The word token derives from the Old English "tacen" meaning a sign or symbol. Commonly used to mean privately-issued coin-like items that have insignificant value, as used in transportation tokens, laundry tokens, arcade tokens.
Nowadays, tokens based on blockchains are redefining the word to mean blockchain-based abstractions that can be owned and that represent assets, currency, or access rights.
The association between the word "token" and insignificant value has a lot to do with the limited use of physical tokens. Often restricted to specific businesses, organizations or locations, physical tokens are not easily exchangeable and cannot be used for more than one function. With blockchain tokens, these restrictions are erased. Many of these tokens serve multiple purposes, globally and can be traded for each other or for other currencies in global liquid markets. With those restrictions gone, the "insignificant value" expectation is also a thing of the past.
In this section we look at various uses for tokens and how they are created. We also discuss attributes of tokens such as fungibility and intrinsicality. Finally, we examine the standards and technologies that they are based on and experiment by building our own tokens.
The most obvious use of tokens is as digital private currencies. However, this is only one possible use. Tokens can be programmed to serve many different functions, often overlapping. For example, a token can simultaneously convey a voting right, an access right and ownership of a resource. Currency is just the first "app".
- Currency
A token can serve as a form of currency, with a value determined through private trade. For example, ether or bitcoin.
- Resource
A token can represent a resource earned or produced in a sharing-economy or resource-sharing environment. For example, a storage or CPU token representing resources that can be shared over a network.
- Asset
A token can represent ownership of an intrinsic or extrinsic, tangible or intangible asset. For example, gold, real-estate, a car, oil, energy etc.
- Access
A token can represent access rights and even convey access to a digital or physical property, such as a discussion forum, an exclusive website, a hotel room, a rental car.
- Equity
A token can represent shareholder equity in a digital organization (e.g. a DAO) or legal fiction (e.g. a corporation)
- Voting
A token can represent voting rights in a digital or legal system.
- Collectible
A token can represent a digital (e.g. CryptoPunks) or physical collectible (e.g. a painting)
- Identity
A token can represent a digital (e.g. avatar) or legal identity (e.g. national ID).
- Attestation
A token can represent a certification or attestation of fact by some authority or by a decentralized reputation system.
Often, a single token has several of these functions overlapping. In some cases it is hard to discern between them, as the physical equivalents have always been inextricably linked. For example, in the physical world, a driver’s license (attestation) is also an identity document (identity) and the two cannot be separated. In the digital realm, previously commingled functions can be separated and developed independently (e.g. an anonymous attestation).
From Wikipedia:
In economics, fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are essentially interchangeable.
Tokens are fungible when we can substitute any single unit of the token for another without any difference in its value or function. For example, ether is a fungible token, as any unit of ether has the same value and use as any other unit of ether.
Strictly speaking, if a token’s historical provenance can be tracked, then it is not entirely fungible. The ability to track provenance can lead to blacklisting and whitelisting, reducing or eliminating fungibility. We will examine this further in [privacy].
Non-fungible tokens are tokens that each represent a unique tangible or intangible item and therefore are not interchangeable. For example, a token that represents ownership of a specific Van Gogh painting is not equivalent to another token that represents a Picasso. Similarly, a token representing a specific digital collectible such as a specific CryptoKitty (see [cryptoKitties]) is not interchangeable with any other CryptoKitty.
We will see examples of both fungible and non-fungible tokens later in this section.
Counterparty risk is the risk that the other party in a transaction will fail to meet their obligations. Some types of transactions create additional counterparty risks because of the addition of more than two parties in the transaction. For example, if you hold a certificate of deposit for a precious metal and you sell that to someone, there are at least 3 parties in that transaction: the seller, the buyer and the custodian of the precious metal. Someone holds the physical asset and by necessity they become a party to, and add counterparty risk, to any transaction involving that asset. When any asset is traded indirectly through the exchange of a token of ownership, there is additional counterparty risk from the custodian of the asset. Do they have the asset? Will they recognize (or allow) the transfer of ownership based on the transfer of a token (such as a certificate, deed, title or digital token). In the world of digital tokens, it is important to understand who holds the asset that is represented by the token and what rules apply to that underlying asset.
The word "intrinsic" derives from the Latin "intra", meaning "from within".
