    (sld, tld) = domain_parts[second_to_last_element:]
    return sld + '.' + tld

For more details on the x5c format, see the “x5c” section in the JSON Web Key specification, which is quoted below:

The “x5c” (X.509 Certificate Chain) member contains a chain of one or more PKIX certificates [RFC5280]. The certificate chain is represented as a JSON array of certificate value strings. Each string in the array is a base64 encoded ([RFC4648] Section 4 – not base64url encoded) DER [ITU.X690.1994] PKIX certificate value. The PKIX certificate containing the key value MUST be the first certificate. This MAY be followed by additional certificates, with each subsequent certificate being the one used to certify the previous one. The key in the first certificate MUST match the public key represented by other members of the JWK. Use of this member is OPTIONAL.

As with the “x5u” member, members other than those representing the public key may also be populated when an “x5c” member is present. If other members are present, the contents of those members MUST be semantically consistent with the related fields in the first certificate. See the last paragraph of Section 4.6 for additional guidance on this.

Finally, here is what the function looks like when it’s all put together, with additional error handling code:

# FIXME: Rename since this is not about public keys anymore
def fetch_jwt_public_key_for(id_token=None):
    if id_token is None:
        raise NameError('id_token is required')



    if cleaned_key_id in public_keys:
        return public_keys[cleaned_key_id]
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to fetch public key from jwks_uri")

Single Page App

This use case demonstrates how to have a Single Page application authenticate users via OpenID Connect.

The code in this example is contained in two static files: templates/spa.html for the HTML and static/single-page.js for the application JavaScript.

The JavaScript used to demonstrate this use case is covered below:

We start with the code used to initialize the Okta Sign-In Widget in the spa.html file, Note that the {{okta.base_url}} and {{okta.client_id}} strings are place holders for the Jinja2 templating engine that Flask uses to render the spa.html template.

var oktaSignIn = setupOktaSignIn('{{okta.base_url}}', '{{okta.client_id}}');
$(document).ready(function () {
    // defined in 'single-page.js'

The rest of the code used in this demonstration is contained in the single-page.js file.

This demonstration application is a very simplistic and unrealistic implementation of a Single Page Application. Instead of using a framework Angular, Ember, or React, this examples uses jQuery to update the page.

(Using jQuery is easier to understand, but you should not use jQuery to write a production quality Single Page Application.)

The single-page.js file defines three functions:

  • renderOktaWidget() This handles rendering of the Okta widget.
  • renderLogin() What gets called when a user logs in with a status of ”SUCCESS”.
  • renderLogout() What gets called when a user clicks a “Logout” button or link.

We will cover each function below.


Below is the renderOktaWidget() function which calls the renderEl (“render El”ement) method of oktaSignIn. renderEl takes three arguments:

  1. widget-location-object A JavaScript object which contains the id of the HTML element that should be turned into the Okta Sign-In Widget.
  2. widget-success-function A function that is called on successful authentications.
  3. widget-error-function A function that is called when error conditions are encountered.

Here is what the renderEl function looks like at a high level:

function renderOktaWidget() {

Let’s cover each of those sections in detail:

Below we pass renderEl#okta-sign-in-widget”, which is the HTML id for the <div> tag that we want to contain the Okta Sign-In Widget.

{ el: '#okta-sign-in-widget' }

Next, we pass renderEl a function that makes an Ajax request to /users/me. This call passes the id_token in the Authorization header to validate the request. If everything works as expected, then we call the renderLogin() function with the user’s Okta ID as a parameter.

function (res) {
    if (res.status === 'SUCCESS') {
        var id_token = res.id_token || res.idToken;
            type: "GET",
            dataType: 'json',
            url: "/users/me",
            beforeSend: function(xhr) {
                xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + id_token);
            success: function(data){

Lastly, we pass renderEl an error handling function. In this example, we pass in a very simple error handling function that just calls console.log() with the error message. This is only useful while developing your custom logic for the Okta Sign-In Widget and you will want to do something different in a production deployment.

function (err) { console.log('Unexpected error authenticating user: %o', err); }


Below is an overview of what the renderLogin() function does:

function renderLogin(user_id) {

Here is what each of the sections above do:

First, we add a “Log out” item to the navbar, then register a click() event for when the user clicks on “Log out”:

$('#navbar > ul').empty().append('<li><a id="logout" href="/logout">Log out</a></li>');
$('#logout').click(function(event) {

Next, we hide the “logged out” message and display the “logged in” message:


Lastly, in the <<display-user-id>> section, we hide the Okta Sign-In Widget append the user’s Okta ID into page, then show the part of the page with the user’s Okta ID:


Note: The #okta-sign-in-widget element can only be instantiated once per page, so for a Single Page Application, it is critical that you hide the element instead of removing it.

