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Coding style

antonkovalyov edited this page Jun 22, 2012 · 4 revisions

This page describes our coding style guide. You might not agree with it and that's fine but if you're going to send us patches treat this guide as a law. Eventually, we will get JSHint to the point where we can automatically enforce these rules.

Our main rule is simple:

All code in any code-base should look like a single person typed it, no matter how many people contributed. —idiomatic.js


  • We use hard tabs, no exceptions.
  • Smart tabs are okay.
  • Use one space after if, for, while, etc.
  • Use one space after function for anonymous functions but not for named functions:
var a = function () {};
function a() {}
  • Feel free to indent variable assignments or property definitions if it makes the code look better. But don't abuse that:
// Good
var next = token.peak();
var prev = token.peak(-1);
var cur  = token.current;

var scope = {
  name:   '(global)',
  parent: parentScope,
  vars:   [],
  uses:   []

// Bad
var cur         = token.current;
var isSemicolon = cur.isPunctuator(";");
  • Wrap multi-line comments with new lines on both sides.


  • Use one var per variable unless you don't assign any values to it (and it's short enough):
var token = tokens.find(index);
var scope = scopes.current;
var next, prev, cur;
  • Don't be overly descriptive with your variable names but don't abuse one-letter variables either. Find a sweet spot somewhere in between.


  • Use // for all comments.
  • Comment everything that is not obvious.
  • If you're adding a new check, write a comment describing why this check is important and what it checks for.


  • Use semicolons.
  • Don't use comma-first notation.
  • Try not to chain stuff unless it really helps (e.g. in tests).
  • Don't short-circuit expressions if you're not assigning the result:
// Good
token = token || tokens.find(0);

// Bad
token.isPunctuator(";") && report.addWarning("W001");

// Good
if (token.isPunctuator(";"))
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