Some tokens represent digital items that are intrinsic to the blockchain. Those digital assets are governed by consensus rules, just like the tokens themselves. This has an important implication: tokens that represent intrinsic assets do not carry additional counterparty risk. If you hold the keys to 1 ether, there is no other party holding that ether for you. The blockchain consensus rules apply and your ownership (control) of the private keys is equivalent to ownership of the asset, without any intermediary.
Conversely, many tokens are used to represent extrinsic things, like real-estate, corporate voting shares, trademarks, gold bars. The ownership of these items, which are not "within" the blockchain are governed by law, custom and policy that are separate from the consensus rules that govern the token. As a result, these extrinsic assets carry additional counterparty risk because they are held by custodians, recorded in external registries, or controlled by laws and policies outside the blockchain environment.
One of the most important ramifications of blockchain-based tokens is the ability to replace extrinsic assets into intrinsic assets and thereby remove counterparty risk. A good example is moving from equity in a corporation (extrinsic) to a equity or voting token in a decentralized autonomous organization or similar (intrinsic) organization.
Blockchain tokens have existed before Ethereum. In some ways, the first blockchain currency, bitcoin, is a token itself. Many token platform were also developed on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies before Ethereum. However, the introduction of the first token standard on Ethereum led to an explosion of tokens.
Vitalik Buterin suggested tokens as one of the most obvious and useful applications of a generalized programmable blockchain such as Ethereum. In fact, in the first year of Ethereum it was common to see Vitalik and others wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the Ethereum logo and a smart contract sample on the back. There were several variations of this t-shirt, but the most common showed an implementation of a token.
The first standard was introduced in November 2015 by Fabian Vogelsteller, as an Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC). It was automatically assigned GitHub issue number 20, giving rise to the name "ERC20 token". The vast majority of tokens are currently based on ERC20. The ERC20 request for comments, eventually became Ethereum Improvement Proposal EIP20, but is mostly still referred to by the original name ERC20. You can read the standard here:
ERC20 is a standard for fungible tokens meaning that different units of an ERC20 token are interchangeable and have no unique properties.
The ERC20 standard defines a common interface for contracts implementing a token, such that any compatible token can be accessed and used in the same way. The interface consists of a number of functions that must be present in every implementation of the standard, as well as some optional functions and attributes that may be added by developers.
- totalSupply
Returns the total units of this token that currently exist. ERC20 tokens can have fixed or variable supply.
- balanceOf
Given an address, returns the token balance of that address.
- transfer
Given an address and amount, transfers that amount of tokens to that address, from the balance of the address that executed the transfer.
- transferFrom
Given a sender, recipient and amount, transfers tokens from one account to another. Used in combination with approve below.
- approve
Given a recipient address and amount, authorizes that address to execute several transfers up to that amount, from the account that issued the approval.
- allowance
Given an owner address and a spender address, returns the remaining amount that the spender is approved to withdraw from the owner.
- Transfer event
Event triggered upon successful transfer (call to transfer or transferFrom) (even for zero value transfers).
- Approval event
Event logged upon successful call to approve.
- name
Returns a human readable name (eg. "US Dollars") of the token.
- symbol
Returns a human readable symbol (eg. "USD") for the token.
- decimals
Returns the number of decimals used to divide token amounts. For example, if decimals is 2, then the token amount is divided by 100 to get its user representation.
Here’s what an ERC20 interface specification looks like in Solidity:
contract ERC20 { function totalSupply() constant returns (uint theTotalSupply); function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance); function transfer(address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint _value) returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint remaining); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint _value); }
The ERC20 token standard has two transfer functions. You might be wondering why?
ERC20 allows two different workflows. The first is a single-transaction, straightforward workflow using the transfer function. This workflow is the one used by wallets to send tokens to other wallets. The vast majority of token transactions happen with the transfer workflow.
Executing the transfer contract is very simple. If Alice wants to send an 10 tokens to Bob, her wallet sends a transaction to the token contract’s address, calling the transfer function with Bob’s address and "10" as the arguments. The token contract adjusts Alice’s balance (-10) and Bob’s balance (10) and issues a +Transfer event.