Convert your code to show and hide the #okta-sign-in-widget element if your browser’s JavaScript console shows an error that says: “Backbone.history has already been started”


The renderLogout() function is essentially the opposite of the renderLogin(), it clears out the navigation bar with empty, hides the “logged in” message and shows the “logged out” message, hides the users Okta ID and shows the Okta Sign-In Widget. (This code also clears out the password field in the sign-in widget).

function renderLogout() {
    $('#navbar > ul').empty();
    $('#okta-sign-in .okta-form-input-field input[type="password"]').val('');

Source Files



def main_page():
    if len(required.keys()) > 0:
        return render_template(
    redirect_uri = url_for(
    login_with_okta_branding = create_authorize_url(
    target_origin = url_for('main_page', _external=True, _scheme='https')
    return render_template(
def test_has_default_route(self):
    path = "/"
    rv =
    self.assertEquals("200 OK", rv.status)


def logged_in():
    opts = {'user': current_user}
    return render_template(


def spa():
    return render_template(


@app.route("/login", methods=['POST'])
def login_with_password():
    payload = {
        'username': request.form['username'],
        'password': request.form['password'],

    authn_url = "{}/api/v1/authn".format(okta['base_url'])
    r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload))
    result = r.json()

    if 'errorCode' in result:
        return redirect(url_for('main_page', _external=True, _scheme='https'))

    redirect_uri = url_for(
    redirect_url = create_authorize_url(
    return redirect(redirect_url)
def test_login_with_password(self):
    sessionToken = 'FAKE_SESSION_TOKEN'
        json.dumps({'sessionToken': sessionToken}),
    data = {
        'username': 'username',
        'password': 'password',
    rv ='/login', data=data)
    self.assertEquals("302 FOUND", rv.status)
    self.assertIn('LOCATION', rv.headers)
    self.assertIn(sessionToken, rv.headers['Location'])


def logout():
    return redirect(url_for('main_page', _external=True, _scheme='https'))


@app.route("/sso/oidc", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sso_oidc():
    if 'error' in request.form:
        return redirect(url_for('main_page', _external=True, _scheme='https'))
    id_token = request.form['id_token']
    decoded = parse_jwt(id_token)
    user_id = decoded['sub']
    user = UserSession(user_id)
    return redirect(url_for('logged_in', _external=True, _scheme='https'))

See this comment on StackOverflow for details on why I’m using logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL) below:

def test_sso_via_id_token(self):
    id_token = self.create_jwt()
    print id_token
    rv ='/sso/oidc', data={'id_token': id_token})
    self.assertIn("Set-Cookie", rv.headers)
    self.assertIn("session=", rv.headers['Set-Cookie'])
    self.assertEquals("302 FOUND", rv.status)

def test_sso_via_id_token_invalid(self):
    id_token = self.create_jwt(claims={'aud': 'invalid'})
    print id_token
    rv ='/sso/oidc', data={'id_token': id_token})
    self.assertEquals("500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR", rv.status)


# FIXME: Use decoded['sub'] to fetch the user profile from Okta,
# returning that in the result
def users_me():
    authorization = request.headers.get('Authorization')
    token = authorization.replace('Bearer ', '')
    decoded = parse_jwt(token)
    rv = {'user_id': decoded['sub']}
    return flask.jsonify(**rv)


import json
import os
import re
import urllib
import urlparse

from flask import Flask
from flask import flash
from flask import redirect
from flask import render_template
from flask import request
from flask import url_for
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_login import current_user
from flask_login import login_required
from flask_login import login_user
from flask_login import logout_user
from jose import jws
from jose import jwt
import flask
import requests

