This endpoint lists all known jobs in the system registered with Nomad.
import nomad
my_nomad = nomad.Nomad(host='')
jobs =
for job in jobs:
print (job)
This endpoint creates (aka "registers") a new job in the system.
import nomad
job = {'Job': {'AllAtOnce': None,
'Constraints': None,
'CreateIndex': None,
'Datacenters': ['dc1'],
'ID': 'example',
'JobModifyIndex': None,
'Meta': None,
'ModifyIndex': None,
'Name': 'example',
'Namespace': None,
'ParameterizedJob': None,
'ParentID': None,
'Payload': None,
'Periodic': None,
'Priority': None,
'Region': None,
'Stable': None,
'Status': None,
'StatusDescription': None,
'Stop': None,
'SubmitTime': None,
'TaskGroups': [{'Constraints': None,
'Count': 1,
'EphemeralDisk': {'Migrate': None, 'SizeMB': 300, 'Sticky': None},
'Meta': None,
'Name': 'cache',
'RestartPolicy': {'Attempts': 10,
'Delay': 25000000000,
'Interval': 300000000000,
'Mode': 'delay'},
'Tasks': [{'Artifacts': None,
'Config': {'image': 'redis:3.2', 'port_map': [{'db': 6379}]},
'Constraints': None,
'DispatchPayload': None,
'Driver': 'docker',
'Env': None,
'KillTimeout': None,
'Leader': False,
'LogConfig': None,
'Meta': None,
'Name': 'redis',
'Resources': {'CPU': 500,
'DiskMB': None,
'IOPS': None,
'MemoryMB': 256,
'Networks': [{'CIDR': '',
'Device': '',
'DynamicPorts': [{'Label': 'db', 'Value': 0}],
'IP': '',
'MBits': 10,
'ReservedPorts': None}]},
'Services': [{'AddressMode': '',
'CheckRestart': None,
'Checks': [{'Args': None,
'CheckRestart': None,
'Command': '',
'Header': None,
'Id': '',
'InitialStatus': '',
'Interval': 10000000000,
'Method': '',
'Name': 'alive',
'Path': '',
'PortLabel': '',
'Protocol': '',
'TLSSkipVerify': False,
'Timeout': 2000000000,
'Type': 'tcp'}],
'Id': '',
'Name': 'global-redis-check',
'PortLabel': 'db',
'Tags': ['global', 'cache']}],
'ShutdownDelay': 0,
'Templates': None,
'User': '',
'Vault': None}],
'Update': None}],
'Type': 'service',
'Update': {'AutoRevert': False,
'Canary': 0,
'HealthCheck': None,
'HealthyDeadline': 180000000000,
'MaxParallel': 1,
'MinHealthyTime': 10000000000,
'Stagger': None},
'VaultToken': None,
'Version': None}}
my_nomad = nomad.Nomad(host='')
response =
To convert to python dict and verify for correctness a hcl/nomad file. The example will use "example.nomad" when running
nomad job init
and it will assume this file is in the current working directory. In practice this file should already
be read and used as the parameter hcl.
import nomad
nomad_client = nomad.Nomad()
with open("example.nomad", "r") as fh:
job_raw_nomad =
job_dict =
except nomad.api.exceptions.BadRequestNomadException as err:
On success of example.nomad being successfully parsed job_dict will have:
{'AllAtOnce': None,
'Constraints': None,
'CreateIndex': None,
'Datacenters': ['dc1'],
'Dispatched': False,
'ID': 'example',
'JobModifyIndex': None,
'Meta': None,
'Migrate': {'HealthCheck': 'checks',
'HealthyDeadline': 300000000000,
'MaxParallel': 1,
'MinHealthyTime': 10000000000},
'ModifyIndex': None,
'Name': 'example',
'Namespace': None,
'ParameterizedJob': None,
'ParentID': None,
'Payload': None,
'Periodic': None,
'Priority': None,
'Region': None,
'Reschedule': None,
'Stable': None,
'Status': None,
'StatusDescription': None,
'Stop': None,
'SubmitTime': None,
'TaskGroups': [{'Constraints': None,
'Count': 1,
'EphemeralDisk': {'Migrate': None,
'SizeMB': 300,
'Sticky': None},
'Meta': None,
'Migrate': None,
'Name': 'cache',
'ReschedulePolicy': None,
'RestartPolicy': {'Attempts': 2,
'Delay': 15000000000,
'Interval': 1800000000000,
'Mode': 'fail'},
'Tasks': [{'Artifacts': None,
'Config': {'image': 'redis:3.2',
'port_map': [{'db': 6379}]},
'Constraints': None,
'DispatchPayload': None,
'Driver': 'docker',
'Env': None,
'KillSignal': '',
'KillTimeout': None,
'Leader': False,
'LogConfig': None,
'Meta': None,
'Name': 'redis',
'Resources': {'CPU': 500,
'DiskMB': None,
'IOPS': None,
'MemoryMB': 256,
'Networks': [{'CIDR': '',
'Device': '',
'DynamicPorts': [{'Label': 'db',
'Value': 0}],
'IP': '',
'MBits': 10,
'ReservedPorts': None}]},
'Services': [{'AddressMode': '',
'CanaryTags': None,
'CheckRestart': None,
'Checks': [{'AddressMode': '',
'Args': None,
'CheckRestart': None,
'Command': '',
'GRPCService': '',
'GRPCUseTLS': False,
'Header': None,
'Id': '',
'InitialStatus': '',
'Interval': 10000000000,
'Method': '',
'Name': 'alive',
'Path': '',
'PortLabel': '',
'Protocol': '',
'TLSSkipVerify': False,
'Timeout': 2000000000,
'Type': 'tcp'}],
'Id': '',
'Name': 'redis-cache',
'PortLabel': 'db',
'Tags': ['global', 'cache']}],
'ShutdownDelay': 0,
'Templates': None,
'User': '',
'Vault': None}],
'Update': None}],
'Type': 'service',
'Update': {'AutoRevert': False,
'Canary': 0,
'HealthCheck': None,
'HealthyDeadline': 180000000000,
'MaxParallel': 1,
'MinHealthyTime': 10000000000,
'ProgressDeadline': None,
'Stagger': None},
'VaultToken': None,
'Version': None}
On failure it will raise BadRequestNomadException
we can inspect the requests response:
>>> err.nomad_resp.reason
'Bad Request'
"error parsing 'job': 1 error(s) occurred:\n\n* job: invalid key: datacenter"