The second workflow is a two-transaction workflow that uses approve, followed by transferFrom. This workflow allows a token owner to delegate their control to another address. It is most often used to delegate control to a contract for distribution of tokens, but it can also be used by exchanges. For example, if a company is selling tokens for an ICO, they can approve a crowdsale contract address to distribute a certain amount of tokens. The crowdsale contract can then transferFrom the token contract owner balance to each buyer of the token.
For the approve & transferFrom workflow, two transactions are needed. Let’s say that Alice wants to allow the AliceICO contract to sell 50% of all the AliceCoin tokens to buyers like Bob and Charlie. First, Alice launches the AliceCoin ERC20 contract, issuing all the AliceCoin to her own address. Then, Alice launches the AliceICO contract that can sell tokens for ether. Next, Alice initiates the approve & transferFrom workflow. She sends a transaction to AliceCoin, calling approve, with the address of AliceICO and 50% of the totalSupply. This will trigger the Approval event. Now, the AliceICO contract can sell AliceCoin. When AliceICO receives ether from Bob, it needs to send some AliceCoin to Bob in return. To do that, AliceICO calls the AliceCoin transferFrom function, with Alice’s address as the sender, Bob’s address as the recipient and the amount of tokens to give Bob. The AliceCoin contract transfers the balance from Alice’s address to Bobk’s address and triggers a Transfer event. The AliceICO contract can call transferFrom an unlimited number of times, as long as it doesn’t exceed the approval limit Alice set. The AliceICO contract can keep track of how many AliceCoin tokens it can sell by calling the allowance function.
While it is possible to implement an ERC20-compatible token in about thirty lines of Solidity code, most implementations are more complex, to account for potential security vulnerabilities. There are two implementations mentioned in the EIP20 standard:
- Consensys EIP20
A simple and easy to read implementation of an ERC20-compatible token.
You can read the Solidity code for Consensys' implementation here:
- OpenZeppelin StandardToken
This implementation is ERC20-compatible, with additional security precautions. It forms the basis of OpenZeppelin libraries implementing more complex ERC20-compatible tokens with fundraising caps, auctions, vesting schedules and other features.
You can see the Solidity code for OpenZeppelin StandardToken here:
Let’s create and launch our own token. For this example, we will use the truffle framework (see [truffle]). The example assumes you have already installed truffle, configured it, and are familiar with its basic operation.
We will call our token "Mastering Ethereum Token", with symbol "MET".
You can find this example in the book’s GitHub repository:
First, let’s create and initialize a truffle project directory, the same way we did in [truffle_project_directory]. Run these four commands and accept the default answers to any questions:
$ mkdir METoken $ cd METoken METoken $ truffle init METoken $ npm init
You should now have the following directory structure:
METoken/ ├── contracts │ └── Migrations.sol ├── migrations │ └── 1_initial_migration.js ├── package.json ├── test ├── truffle-config.js └── truffle.js
Edit the truffle.js configuration file to setup your truffle environment, or copy the one we used from:
If you use the example truffle.js, remember to create a file .env in the METoken folder containing your test private keys for testing and deployment on public Ethereum test networks, such as ganache or Kovan. You can export your test network private key from MetaMask.
Only use test keys or test mnemonics that are not used to hold funds on the main Ethereum network. Never use keys that hold real money for testing. |
For our example, we will import the OpenZeppelin StandardContract, which implements some important security checks and is easy to extend. Let’s import that library:
$ npm install zeppelin-solidity + [email protected] added 8 packages in 2.504s
The zeppelin-solidity package will add about 250 files under the node_modules directory. The OpenZeppelin library includes a lot more than the ERC20 token, but we will only use a small part of it.
Next, let’s write our token contract. Create a new file METoken.sol and copy the example code from GitHub:
Our contract is very simple, as it inherits all the functionality from the OpenZeppelin StandardToken library:
Here, we are defining the optional variables name, symbol, and decimals. We also define an _initial_supply variable, set to 21 million tokens, and two decimals of subdivision (2.1 billion total). In the contract’s initialization (constructor) function we set the totalSupply to be equal to _initial_supply and allocate all of the _initial_supply to the balance of the account (msg.sender) that creates the METoken contract.