Setup Flask-Login

login_manager = LoginManager()

class UserSession:
    def __init__(self, user_id):
        self.authenticated = True
        self.user_id = user_id

    def is_active(self):
        # In this example, "active" and "authenticated" are the same thing
        return self.authenticated

    def is_authenticated(self):
        # "Has the user authenticated?"
        # See also:
        return self.authenticated

    def is_anonymous(self):
        return not self.authenticated

    def get_id(self):
        return self.user_id

# Note that this loads users based on user_id
# which is stored in the browser cookie, I think
def load_user(user_id):
    # print "Loading user: " + user_id
    return UserSession(user_id)

Create Authorize URL

def create_authorize_url(**kwargs):
    base_url = kwargs['base_url']
    redirect_url = "{}/oauth2/v1/authorize?{}".format(
    return redirect_url

Flask App

FIXME The public key above (public_key) should be fetched via the issuer

FIXME Change public_key to public_keys and store using okta org FQDN as the “key”


In order to simulate connecting to a JWKs endpoint, we need a certificate to use for use in our unit tests. Below is how to generate a private key and certificate using OpenSSL. Note that we use /dev/stdout to capture the output from the command into org-babel.

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/" -keyout /dev/stdout -out /dev/stdout

Here is how we extract private key part of the OpenSSL command:

echo "$pk_and_cert" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | head -15

Here is how we extract the certificate part of the OpenSSL command:

echo "$pk_and_cert" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | tail -14

(If you don’t need to simulate a JWKs endpoint and you only want to validate and sign JWTs, below is how we generate an RSA PRIVATE KEY to sign JWTs)

openssl genrsa 1024

No matter which OpenSSL command you use, this is how to extract the RSA PUBLIC KEY, which is used to validate JWTs signed with the private key.

Essentially, you cat or echo the private key into openssl. However we use the sed command below to remove the leading whitespace that org-babel adds in front of the private key.

echo "$pk_and_cert" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | head -15 | openssl rsa -pubout

The code for getting the iat (“Issued AT”) time comes from the StackOverflow post: ”What is the easiest way to get current GMT time in Unix timestamp format?

def create_jwt(self, claims={}, kid='TESTKID'):
    d = datetime.utcnow()
    iat = int(calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()))
    exp = iat + 3600
    defaults = {
        "sub": "00u0abcdefGHIJKLMNOP",
        "ver": 1,
        "iss": "",
        "login": "[email protected]",
        "aud": self.okta['client_id'],
        "iat": iat,
        "exp": exp,
        "amr": [
        "idp": "00o0abcde1FGHIJKLMNO",
        "jti": "abcD0eFgHIJKLmnOPQ1r",
        "auth_time": iat
    for key in claims.keys():
        defaults[key] = claims[key]
    headers = {}
    if kid:
        headers['kid'] = kid
    return py_jwt.encode(
def long2intarr(long_int):
    _bytes = []
    while long_int:
        long_int, r = divmod(long_int, 256)
        _bytes.insert(0, r)
    return _bytes

def long_to_base64(n):
    bys = long2intarr(n)
    data = struct.pack('%sB' % len(bys), *bys)
    if not len(data):
        data = '\x00'
    s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).rstrip(b'=')
    return s.decode("ascii")

public_key_obj = serialization.load_pem_public_key(

public_key_numbers = public_key_obj.public_numbers()
exponent = long_to_base64(public_key_numbers.e)
modulus = long_to_base64(public_key_numbers.n)


These are the Python packages that this project is built on:

Flask>=0.10.1A web framework built with a small core and easy-to-extend philosophy.
Flask-Login>=0.3.2Provides user session management for Flask.
PyJWT>=1.4.0JSON Web Token implementation in Python
cryptographyExposes cryptographic recipes and primitives.
requests==2.8.1HTTP Requests for Humans
responses==0.5.0A utility for mocking out the Requests library.
nose==1.3.7Extends unittest to make testing easier.
mock==1.3.0mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used.
gunicorn>=19.3.0WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX.
python-jose==1.3.2A JOSE implementation in Python

How to turn the table above into a requirements.txt file

To turn the table above into a requirements.txt file, we need to do the following:

  1. Convert the table into an array of dictionaries.
  2. Iterate through the array of dictionaries and construct output in the requirements.txt format, the output must be annotated so that it is written to requirements.txt when M-x org-bable-tangle is run on this file.

