A user can log in and create a budget easily. It has many categories and sub categories for you to make the budget making process a breeze. For every category it has at a glance your budget total, expenses total, and suggeted percentages and amounts based on your total income.
- Upon entering your first income, a suggested budget is created for you instantly. Those values will change with your income if you add or subtract from it or add multiple income steams.
- You can easily add budget or expense items to each category and everything is totaled up live.
- You can click on and modify your entries and just press enter to lock in your changes.
- You can enter equations to be evaluated for the amount. (ie. 300/12 would save as $25.00)
- Daily, weekly, and bi-weekly income are calculated to a monthly amount for the total income
- Every category is packed with suggestions of items to include there in a dropdown menu when you click to enter the name of a new entry.
- You can easily see how close your budget is to the income and how close your expenses are to the budget total.
- Expenses are color coded to let you know at a quick glance if you are over or under the budget.
Deployed link: https://billboards.herokuapp.com/
Repo link: https://github.com/jttilley/BillBoards
Jason Tilley, Christal Vigil, Mason McGinley, Haley Lewis, and Raufun Patoary
HTTP, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, ES6, RegEx, Node.js, express, express-handlebars, eslint, mySQL2, passport, passport-local, sequelize, bcryptjs
To install the necessary denpendencies, run the following command:
npm i
Fork and clone the repo to your computer. Install dependencies in the teminal from the root directory. Create a budget_db mySQL database. Set your own mySQL password in the development section of config/config.json. To start the server run node server.
The license for this project is: MIT © 2020 Jason Tilley, Christal Vigil, Mason McGinley, Haley Lewis, and Raufun Patoary
Hop on the live link, sign up, create a budget by filling in the requested info, and then start adding budget items to any of the categories.
If you have any questions you can email us or checkout our GitHub pages:
- Jason Tilley - [email protected] -- https://github.com/jttilley
- Christal Vigil - [email protected] -- https://github.com/vichrist
- Mason McGinley - [email protected] -- https://github.com/mmcginley32
- Haley Lewis - [email protected] -- https://github.com/haaleylew
- Raufun Patoary - [email protected] -- https://github.com/raufun05