We now use truffle to compile the METoken code:
$ truffle compile Compiling ./contracts/METoken.sol... Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol... Compiling zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol... Compiling zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/BasicToken.sol... Compiling zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol... Compiling zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Basic.sol... Compiling zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/StandardToken.sol...
As you can see, truffle incorporated necessary dependencies from the OpenZeppelin libraries and compiled those contracts too.
Let’s set up a migration script, to deploy the METoken contract. Create a new file 2_deploy_contracts.js in the METoken/migrations folder. Copy the contents from the example on Github repository:
Here’s what it contains:
Before we deploy on one of the Ethereum test networks, let’s start a local blockchain to test everything. Start the ganache blockchain, either from the command-line with ganache-cli or from the graphical user interface, as we did in [using_ganache].
Once ganache is started, we can deploy our METoken contract and see if everything works as expected:
$ truffle migrate --network ganache Using network 'ganache'. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Deploying Migrations... ... 0xb2e90a056dc6ad8e654683921fc613c796a03b89df6760ec1db1084ea4a084eb Migrations: 0x8cdaf0cd259887258bc13a92c0a6da92698644c0 Saving successful migration to network... ... 0xd7bc86d31bee32fa3988f1c1eabce403a1b5d570340a3a9cdba53a472ee8c956 Saving artifacts... Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js Deploying METoken... ... 0xbe9290d59678b412e60ed6aefedb17364f4ad2977cfb2076b9b8ad415c5dc9f0 METoken: 0x345ca3e014aaf5dca488057592ee47305d9b3e10 Saving successful migration to network... ... 0xf36163615f41ef7ed8f4a8f192149a0bf633fe1a2398ce001bf44c43dc7bdda0 Saving artifacts...
On the ganache console, we should see that our deployment has created 4 new transactions:
We can interact with our contract on the ganache blockchain, using the truffle console. This is an interactive Javascript environment that provides access to the truffle environment and, via Web3, to the blockchain. In this case, we will connect the truffle console to the ganache blockchain:
$ truffle console --network ganache truffle(ganache)>
The truffle(ganache)> prompt shows that we are connected to the ganache blockchain and are ready to type our commands. The truffle console supports all the truffle commands, so we could compile and migrate from the console. We’ve already ran those commands, so let’s go directly to the contract itself. The METoken contract exists as a Javascript object within the truffle environment. Type METoken at the prompt and it will dump the entire contract definition:
truffle(ganache)> METoken { [Function: TruffleContract] _static_methods: [...] currentProvider: HttpProvider { host: 'http://localhost:7545', timeout: 0, user: undefined, password: undefined, headers: undefined, send: [Function], sendAsync: [Function], _alreadyWrapped: true }, network_id: '5777' }
The METoken object also exposes several attributes, such as the address of the contract (as deployed by the migrate command):
truffle(ganache)> METoken.address '0x345ca3e014aaf5dca488057592ee47305d9b3e10'
If we want to interact with the deployed contract, we have to use an asynchronous call, in the form of a Javascript "promise". We use the deployed function to get the contract instance and then call the totalSupply function:
truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => instance.totalSupply()) BigNumber { s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 2100000000 ] }
Next, let’s use the accounts created by ganache to check our METoken balance and send some METoken to another address. First, let’s get the account addresses:
truffle(ganache)> let accounts undefined truffle(ganache)> web3.eth.getAccounts((err,res) => { accounts = res }) undefined truffle(ganache)> accounts[0] '0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57'
The accounts list now contains all the accounts created by ganache, and account[0] is the account that deployed the METoken contract. It should have a balance of METoken, because our METoken constructor gives the enitre token supply to the address that created it. Let’s check:
truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(accounts[0]).then(console.log) }) undefined BigNumber { s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 2100000000 ] }
Finally, let’s transfer 1000.00 METoken from account[0] to account[1], by calling the contract’s transfer function:
truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.transfer(accounts[1], 100000) }) undefined truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(accounts[0]).then(console.log) }) undefined truffle(ganache)> BigNumber { s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 2099900000 ] } undefined truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(accounts[1]).then(console.log) }) undefined truffle(ganache)> BigNumber { s: 1, e: 5, c: [ 100000 ] }
METoken has 2 decimals of precision, meaning that 1 METoken is 100 units in the contract. When we transfer 1000 METoken, we specify the value as 100,000 in the transfer function. |
As you can see, in the console, account[0] now has 20,999,000 MET, and account[1] has 1000 MET.
If you switch to the ganache graphical user interface, you will see the transaction that called the transfer function:
So far we’ve setup an ERC20 token and transferred from one account to another. All the accounts we used for these demonstrations are externally-owned accounts (EOAs), meaning they are controlled by a private key, not a contract. What happens if we send MET to a contract address? Let’s find out!
First, let’s deploy another contract into our test environment. For this example we will use our first contract Faucet.sol. Let’s add it to the METoken project by copying it to the contracts directory. Our directory should look like this:
METoken/ ├── contracts │ ├── Faucet.sol │ ├── METoken.sol │ └── Migrations.sol
We’ll also add a migration, to deploy Faucet separately from METoken:
var Faucet = artifacts.require("Faucet"); module.exports = function(deployer) { // Deploy the Faucet contract as our only task deployer.deploy(Faucet); };
Let’s compile and migrate the contracts, from the truffle console:
$ truffle console --network ganache truffle(ganache)> compile Compiling ./contracts/Faucet.sol... Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts truffle(ganache)> migrate Using network 'ganache'. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Deploying Migrations... ... 0x89f6a7bd2a596829c60a483ec99665c7af71e68c77a417fab503c394fcd7a0c9 Migrations: 0xa1ccce36fb823810e729dce293b75f40fb6ea9c9 Saving artifacts... Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js Replacing METoken... ... 0x28d0da26f48765f67e133e99dd275fac6a25fdfec6594060fd1a0e09a99b44ba METoken: 0x7d6bf9d5914d37bcba9d46df7107e71c59f3791f Saving artifacts... Running migration: 3_deploy_faucet.js Deploying Faucet... ... 0x6fbf283bcc97d7c52d92fd91f6ac02d565f5fded483a6a0f824f66edc6fa90c3 Faucet: 0xb18a42e9468f7f1342fa3c329ec339f254bc7524 Saving artifacts...
Great. Now let’s send some MET to the Faucet contract:
truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.transfer(Faucet.address, 100000) }) truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(Faucet.address).then(console.log)}) truffle(ganache)> BigNumber { s: 1, e: 5, c: [ 100000 ] }
Alright, we have transferred 1000 MET to the Faucet contract. Now, how do we withdraw from the Faucet?
Remember, Faucet.sol is a pretty simple contract. It only has one function, withdraw, which is for withdrawing ether. It doesn’t have a function for withdrawing MET, or any other ERC20 token. If we use withdraw it will try to send ether, but since the faucet doesn’t have a balance of ether yet, it will fail. The METoken contract knows that Faucet has a balance, but the only way that it can transfer that balance is if it receives a transfer call from the address of the contract. Somehow we need to make the Faucet contract call the transfer function in METoken.
If you’re wondering what to do next, don’t. There is no solution to this problem. The MET sent to Faucet is stuck, forever. Only the Faucet contract can transfer it, and the Faucet contract doesn’t have code to call the transfer function of an ERC20 token contract.
Perhaps you anticipated this problem. Most likely, you didn’t. In fact, neither did hundreds of Ethereum users who accidentally transferred various tokens to contracts that didn’t have any ERC20 capability. According to some estimates, tokens worth more than $2.5 million USD have been "stuck" like this and are lost forever.
One of the ways that users of ERC20 tokens can inadvertently lose their tokens in a transfer, is when they attempt to transfer to an exchange or other service. They copy an Ethereum address from the website of an exchange, thinking they can simply send tokens to it. However, many exchanges publish receiving addresses that are actually contracts! These contracts serve a number of different functions, most often sweeping all funds sent to them to a "cold storage" or other centralized wallet. Despite the many warnings saying "do not send tokens to this address", lots of tokens are lost this way.
Our Faucet contract couldn’t handle ERC20 tokens. Sending tokens to it, using the transfer function results in the loss of those tokens. Let’s rewrite the contract and make it handle ERC20 tokens. Specifically we will turn it into a faucet that gives out MET to anyone who asks.