Converting the table to an array of dictionaries

The code below is taken verbatim from a StackOverflow answer by John La Rooy. This code takes the table above as an array of arrays and returns an array of dictionaries, where the key is the column name and the value is the column content. This array of dictionaries is used below to generate the requirements.txt file.

headers = table[0]
values = table[1:]

from functools import partial
from itertools import izip, imap
data = map(dict, imap(partial(izip, headers), values))

return data

Creating the requirements.txt file

This code takes the requirements table above and turns it into a requirements.txt file that will get exported when M-x org-bable-tangle is run.

   data = <<table-to-dict(requirements-table)>>
   output = ''
   for package in data:
	 output += "{name}{equality}{version}\n".format(**package)
   return output



  • [ ] Explain okta snip too
  • [ ] explain versioning
  • [ ] explain the template tags you can use
  • [ ] Explain the “content” template tag

The version number for the Okta Sign In Widget is defined below, it is used to select the appropriate files to load for the widget. For example, if the version of the Okta Sign In Widget is “1.1.0”, then the filenames used to load the widget will look like this:

  • okta-sign-in-1.1.0.min.css
  • okta-sign-in-1.1.0.min.js
  • okta-theme-1.1.0.css
<link href="<<sign-in-widget-version>>/css/okta-sign-in-<<sign-in-widget-version>>.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="<<sign-in-widget-version>>/js/okta-sign-in-<<sign-in-widget-version>>.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="<<sign-in-widget-version>>/css/okta-theme-<<sign-in-widget-version>>.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">


  { el: '#okta-sign-in-widget' },
 function (res) {
    var id_token = res.id_token || res.idToken;
    if (res.status === 'SUCCESS') {
      $.post("/sso/oidc", {"id_token": id_token}, function(data) {
 function (err) { console.log('Unexpected error authenticating user: %o', err); }
<div id="okta-login" style="display: block;">
  <div class="auth-container main-container no-beacon" id="okta-sign-in">
    <div class="auth-content">
      <div class="auth-content-inner">
        <div class="primary-auth">
          <form action="/login" class="primary-auth-form o-form o-form-edit-mode" method="post">
            <div class="o-form-content o-form-theme clearfix">
              <h2 class="okta-form-title o-form-head">Sign In</h2>
              <div class="o-form-error-container"></div>
              <div class="o-form-fieldset-container">
                <div class="o-form-fieldset o-form-label-top">
                  <div class="o-form-input">
                   <span class="okta-form-input-field input-fix o-form-control">
                    <span class="icon input-icon person-16-gray"></span>
                    <input autocomplete="off" id="inputUsername" name="username" placeholder="Username" type="text" value="">
                <div class="o-form-fieldset o-form-label-top">
                  <div class="o-form-input">
                    <span class="okta-form-input-field input-fix o-form-control">
                      <span class="icon input-icon remote-lock-16"></span>
                      <input autocomplete="off" id="inputPassword" name="password" placeholder="Password" type="password" value=""></span>
            {% with messages = get_flashed_messages() %}
            {% if messages %}
            {% for error in messages %}
            <div class="alert alert-danger">
              <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span>
              <span class="sr-only">Error:</span> {{ error }}
            {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endwith %}
            <div class="o-form-button-bar">
              <input class="button button-primary" data-type="save" type="submit" value="Sign In">
          <div class="auth-footer">
            <a href="{{login_with_okta_branding}}">Login using Okta branded page</a>
   $("#login-toggle").click(function () {
	 var text = $("#login-toggle").text();
	     text == "without" ? "with" : "without"



   Copyright © 2015-2016, Okta, Inc.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


This file should use gunicorn, but that was causing unexpected 500 errors on Heroku. So I’m using python instead.

web: gunicorn app:app --log-file=-
web: python


nosetests tests/

Want to learn more about Open ID Connect and OAuth?

Here is what we suggest that you read to learn more:


[fn:1] Description from: