- Resumable Uploads
- Signatures
- Cookies
- QUERY Method
- Client Cert Header Field
- Alternative Services
Marius discusses the status of the draft.
Issue 2239 - server-generated token/URI or client token
Martin: (in chat) 1xx means server-generated token is delivered in parallel
Mnot: if we have multiple uses for different styles, can we do both?
Marius: yes, maybe
Martin: doing both is a failure outcome - when we fail to consider all of the use cases. a lot of the reason for doing client-generated tokens seem to depend on everything completing in one round trip, but that is at odds with the goals of resumable uploads, which take longer
Marius: there are cases where things take less time, such as lots of small resources
Issue 2240 and Issue 2243 - feature detection and transparent upgrade to resumable
There is interest in integrating this feature into HTTP stacks on platforms (like browsers and servers), make it available via upgrade; is there enough interest to do this?
Guoye (chat): some interest in integrating this in the client library so that its use is transparent to applications
Issue 2247 - Browser compatibility
Can we make these work in such a way that they're compatible with existing browsers?
Martin: Lots of work to get this to work with Fetch, either teaching fetch about 1xx generically or to teach it about this new 1xx so that uploads are good.
Lucas: there is a difference between exposing the machinery so that JS apps can fill in the gaps and doing this inside fetch. the latter might be easier; 100-continue is handled today magically, so that people don't need to deal with it. I don't really appreciate the complexities.
Mnot: agree with Lucas. it is possible to oversell how hard it is, but generally the hardest part is getting browsers to commit to it; I would shy away from designing a generic 1XX API, which might be hard (think security/privacy implications).
Guoye: we have two use cases - browser/generic client where we want most uploads upgraded; the other is where people want to do the work for itself. we should make feature detection optional; for the browser, we depend on the new 1xx, others can use this themselves, possibly without the 1xx (just by understanding that the resource supports resumption). If we switch to a server-generated token, we need to consider both cases.
Austin: in chat raises a point about Idempotency-Key (HTTP API WG proposal)
Mnot: sense is that these are adjacent, but not overlapping
Julian: in chat asks about 103 status in implementations
Mnot: yep, still working through that
Justin: it's perfect, clearly; time to go to WGLC
Mnot: need to think about what we need to do to get the appropriate level of review
Justin: SECDIR?
Mnot: we already got one, we might ask for another
Justin: might be a good idea to get another ahead of IESG review
Justin: don't think that this needs the same level of analysis as TLS 1.3
Mnot: we need clarity about the right level of review
Chris Wood: I was surprised to see this in WGLC without some security analysis, particularly considering the complexity of the spec; I don't think that being at this layer absolves it of responsibility for getting analysis; perhaps SECDIR or some security folks need to work out what the right bar is; I'm sure we will be able to find someone to do the analysis, but without that analysis I'm concerned
Justin: might need to get ADs in the room
Lucas in chat: maybe SECDir can advise on the level of analysis that is appropriate
Mnot: ?
Lucas: question about digest examples in the draft; happy to help
Justin: discussion about covering message content, using digest, with a non-normative example of that
Quick status update
dveditz: was the redirect problem in all cases or just for same-site lax by default cases?
steven: Chrome applies a POST exception; so we have a two-minute window in which we (Chrome?) let cookies through; the result of some experiments was that we need more information; will take a number of months to work this out
dveditz: mozilla is considering not implementing samesite lax by default due to being able to rely on partitioning
Some remaining open issues (6). Julian is looking for help with these.
A few small things to do before completion. 9110 terminology changes needed; easy. how to signal if a cert isn't acceptable
mnot: generally agree that the proxy is responsible for managing signaling the error (?)
martin: the problem is that the proxy can't synthesize TLS-layer errors from HTTP-layer signals, at least not generically; made a suggestion on the PR
problem with cert-chain description; need to allow for either copying from TLS or constructing a certification path on its own
mnot: this is an informational spec
(longer discussion about how to construct text for this problem; suggestions in GitHub; seem to be settling on something like httpwg/http-extensions#2258 (comment))
Lucas: cloudflare does have a header that we give to people for client certificate validation; a spec would improve some of that
Mike: not a lot of movement because we're spinning up a design team to talk about what the successor draft looks like; some of these will be addressed or put out of scope
Meeting soon
One open editorial issue in -01. WGLC?
Lucas: there is a danger of face-planting here, if ORIGIN and all the stuff that comes with it work, then fine; but there are lots of other stuff around this that could take a big redesign
Mike: I have some changes I'd like to make, but that would break compatibility
Adding the Date type - in this draft, standalone, or a revision of SF?
Martin: revise SF
Mnot: doesn't like being the guinea pig
Justin: likes the ABNF from a implementation perspective; the paint is barely dry on 8941, but apart from that strange feeling, I don't see a reason not to; we'd eventually do a bis to collect the additions
Mnot: probably go with a SF revision; need to keep scope in check