For this example, we make a copy of the truffle project directory, call it METoken_METFaucet, initialize truffle, npm, install OpenZeppelin dependencies and copy the METoken.sol contract. See our first example Launching our own ERC20 token for the detailed instructions.
Now, let’s create a new faucet contract, call it METFaucet.sol. It will look like this:
We’ve made quite a few changes to the basic faucet example. Since METFaucet will use the transferFrom function in METoken, it will need two additional variables. One will hold the address of the deployed METoken contract. The other will hold the address of the owner of MET who will provide approval the faucet withdrawals. The METFaucet will call METoken.transferFrom and instruct it to move MET from the owner to the address where the faucet withdrawal request came from.
We declare these two variables here:
StandardToken public METoken; address public METOwner;
Since our faucet needs to be initialized with the correct addesses for METoken and METOwner we need to declare a custom constructor:
// METFaucet constructor, provide the address of METoken contract and // the owner address we will be approved to transferFrom function METFaucet(address _METoken, address _METOwner) public { // Initialize the METoken from the address provided METoken = StandardToken(_METoken); METOwner = _METOwner; }
The next change is to the withdraw function. Instead of calling transfer, METFaucet uses the transferFrom function in METoken and asks METoken to transfer MET to the faucet recipient:
// Use the transferFrom function of METoken METoken.transferFrom(METOwner, msg.sender, withdraw_amount);
Finally, since our faucet no longer sends ether, we should probably prevent anyone from sending ether to METFaucet, as we wouldn’t want it to get stuck. We change the fallback payable function to reject incoming ether, using the revert function to revert any incoming payments:
// REJECT any incoming ether function () public payable { revert(); }
Now that our METFaucet.sol code is ready, we need to modify the migration script to deploy it. This migration script will be a bit more complex, as METFaucet depends on the address of METoken. We will use a Javascript promise to deploy the two contracts in sequence. Create 2_deply_contracts.js as follows:
var METoken = artifacts.require("METoken"); var METFaucet = artifacts.require("METFaucet"); var owner = web3.eth.accounts[0]; module.exports = function(deployer) { // Deploy the METoken contract first deployer.deploy(METoken, {from: owner}).then(function() { // then deploy METFaucet and pass the addres of METoken // and the address of the owner of all the MET who will approve METFaucet return deployer.deploy(METFaucet, METoken.address, owner); }); }
Now, we can test everything in the truffle console. First, we use migrate to deploy the contracts. When METoken is deployed it will allocate all the MET to the account that created it, web3.eth.accounts[0]. Then, we call the approve function in METoken to approve METFaucet to send up to 1000 MET on behalf of web3.eth.accounts[0]. Finally, to test our faucet, we call METFaucet.withdraw from web3.eth.accounts[1] and try to withdraw 10 MET. Here are the console commands:
$ truffle console --network ganache truffle(ganache)> migrate Using network 'ganache'. Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Deploying Migrations... ... 0x79352b43e18cc46b023a779e9a0d16b30f127bfa40266c02f9871d63c26542c7 Migrations: 0xaa588d3737b611bafd7bd713445b314bd453a5c8 Saving artifacts... Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js Replacing METoken... ... 0xc42a57f22cddf95f6f8c19d794c8af3b2491f568b38b96fef15b13b6e8bfff21 METoken: 0xf204a4ef082f5c04bb89f7d5e6568b796096735a Replacing METFaucet... ... 0xd9615cae2fa4f1e8a377de87f86162832cf4d31098779e6e00df1ae7f1b7f864 METFaucet: 0x75c35c980c0d37ef46df04d31a140b65503c0eed Saving artifacts... truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.approve(METFaucet.address, 100000) }) truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(web3.eth.accounts[1]).then(console.log) }) truffle(ganache)> BigNumber { s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 0 ] } truffle(ganache)> METFaucet.deployed().then(instance => { instance.withdraw(1000, {from:web3.eth.accounts[1]}) } ) truffle(ganache)> METoken.deployed().then(instance => { instance.balanceOf(web3.eth.accounts[1]).then(console.log) }) truffle(ganache)> BigNumber { s: 1, e: 3, c: [ 1000 ] }
ERC721 is a standard for non-fungible tokens. For example, CryptoKitty is a ERC721 token. Each unit of the token represents a virtual cat with a unique set of characteristics.