To enable SSH access, go on DSM web interface :
- activate SSH in panel config
> terminal & SNMP
- change default port (one of most important point to secure your NAS),
connect through SSH as root (the only user allowed on SSH):
- edit /etc/passwd
(eg. vi /etc/passwd
- for the user you want, change the end of line /sbin/nologin
with /bin/ash
- save, quit and loggoff (^D
to check : - reconnect through SSH as user.
As user, do:
Make sure you have home directory.
create ssh key :
$> ssh-keygen -t dsa
Make sure home dir permission is 755
(cf: [superuser][su]) :
$> cd
$> chmod 755 ~/
$> chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$> chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Then, copy public key on remote server
$> scp -P PORT .ssh/ USER@REMOTE:.ssh/authorized_keys
this will erase previously key set |
PORT: by the port number you selected when you activated SSH (default is 23, but strongly recommend to change this),
USER: the user name on the remote server,
REMOTE : domain name (or ip) of the remote server.
$> sudo su
$> mkdir -p /volume1/@entware-ng/opt
# Remove /opt and create a symlink
$> rm -rf /opt
$> ln -sf /volume1/@entware-ng/opt /opt
# launch install script
$> wget -O - | /bin/sh
# update
$> /opt/bin/opkg update
$> /opt/bin/opkg upgrade
$> /opt/bin/opkg install nano
To add /opt
to $PATH
: add the following line in the end of /root/.profile
and /etc/profile
. /opt/etc/profile
As of DSM 6.0, /etc/rc.local is no longer executed as part of the boot process.
/etc/crontab is reset at each synology updates. I recommend to use the synology cron handler (in DSM) instead of directly edit crontab by your own.
To clone a directory
$> rsync `# do not use -a avoid perms/owner preservation` \
--rsh 'ssh -p 22' `# Specify ssh options to use` \
--rsync-path=PATH `# Specify path of rsync on remote` \
--verbose \
--progress `# monitor the progress of data or data transfer.`\
--recursive \
--compress `# Compress file data during the transfer` \
--partial `# Keep partially transferred files` \
--partial-dir=DIR `# put a partially transferred file into DIR` \
--links `# Copy symlinks as symlinks` \
--times `# preserve modification times (important for update)` \
--update `# Skip files that are newer on the receiver` \
--checksum `# replace the times+sizes heuristic with sizes+md5 one` \
--delete `# Delete extraneous files from destination dirs` \
--exclude '@eaDir' `# exclude syno junk files` \
--exclude 'Thumbs.db' `# windows syno junk metadata` \
/sourceDir/ HOSTNAME:/destDir/
Making versioned archive
--backup `# make a backup of what changed on destination` \
--backup-dir=/destDir/$( date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M" )/ `#` \
and the --dry-run
options to figure out how the command will behave before launching the real one.
--itemize-changes `# output a change-summary for all updates` \
--dry-run `# perform a trial run with no changes made` \
see more rsync.adoc